Arbor swing what color clematis

Harleysville, PA

WE are looking to put up a arbor swing what cematis might have a nice repeat bloom and look nice with the Carefree Wonders Pink? Would you place the abor swing where the fountain is now and move the flower bed out 3 more feet?? I would have to move one or two of the Carefree Wonders out and down the fence more or would you put the arbor swing in front of the magnolia bush and angle it to face the porch?? Not sure which would look best. the arbor is roughly 7ft High by 7ft wide with a 5ft bench swing..Its going to be painted white to match the fence..Any thoughts???

Thumbnail by jess2132000
Harleysville, PA

One more photo taken early in the spring 2008 before we moved the magnolia bush.

Thumbnail by jess2132000
(Zone 4a)

Ville de Lyon was a new clematis I purchased last spring and it did amazing for me! It was a baby but the colour of the flower was a hot pink...amazing! And it grew pretty fast as well.

Your yard is just gorgeous....what a lovely place to relax!

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