growth requirements for michela figo(banana shrub)

West Lafayette, IN

Can anyone give me some specifics on soil, water amount and light to grow a happy banana shrub? I am in Indiana at Purdue University and the shrub is growing (unhappily) in our botany teaching greenhouse. I would appreciate any help or tips to make it a much happier plant.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 10a)

I have mine in full sun here in Florida, so full sun up there. They do better in the ground than in a pot, but I guess that is not an option for you. I would go with a large pot. They are not picky about soil, a well drained soil with organic matter is good. Average water, will drop its leaves if it get too dry. Pruning it will encourage branching and more flowers.

What seems to be the problem with yours?


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Mine grows in filtered sunlight and is happy. They are really sloooooooow growers but once they get past a certain stage, they are rampant!!!

Keaau, HI

A peat based potting medium is best for Magnolia figo. They like a slightly acidic soil.
They should be grown in full light for maximum flower production, but need shade from direct hot sun.
Give them a balanced liquid fertilizer monthly.
Water sparingly during the winter months.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Thanks, Dave...Maybe if I fertilized more it would have more flowers...I will try that!

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