Unless you are half geek don't even attempt to expect understandable service help from HP.

I now am the proud owner of a three in one devise as shown in the heading. My plea for help has gone round the world to who knows where. Where ever they do not read plain English very well. They just spin out canned communication from small to ever increasing circles of proceedures that might be the cause and related steps to correct the same......followed by, "do not be disappointed if this does not work". "We are here to help you solve your proble". "most honorable customer".

I am continually informed that I am a most honored customer. A most honored customer who in order to get a fix on a brand new machine will have to hire a geek to try and fix a DEFECTIVE brand new HP OFFICE JET J4580 ALL IN ONE. I refuse to continue trying to communicate to the canned answer process or any other process that required a $125.00 an hour geek to install and then a minimum same charge to try and fix it. I should do it?...........goodness no.....not on your life.

My solution is to find a machine and installer for one money guarenteed operation.

My emotions may be satisfied by performing a gardening genetic slight of hand using this worthless new HP machine in a demonstration to illustrate changing this new China made HP machine into an American Squash by crossing it with a pumpkin. I shall take a five hundred pound pumpkin up about fifty feet and drop it on HP with as much media attention as I can generate. Pumpkin hits HP product and creates American Squash. Ta Daa...........he who speaks last speaks best.

This is not exactly a good reccomendation for HP PRODUCT SERVICE. Evaluate it at your will. Hope you never have to call for similar help. That's my rant and I am sticking to it. LOL

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