Cryptic Gardening # 2

Sydney, Australia

Here we go again!
Copy and paste any unsolved puzzles here.
Come on all! Have a go! No judgments here so put in an answer, no matter how obscure!
Use dictionary, thesaurus, experience, left over brain matter and Google for your answers.
More fun here than having your legs waxed!

Thumbnail by Budgieman
Sydney, Australia

Starting this with an indoor plant:
'This walking stick can't speak'

barmera, Australia


January 23, 2009
5:49 AM

Post #6039450

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Dumb Cane Or Deifenbachia (spelling)

Coffs Harbour, Australia


Sydney, Australia

Maybe I should have started with something a little harder!
CT followed by Weed Woman (by one minute)
Have to pick your game up Weed Woman!

barmera, Australia

Woodstock folk giving the musical instrument a go.

Barmera, Australia

This is my transplant. "Wine is burnt" Ornamental tree
By the sound of you Budgieman you must have drained the bottle of Shiraz in the tearoom, no more for you tonight.

barmera, Australia


January 23, 2009
6:07 AM

Burgandy Ash

Sydney, Australia

Gee thanks mum. I mean Stake! Bottle's not empty yet.
When you see heaps of typos it's time for bed!
My wine is not burnt but - it's an Ash?

CT - Since i'm going to see Neil Young tomorrow night it must be:
Hippiyoungus, Crosbyensis, Stillsonaea, hendrixensis, cannedheatus etc

Sydney, Australia

Well done CT

Sydney, Australia

January 23, 2009
9:07 PM

As in strum a guitar?


barmera, Australia

correct Steve

Barmera, Australia

Actually it's "Claret Ash" but that's near enough.

This message was edited Jan 24, 2009 1:53 AM

Sydney, Australia

One for bed.
Don't think we've had a Conifer yet!
A common name:
'Thursday in January'
Reading time. Good night.

Barmera, Australia

G'Day Budgieman, I can get "Thuja" out of Thursday in January but that is the botanical name and you state Common name. Although the name is used commonly to identify this group of conifers.
January 23, 2009
6:44 AM

Sydney, Australia

Yep that would be it Stake.
I have only ever known them as Thuja. That's why common names are so difficult varying from area to area and person to person.
Be back later with a new offering.
Have a good day

Sydney, Australia

A quick Australia Day offering:
'Drink this on Australia Day'
Tree. Genus only.

Barmera, Australia

I think there might be at least several answers to this. "Lemonade" tree or "Tea" tree. A couple of Cha = Tea Chamelaucium and Chamaecyparis.

This message was edited Jan 23, 2009 7:53 PM

Merino, Australia

I think this is more likely to be the drink of choice. a tree. it's latin name is also it's common name here.
'water goes before the fossil from the tree'

Sydney, Australia

Same answer, different puzzle.
Your clue is more inventive than mine.
Let's leave it for the others.
Stake - think Australia Day, BBQ, a few friends.

Barmera, Australia

G'Day, Is this one "Liquid Amber"?
January 23, 2009
8:00 PM

Budgieman I assume your drink of choice would be Beer which is commonly called "The Amber Fluid" or at least it is here.

Merino, Australia

you are too smart for me Brian. Now I have to think again. Sorry Steve , but I didn't know yours was the same .
This is a shrub...usually known by the same name whether common or latin.
' pesky plant eaters are miserly'

Barmera, Australia

Is that mostly either T. saxicola or "Paynes Hybrid"?
January 23, 2009
8:00 PM

Post #6042449

Barmera, Australia

See if this can hold you all up a bit "Riders Headware precedes Miss Marlene". Probably a bit unfair for you young ladies but Budgieman should be OK.
Regards Brian

Merino, Australia

Sorry Brian where was that post, I can't seem to find it .
re. your new puzzle. I can see helmet and maybe Dietrich but will have to think on a connection to a plant.

Barmera, Australia

G'Day 77sunset. This your cryptic.

January 24, 2009
12:19 AM

I didn't answer directly so others could have a go at it.

Barmera, Australia

Another to have a go at. "A container for scrubbing implements" a ornamental tree.
An easy one for you "This should be in the bait container" a prostrate plant.

Merino, Australia

Sorry Brian , a granny moment.
It is in my garden book as T.saxicola, with 'Paynes Hybrid' as the most seen cultivar.
My brain has not warmed up yet so I'll think on the new puzzles.
Here's one for you. a large tree not a native but widely grown. very pretty.
'french underground with a team and half a flower is noble'

se qld, Australia

Jean, Mediterranean maquis AKA Laurus nobilis AKA Bay Tree

se qld, Australia

>"This should be in the bait container"

Brian, I'm guessing a shrimp plant would be too obvious an answer?

This message was edited Jan 24, 2009 5:50 PM

Merino, Australia

Sorry gardengal . No. this beauty lives much closer than the Mediterranean .
Brian. Crab cactus ?

Sydney, Australia

Good morning all.

January 24, 2009
5:05 PM
Well this has me stumped. What am I looking for Stake?
Got Helmet Flower and Marlene Dietrich film The Blue Angel but can't tie anything together.

Sydney, Australia

January 24, 2009
8:43 PM

A container for scrubbing implements
Is it bottle Brush?

barmera, Australia


January 24, 2009
4:06 AM

Helmet Lily Cobra plant riders hat= helmet and Lily Marlene

Barmera, Australia

Budgie had the wrong Marlene.
CT is very close in fact it might be an alternative name.
The bait box one says a Mollusc and you can eat them.
A container for scrubbing implements. The plant is a native tree to 60ft tall.
Regards Brian

se qld, Australia

Ahhhh ...... a brush box?

...... and an oyster plant?

Sydney, Australia

January 25, 2009
12:10 PM

Brush Box
Lophostemon confertus
(just looked out the window and there was the answer)

se qld, Australia

I can see already that oyster plant is wrong, will wrack the brain a little more.

Sydney, Australia

Should keep you busy for 5 min
"Part of an aquatic animal in the garden?'
All i'll say is that it can become 'weedlike'

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