CLOSED: Wanted: 'Lady Godiva' and 'Snack Jack' Pumpkin Seeds

Langley, WA(Zone 8b)

~Have found sources for both of these, thanks everyone!~

I have a lot of pumpkin seed eaters around here and I'm looking for some more hull-less pumpkin seeds variety - if anyone has isolated or commercial seeds for the 'Lady Godiva' or 'Snack Jack' please do let me know.


This message was edited Jan 30, 2009 1:57 PM

hi amanda
i think you can get snack jack from the racks out here. it is hard to isolate these seeds. i can look at the territorial rack at the feed store or the others if you wish

Langley, WA(Zone 8b)

Hello Pam,

Thanks so much for your reply. By isolated I just mean the normal squash seed saving method of hand pollination, but I didn't know that Territorial offered the 'Snack Jack'. They're in the process of setting up the Territorial seed rack at the local feed store here so I'll have to check it out once it's up.


hi amanda
i checked the territorial site and they do not carry snack jack.i do know they offered them in the past.
the ones they have now are squash lady godiva
my experience with snack or jack was that the seeds were not completely hull less ..they had a soft outer coating..and i have since grown kakai which had film over the seed which was much better for snacking. I have not saved kakai seed. I did not think of pollinating by hand then.
i do not see any offerings for snack or jack in the 2009 listings of territorial, ferry morse, lilly miller, nichols .
if i come across my older seed of snack or jack ill let you know.

Langley, WA(Zone 8b)

Hello Pam,

Thanks so much, that's still wonderful to know that they carry the 'Lady Godiva' - I didn't see it on their site because I was looking under pumpkins, but now I see it there. I'll have to snatch some of those up next time I'm by the feed store.

And, yes, with the pumpkins and squash, they save very well from seed if you hand pollinate them and then seal the flowers so no other pollinators get in there. You just have to make sure to also seal them the night before they open so that the bees don't get to them before you wake up the morning that you're doing the pollinating.

The 'Kakai' I love, that's the hull-less one I've been growing, I'd just like to add a couple of other varities. Thanks also for the info on the 'Snack Jack' I'd heard there was something a bit off about its seeds but I hadn't heard exactly what it was. I'd still love to try that one since I've heard the meat is good on that one, unlike the 'Kakai' and 'Lady Godiva'.

If you do come across some older seeds for the 'Snack Jack', please do let me know.


Langley, WA(Zone 8b)

Thanks again for the Territorial seed tip, Pam. The feed store finally finished filling their Territorial seed rack and they did indeed have the 'Lady Godiva' there. So I'm no longer looking for the 'Lady Godiva', but would still love the 'Snack Jack' if anyone has seeds for that available.


hi amanda
i have been looking for snack jack. I will see if our feed store has the lady godiva when i go there possibly next week.the health food store did not have any when i went there yesterday in the territorial racks
i am looking for lady godiva and i got two tomato seed packages. I would love to find what i need off the racks since shipping is pretty expensive from territorial.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

They have snack jack at you have to buy 50 at a time. Free shipping on 99.00 orders

Langley, WA(Zone 8b)

Thanks, Robin, I was hoping some place was offering smaller quantities but I know a lot of the companies have discontinued that variety so I went ahead and ordered them from - thanks so much for the recommendation. Hopefully someone else would also like some of them because I'm not going to be planting all fifty of them myself ;)

Pam, just let me know if your feed store doesn't get the 'Lady Godiva' in - I have plenty now and can send some your way if you can't find them locally.


i will let you know if i dont find any thanks

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