By the fireside...

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Yep, that's where we are today. The weather looks good from in here, but step outside and it's pure uncomfortable. Just cool enough that the wind makes it miserable to be out there. {{{sigh}}} I've got sewing to do, but just can't bring myself to do all the little things that are required to get started... clearing up large flat surfaces, vacuuming, dragging out the old sewing machine... and River the dog is inside, and she has to be in the middle of everything on the floor, so that's just insane.

Still, the weather is decidedly odd for this time of year.... we've had very little snow, and the temps are pretty moderate. If not for the vexing wind, I'd be out there mucking about with something, that's for sure. Tried to get a jump on the attached greenhouse last week, but the guy at the building supply gave me bum advice... yes, you can stucco and sold me just portland cement. Not mentioning that sand needed to be added. So I got all fired up, got out there on a nice warm day, stuccoed my little heart out and then noticed that what I had done was already cracking. Gave a call to a REAL stucco guy and he said, "nope, no can do when it's freezing, not if you want it to last (oh yes, I do want that). And there's no way to fix it with the sand lacking, it's all just going to crack off." Oh Great! A day wasted on a wasted effort... well, not entirely wasted, I did learn something. Grrrr. Fortunately, I was able to blast the cement off with the hose, so when the weather does warm up over freezing in 4 months, I'll be able to get started right away. So much for a jump on the greenhouse. I called the building supply store, ranted at the manager a bit, and they refunded all the money for the cement... I sure don't need to store it and it turns out there's premixed stuff--cement, sand, and lime-- that'll be a whole lot more practical for this little job. So no money lost, just the day of work. I can be philosophical about that... I'm not unfamiliar with the phenomena of building one day to tear down and do a better job the next. LOL But really, I can do that just fine on my own, I don't need help from the guys at the store. =0)

But it really throws a spanner in my spring planting plans. I didn't get my act together soon enough, and I have only a couple of small beds for spring! There is going to be a major push as soon as the ground thaws so that I can get my beds ready in time for the tomatoes to go out. I don't think I'll be doing corn this next year.

Got to looking at the new FarmTek catalog, and the high tunnel I want is going up almost $300 as of Jan. 17th. I guess I'd better bite the bullet on this one and order it before gas goes up again, 'cause it's going to, you'd better believe it. I don't think we'll get the tunnel up anytime soon, but it'll be here nagging me. First there's the back porch to build.

Anybody else looking forward to watching the inauguration? I usually don't much care, but this one just feels historic to me. Another step in realizing this country's great potential for ALL people, which is (I think) our greatest offering. It's easy to forget what a radical idea equality really is, and how hard it is to practice it. It just seems like there's a part of our brains that wants to make difference 'less than', and so often it's just difference, and a gift to us if we can receive it.

I was reading something yesterday about happiness... that genuine happiness is a quality of well-being that comes not because we've encountered something pleasant from the world--food, scent, sex, or even ideas--but from what we bring to the world. And I think how much I enjoy raising food, caring for the animals here, and making someone laugh. And being willing to receive what others have to offer me.

Such are my thoughts by the fireside...

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