plastic plant markers

West Warren, MA

Any good ideas for plastic plant markers??
Those in the store seem expensive!!

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Cut up sections of the levers of old mini blinds and use a sharpie to write on them.

West Warren, MA

Thanks 'YankeeCat'!!
Will give it a go!! Great photo!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

might want to put some tape over the sharpie to make sure it stays... mine wore off after a while

South Hamilton, MA

Use plastic picnic knives.

Westbrook, CT(Zone 6a)

I stick my seed growing markers in the ground after transplanting, but ordinary felt pens seem to fade under the sun. I'm trying "Industrial Strength" Sharpies this year, and I also write on the back with ordinary #2 pencil, which seems to last at least a year without fading.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Paint pens work well too.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Pencil on vinyl mini blind works great, black Sharpie OK, but red fades fast!

Commercially- I got some 8 inch long white plastic ones from Pinetree Seeds for my dad. That was the only place of several that had them that big.

Hope I'm not butting in, but with the snow I'm feeling more Northeast today.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

sally your welcome anytime -

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

As it is said so often, " you are northeast of somewhere". Good to see you here.
I stop in from time to time on the mid-atlantic one, too. There are quite a few threads I watch, and pipe in now and then.
I think I'll be trying the old mini-blinds. Until now, I've never marked anything, but I'm learning, cuz this brain has too many 'moments'.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hi, thanks-!
flowerjen came to our trip to Longwood Gardens last year- fun gal!
I used to remember everything........Now I'm so glad for dried up stuff in the garden to help me figure out what's there.
I came over to see if any of you had the starlings in your yard. todays news in NJ.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Yes, have had them for about a week. I don't like them. Is there another trip to Longwood planned? I LOVE it there. Or to the Phila. Flower Show?
OOps!, back to markers. I definitely will be using them this year. There is a set of blinds in a bedroom, that are bent ( a little) I may just have to use them and get new ones. LOL. I can hear the conversation now. "UMMM honey, you know those blinds......" LOL

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Sally, I don't think any of the Jersey girls on this forum live where the birds fell. I would have freaked out if I stepped out in the morning to see that. The residents should have had some kind of warning.

Longwood...sounds like another road trip :)

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

you are not kidding... I told Randy I would have freaked out and called a bunch of places... thinking there was something in the air or water

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

If your blinds are too long, like mine, and you didn't bother to adjust when you put them up, you can steal a few out of them without really showing., except if you let them all the way down, which you wouldn't do if they were too long past the windowsill.
clear as mud?

If there's any talk of MidAtlantic going to Longwood again, we'll be sure to holler!

Thumbnail by sallyg
Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Thanks, Sallyg

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

but with the snow I'm feeling more Northeast today

too funny, thanks Sally!

I'll keep y'all updated..... I'm a 2 timing northeast/midatlantic forums...hee hee....

Was it Celeste that labelled rocks? I label seashells...put it on the inside...made the mistake originally of putting it on the outside, lasted a season but just re-wrote it before it faded so much I couldn't read it.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Lol, Sally. Then that makes me a 3-timer. NE / Mid-A/ and PNW. BTW, you all need to check out the different garden tours in PNW.
Tillysrat and Pixydish in WA., Laurie in the UK., and Sofer in MT. Great ideas. Make sure you get a cuppa something and sit a spell and enjoy them.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the suggestion Jan. It sounds like the perfect thing to do on this snowy day.

West Warren, MA

Thanks for all the suggestions on plant markers. Cutting blinds is 'not' my thing..will end up cutting my using plastic knives..will get some white ones. Would be nice if we could all meet at a garden show....would be fun!
Won the greenhouse on e-bay it's 12X7X7 it's green and has roll up windows on the side......dome top...thought that would be better holding in wind...will put it up ( with help ) for April..will start my seeds in March...plan to plant outside mid May...still have to order vegetable seeds, cucumbers and squash..looking for disease resistant ones..had lots of mildew last great buy at Lowe's on clearance flower and vegetable fetilizer...have enough for the year!! This does help later on when I have things already prepared or bought..
Depressed with Massachusetts weather!! Need sun!!

South Hamilton, MA

Even a light grey sky would be an improvement. I think we are suffering from light depravation.

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