At what age is an Iris considered Historic or Heirloom?

Weatherby, MO(Zone 5a)

Is there a common age for an iris variety to be considered Heirloom or Historic?
Julie: Painted Acres Farm

Lebanon, OR

Once an iris is 30 years old IE 1979 and prior would be classified as historic

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

And thankfully they don't apply the same standards to humans.

South Hamilton, MA

Hips has tried to think about an in-between class. The oldies are getting younger. In my case the oldies are getting older-especially when not gardening so needed muscles are stiff.

Lebanon, OR

Well right now I feel that it does apply to me...stiff and sore since going in the ditch in the truck in my knee is giving me fits. Think some is because I can not garden yet. So much needs to be done by spring, what with the gardens and the wedding


Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

I find myself feeling that way too, you are so use to doing all of this work, then your body starts to hurt after you haven't done any of that after about a month.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I always used to have a knee problem in the winter Dee. My husband would say it will heal with dirt, and it always did.

Is the reason you can't garden because of the accident? Or just the weather?

Lebanon, OR

the weather. Down in the low 30 at night and 40 during the day...but you step in the garden and since it is totally not frozen you skink about 2-3" and all you do is pull up dirt and mud with weeds and leaves...

All I have been able to do is to start the massive pruning jobs for the wedding in instead of the commercial beds they wanted to near the big covered awning and the rented awning in case it rains.

So there is alot of moving stepping stones planting to be done in the bed they want to exchange their vows in.

Sore also from the accident on the back and hips and doing exercises to help ease it.


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I bet a wedding at your place will be beautiful. Who is getting married? My daughter was married here at home in the garden, and it was such a fun event. We did not have the reception here though, so it wasn't too bad.

Weatherby, MO(Zone 5a)

Thanks D!
Hope you get to feeling better! We're in the backstretch of winter now, so we'll all be out in the sun and dirt again soon!
Good luck with the wedding, home garden weddings are always so much more meaningful. I have 4 girls, who I hope will all be married at home.
Painted Acres Farm

Lebanon, OR

The wedding is our son. Strange but since the mother of the bride will not be coming I am giving the bride away as she has gone close to me. The wedding and reception will be here in the back and side yard. Only about 50 people to attend.

Doing her suit, all the flowers and the food.


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

How sad her own mother won't be coming. But how lucky to have you.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

And how lucky that you all are close. So many have problems with their MILs. This must be a tremendous relief to you and to her and to your son.
I used to have back trouble. Then I started gardening and have never had back pain sense for more than a few hours. All that stretching and strengthening from digging was really good for my back.

Lebanon, OR

Yes, I am happy that my DIL and I are already close, she did not have much of a family life growing up and has turned to me for advise help and all. She is easy to work with on the wedding and all.

Larry (son) is happy we are close.

Stretching and all has not helped yet but not giving up at all


Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Your case may be different from mine. Mine was stress and spinal compression. Yours is actual trauma. Most of the doctors I know recommend walking to cure back problems.

Lebanon, OR

My back right now is alot of things according to the two doctors and I feel sure once I get outside and working alot will leave me.


Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Yes, working in your garden will no doubt cure you. It is probably objecting to too much winter.

Santa Ynez, CA

my problem is neck pain, had a terrible pinched nerve and getting into certain positions I can really pay for it.....
as for the MIL, all I have to say is she DANISH, LOL, I still think she would have had her son choose someone else...
I tease my husband and say she still hopes you will come to your senses and finds "the perfect wife"LOL

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I have neck pain some times, too. I have had it checked thoroughly by the doctor and was given a steroid shot in my spinal fluid under fluoroscope. Scary but effective. I guess you would say what is wrong with it is arthritis. The vertebrae in the neck are becoming deformed inside the spinal column and are also deteriorating. It is actually a fairly common problem with age. ( Not that i am old or anything)
I found that by giving up my pillow and sleeping with a small cushion under my neck only, it feels better. The cushion is a little one that just gives support to the neck. A folded hand towel would do as well. Everything else is flat on the mattress. No one told me to do this. It just felt like it would help and it has. No pain since I started it.
They have surgery to fix my problem but I would prefer to skip it if I can. The dr. said he would help me with that.

Santa Ynez, CA

I found that giving up the traditional pillow helps, I use one of those neck pillows that has a small side and a large side the small works, now when we go someplace I have to take the thing otherwise I will have pain like crazy for several days, I am sure there is arthritis there now, when it was x-rayed you could see it....when I first injured it I had to sleep sitting up, spent a lot of nights watching TV in the wee hours as I could not get comfortable, who knew a nerve could cause such severe pain...

South Hamilton, MA

Nerves are supposed to alert you when something is wrong. I have arthritis up my whole spine--relieved to hear that since I was a fraid that it was a disc. I use a wrap around back brace when gardening or if I am going to be standing around. The brace is more a preventive than anything else.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Oddly enough my totally messed up neck doesn't cause me all that much trouble, only once in a while, particularly if I spend too much time at the computer. Breaking up rock with my breaking bar is hard on it and my shoulders, too. My doctor told me to give it up, but every now and then I just can't help it.

Santa Ynez, CA

mine is a lot better now as long as i don't do stupid things, and I try not to hubby has helped on the tougher projects, but I like to do a lot of my own things....

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

It is so much easier do it oneself than to get someone else to. I, too, try to let someone else do it, but sometimes in the heat of the planting job, I do it anyhow.

Santa Ynez, CA

I actual enjoy cleaning out the iris is kind of rewarding... however the hauling and wire putting down,,, the DH can do it so much faster

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