Campsis grandiflora 'morning calm'

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

I saw a beautiful campsis in a garden the other day which looked just like this. Has anyone seen it here or know where it is available?
Chrissy, this is the one i was talking about...I have the common orange red but would love to find this one

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

This might be a better pic

golly judy it's pretty but I can't remember ever seeing that colour ...I know that quite often American names are different. I will keep an eye out though.

barmera, Australia

Hi Girls, Is this flower the old fashioned Tocoma which we had when we kids and used to catch bees in?

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

I agree Chrissy would most probably be under a different name here...but am sure this is the same flower I saw...they were more open and bigger than the common one we have here.Unfortunately the one I saw was in another town otherwise I would go and ask the homeowner for info on it.
ct, I don't know ...what I have read is that it originated in korea..and was brought to the u.s not all that many years I would image it has only been here for a few short years also.

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Just bumping this up hoping someone here may know of it or even better still, know where can I purchase it. I have the common orange red growing and seeds of the flava yet to plant but this one is a definite MUST have! lol

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Hi Judy

I looked for this a few months back and you can get the seeds readily OS but it's not on the allowable entry list on ICON, so I gave up.I have the campsis radicans seeds germinating and that's also supposed to be an orange vine........

This seed exporter has some great vines on her list.........

This message was edited Aug 13, 2009 5:27 PM

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Thanks for that Mya,I appreciate it. I usually check that site now and again...I wonder how I missed seeing it. BTW Campsis radicans is on the allowable list...I am tempted to purchase them but wondering if they would grow true or revert back ...Will have to look into it a bit more.

I bought some of these from Summerhill last year and all germinated with albino cotyledons...hence their quick demise. I wrote to them and they were going to replace but I never heard back again... I also purchased seeds of the Kingswood gold and they have all done extremely well..lovely colour contrast.

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

BTW Campsis radicans is on the allowable list

Judy, I have quite a few seeds left over,so I'll send them when I send your others............

I just checked ICON and still come up with entry conditions,hence my hestitation on importing the campsis grandiflora

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

No need to send seeds Mya...I have this (not my pic) growing rampantly all over the fences here...I have plants and oodles of seeds.

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Mya, I have seeds of the yellow if you would like to give them a try..Dmail me if interested.

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