our T2T

Edelstein, IL

a few years ago my BIL's friends were remodeling their house and were getting rid of cupboards, an island,built in stove and oven and flat top stove with a soup pot & gen-air grill plus a desk. They wanted nothing for any of this but we did give them $ for the soup pot and grill as it was still in it's box never used We had never Even thought about remodeling until we got this great deal! DH had to plan it all out to fit in our small house. He knocked out a partial wall and still had to figure where the island could be put and still use the door from the sun porch, open the oven, dishwasher and fridge doors etc. He had not retired yet so every thing was done in his free time. He did all the grunt work, planning and tiling etc. By the time he was ready for the counter tops we had been cooking with a microwave for around 6 weeks so he tiled them also as we would have had to wait another 4-6 weeks to have them made. I love them as they are not small and very easy to keep clean. The top cupboards are all new finished ones. the bottom ones are the used except for the corner one and the oven/microwave ones which I painted to match the used ones. I did the faux finishes and walls and he did every thing else. I would say we got a great deal on our T2T!

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