I just ordered 9,000 onions.

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Is it safe to say I'm nuts? :-)


GA, GA(Zone 7b)

We'll all know what to bring BB at the spring trade...Altoids! :)

So, what varieties did you get?

I still want to order some myself but the prices are so much more on small orders. I've only found sets locally and I've read that they don't do as well here.

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi Danita:

Yellow Granex
Texas Supersweet
White Bermuda

I will probably have some left over. Let me know what you want and I will sell them to you at my cost.


GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks BB, that's a nice offer. :)

Just curious, I noticed that you didn't order any red types. Have they not done well for you?

The pics and descriptions of Red Candy Apple and Southern Belle look and sound so good.

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

No they didn't Danita. Not sure why.

The onions we grew were awesome. People were very disappointed at market when we ran out which is why I am planting so much this year.

Are you anywhere near Kennesaw?


Rome, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi BB,

I'm doing 6 cases this year, about 10-12,000. I did 3 cases last year and sold out of everything but white onions. People couldn't get enough. The Yellow Granex is by far my customers' (and my) favorite. I know the other variety is named 'Candy' but Yellow Granex tastes like candy to me. Fried with Yukon Gold potatoes they make a breakfast that is out of this world. I planted Contessa for white last year and it was not very popular so I'm trying White Bermuda this year.

Prepare yourself for the amount of work ahead of you... They take a lot of time to plant, harvest and prepare for sale. How do you cure yours? I had to devote a shed just to drying them last year. It worked fairly well but I'm thinking I need to setup a dehumidifier in it this year to lower the humidity. They really seemed to want to rot on me.

Danita, Southern Belle was my red last year. I lost part of the crop because they kept wanting to bolt and send up a seed stalk. I kept them cut but still many of the onions ended up mishapen. They were edible and tasty still but I could only sell the nice round ones. I'm trying the Red Candy Apple this year.


Broxton, GA(Zone 8b)

Wish I lived closer I would help you'll with the planting. I have been struck early again this year with SPRING FEVER. Good Luck, Sharon

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)


How did you space your onions?


Rome, GA(Zone 7b)

I used square foot gardening spacing with 6-9/square foot. A case worked out to about one 5'x50' bed. Doing that, I ended up with a lot of smaller onions but that worked out because people loved them being smaller. People always commented that they liked them because they could use up a whole onion at once instead of just a piece of the larger onions they sell in the grocery store.


Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)


Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

They have arrived!


We didn't really cure ours. Just pulled them and sold (and ate) them. Any extras were put into wire baskets where the cured nicely

This message was edited Jan 29, 2009 6:01 PM

Thumbnail by BronxBoy
GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Wow BB!

Mmmmm! I'm thinking about those Granex onions. I bought some when I was near Vidalia last year and am dying for them again. I like spicier onions for cooking but the Granex are so wonderful fresh.

I'll be dmailing you about extras. :)

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Holy Smokes, BB! I'm having garden envy here.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Wow and double wow!!!!!!!!!!!

Dang I shoudl have bough that blooming onion I saw at the store the other day and headed to your house. LOL

Ya know I just had a thought, I wonder if my sandy area that dries out so fast woudl be good for tryign to grow some onions?

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)


Maybe you could mulch them after you plant them


I grew my granex from seed and they've been in all winter. Some damage to tops from cold, but not too bad. Have them tented now.

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