Cryptic Gardening

Sydney, Australia

Hi all. Thought this might be it's own beast as it was getting hard to find the cryptic puzzles amongst the normal Tearoom chat. Seems everyone has the idea so let's see how this goes. (come on Kiwis, where are you?)
I'll start with an easy one.
'Parts of a Dracula Scene had us on edge at a cinema in Madagascar' (popular indoor plant)

Barmera, Australia

Budgieman it's not a grape capsule and don't forget it's not what it says it is.
Working on the others.

Brisbane, Australia

This is probably too obvious..only one odoriferous with Hammerstein

Merino, Australia

PussyKat. it isn't obvious to me. the only thing I know about Hammerstein is that he partnered Rogers
I'm still trying to figure out what vitus is.
I'll come back tomorrow and see the answers. Jean.

Sydney, Australia

There has been a correction.
It is Vitis. Still got me stumped too.

Sydney, Australia

Ok Kat. Out on a limb here.
Oklahoma Rosa (Rosa odorata) OR
there is a scented Geranium called Roger's Delight

Barmera, Australia

I'm not going too good with the cryptics, alright when they are mine but now the boots on the other foot I just can't get the line of thought. No hope with Dracular other than "Vampire" and the only things I can think of that are in every garden but not plants are Growing media, Water, Air and the gardeners. An upright stone could be an "Obelisk" "Stele" "Column" perhaps "Crag". I'm Bamboozled. The nice short puzzle by Katciao has me wacked other than Scented and I think Hammerstein's name was Oscar but I don't know of any "Scented Oscars" or even Smelly ones.
I think I better go to bed since it's midnight.

Sydney, Australia

Hey Stake,
In mine look at 'Parts' of a Dracula Scene
In Jean's you have mentioned all but one option for upright stone.
This may help - What Lot's wife turned into.
I'm still stuck on vitis seed carrier

Brisbane, Australia

think of a noxious weed

Barmera, Australia

G'Day All
You'll all be pleased to know that I couldn't get to sleep last night until I had a possible answer to at least one of the cryptics. There is a plant known as a "bleeding heart" for the Drakula one but I thought that came from Qld not Madagascar. Hey! is it Ranuculus?
I also thought of one upright stone that I missed "Pillar" but if that's not your extra Budgieman then I still have one to go.
There was a saying in our family (It may have come from elsewhere). "Look at Granpa! he thunk & he thunk & he thunk until he thunk himself to sleep."
Well that was me last night.

Barmera, Australia

Still thinking. Is the with Hammerstein his offsider Will Rodgers? Which would make the plant "Sweet William" only I didn't know that was a noxious weed or not even a "Proclaimed Pest Plant"

Brisbane, Australia

close, Stake.. and good answers Jean and Steve. I hadn't thought of those. Stinking Roger.

Merino, Australia

Brian, would the answer be Grapefruit or Grape Fruit ?
I looked up vitis and saw that the seeds are carried in a berry type fruit so thought of grape and fruit.

Barmera, Australia

The Vitis one. Hint, Could be the other half of a "Christmas Cake".
One for you. "The lot, I hesitate" can be ornamental or a herb, or easier one "Break a mythical monster"

This message was edited Jan 15, 2009 1:19 AM

Barmera, Australia

G'Day 77sunset, you were answering that while I was typing up the extra hint that you didn't need. The answer is Grapefruit because it isn't what it says. I'm no closer to solving your puzzle.

This message was edited Jan 15, 2009 1:13 AM

Barmera, Australia

Hooray finally got it. "Cater, Pillar". Now I can sleep tonight as long as I don't come back here to see what's happening. That was very clever 77sunset and exactly what the clue said it was.

Merino, Australia


Merino, Australia

here's another for you Brian and Steve.
'endangered beast escorts Munster lady'

Brisbane, Australia

leopard lily or tiger lily..except I don't think they are endangered..the endangered beast has me stumped..there are butterfly lilies..flying squirrel lily?? LOL..for stuffing this up I may be endangered but there is no PussyKat lily

and some may see Madonna as a beast but i don't think she is on the media's endangered list..she's a true survivor

This message was edited Jan 15, 2009 2:52 AM

Barmera, Australia

I think "Tiger Lily" fits There is a "Darling or Murray Lily", Crinum flaccidum,
no doubt the Darling or Murray are endagered but they are not beasts.

Merino, Australia

It's Tiger Lily.
The tiger is an endangered beast and you should know Lily Munster (Munster lady )
.Oh well, I'll have to think of a harder one.
Still trying to get the other one above of Brians.
PussyKat , I'll think of one just for you if I can get the brain to work .

Barmera, Australia

Snapdragon is right I forgot to tell you.

Barmera, Australia

How about "Charlie's Plumage"

Sydney, Australia

Thanks for getting that vitis one Jean. It had be scratching my hisutely challenged head! You lot have been busy. Thanks Brian. I was going to just veg in front of the tv and do some crosswords but now I have some problems to solve!

se qld, Australia

>How about "Charlie's Plumage"

That would be Prince of Wales Feather - don't know its botanical name

barmera, Australia

Male lawyer's home?

Merino, Australia

Hello Colleen, have you been listening to Brian ?
I have no idea. I will go away and think about it while trying to make up another, Jean.

Barmera, Australia

Prince of Wales Feathers is right I thought it was Amaranthus but the book says Celosia.
Have you been over to the Cactus & Succulent forum? I've started putting up the Loveday cactus garden photos. Admin advised to use more threads with less postings as this makes it easier on the servers.
Budgieman if you have a look I'm sure you'll find that fence you wanted.

Barmera, Australia

Another easy puzzle. This is a Native climber. Looks like " The old fellow forgot to shave".

Merino, Australia

Now the brain has gone on strike. I can't think of a native climber.
I have one for you , I am not very good but I sat down with my giant Botanica , looking for common plant names.
Try this one.
important female garment looking for 'A'.

se qld, Australia

stake, is it a native clematis?

se qld, Australia

Aggies pants, Jean?

barmera, Australia


Merino, Australia

Smartypants Colleen. you are right and I thought it would keep the fellas guessing for a while. Your brain must work like mine. sorry gardengal
okay, try this one.
a ram's initial start at the end of his mate will be an alternative to help at the stream.

Barmera, Australia

G'Day Gardengal, Spot on "Old man's Whiskers" or "Grandpa's Beard"
Got to ponder the last one & I wouldn't have got the Bras I was on the same track as Gardengal.

Sydney, Australia

Man de villa?
Only guessing. Thought it was da as in district attorney but can't think of de.
You have gotten too good at this Jean. Am working on the ram one.
Everyone seems to have put this one in the too hard basket so I'll add some more clues.
'Parts of a Dracula Scene had us on edge at a cinema in Madagascar' (popular indoor plant)
The Genus is in 'Dracula Scene'
Pick a synonym for 'Edge' for part of the Species name.
Madagascar is where it comes from and forms part of it's common name in some places.

Sydney, Australia

Need help on the Ram one
What type of plant are we looking for?
I think I understand the clue but need to know shrub, tree, indoor etc

Gisborne, New Zealand

Olde Man's beard

Hi everyone I have a headache trying to figure out who is answering what ...(a grandma moment ) do you think we could number the question or something? So my feeble brain can figure which is what? you give the number with your answer?
or something like that.

Barmera, Australia

Budgieman, I thought that it was Ranunculus and got no respose one way or the other.
Awchid see above, your's is one of the common names.
77sunset I'm like Budgieman I think I have an answer but not a plant.

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