Black Sapote tree needs help

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Hi Folks, A week ago I bought and planted a Black Sapote tree,(chocolate pudding tree), it seemed to be doing well till we had a cold snap here in Ft.Lauderdale Fl. within two days it has lost just about all it's leaves, can anyone tell me if this is normal or if it has a chance for recovery? Thanks in advance for any advice.

Keaau, HI

Diospyros digyna, Black Sapote, is a Sub-Tropical tree that likes moist, warm, sheltered areas.
Fort Lauderdale should be warm enough; if the soil around the plant did not freeze, it should recover. Until the plant matures, protect it from harsh weather.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 10a)

I have one that is about 4 years old in Florida, near Tampa. Mine has done well for me up here, so can't imagine it wouldn't be happy down there. Mine gets full sun, it is planted up against a 6' fence and is about 8' tall. I have very rich soil here, not the usual sand-soil of Florida. I would think that it got a shock from the cold & new location so should be fine. They are beautiful trees.


Fort Lauderdale, FL

Thanks to all. Here is an update. The tree lost every leaf and I was within a week of pulling it out, then lo and behold I noticed new growth, the tree is about 4 ft tall and I had new growth at about 2 foot and also on the top, I decided to just let it go and after two months I trimmed the the branches in the center of the tree back to the trunk, now all growth is at the top and it's growing great.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha and thanks for posting - what a lovely turn of events! You'll be picking soon!

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