CLOSED: Have a few extras from trades

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

I have a few seeds leftover from trades I can't use. I would love to trade them for some interesting annuals, vines, sweet peas...I don't mind uneven trades if it's something I can use.
Thanks for looking, Ronnie

Berlandiera lyrata
Blanket flower~sundance
Cassia alata sulphurs
Candytuft~purple flash
Callirhoe ~poppy mallow wine cups
Eupatorium greggii~west texas mist flower
Hollyhock~pale yellow
Knautia macedonia
Lychnis~ maltese cross
Lion's ears
Ornamental cabbage and kale
Oxypetalum caeruleum~southern star vine
Pentapetes phoenicea~copper cups
Pimpinella major~rosea
Solanum integrifolium~pumpkin tree
Salvia~lady in red

North Richland Hills, TX(Zone 8a)

luvsgrtdanes - do you have any interest in Purple Hyacinth Bean vine (Lablab purpureus)?

Athens, PA


I am interested in the yellow hollyhocks and the Knautia macedonia. Please check my list and let me know if I have anything you would be interested in.


Portland, OR

Great list of extras! I am interested in your:

Oxypetalum caeruleum
Pentapetes phoenicea

I have a lot of seeds to choose from on my list. Look through them and let me know what you'd like!

hi ronnie
i am interested in your 3 schizanthus

Chesapeake, VA

Hi, Ronnie.

I'm interested in the Oxypetalum caeruleum, the red scabiosa, and the Knautia. I can't believe I'm trying to start yet another trade when I have two shopping bags full of seed packs. I have no self-control at all.

So, want some bat-faced cuphrea?

I have a lot of hibiscus seed, too, of different types from different trades. I could send you several small packets of several different types of hibiscus, if you'd like. Samplers, as it were.

My Teddy Bear dwarf sunflowers made a LOT of seeds last year. Would you like some of those?

I have GOBS of other seeds, so if you aren't interested in one of these, I can make other suggestions.

PLMK by D-mail, and let's enter into 'negotiations.'

Langley, WA(Zone 8b)

Hello Ronnie,

If any are still available, I'd be very interested in:
Amaranthus ‘Dreadlocks’
Berlandiera lyrata
Cuphea eminens
Nicotiana glutinosa
Spinach (if it's an OP variety)

Just let me know if I have anything of interest to you.


(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Hi Amanda, I have these left if you want them:

Cuphea eminens
Nicotiana glutinosa
Spinach (if it's an OP variety)~ I only know the package says"giant noble"~

Send me your address and I will get them out to you.


Langley, WA(Zone 8b)

Thanks, Ronnie. I'd absolutely love them. 'Giant Noble' is an extra large heirloom spinach variety that I haven't yet had the chance to try so that would be fantastic - I just sent my address your way.


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