Flowerpot Cafe 18

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

That is way cool Terri, those white tulips just make it super!
Zany, so glad the infection is all gone.

london England, United Kingdom

Thank you Zany and Candee! Glad you like the tulips and bear grass.
Thanks for the seeds I received from Plantgeek, hopefully I will have my own bear grass plants growing this year!
Good to hear Bob's infection has gone, nurse Zany.

Is that lasagne vegetarian? Have some pasta and bread sticks !

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I just love that one Terri, so unique, so well you!

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks for taking my coat Madam Woodsy!

Hi Candee, How are you today? What do you usually do over the weekend in winter when you are not going to the cabin?
It was fun making the pasta arrangement, remember the lady who came to cut flowers looking for a design to use for an Italian restaurant? I think it was that one she liked in the end!!
I do enjoy the themes, it's nice to have something specific with restrictions to make. You just never know what ideas might turn up. LoL!
Freezing cold wind here today, glad it's Friday and I can give the bus stop a miss for a couple of days!!
Got some fresh flowers at lunchtime, lovely pank tulips and a mixed bunch going cheap!

I could do with a nice cuppa, has anyone put the kettle on yet?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Got a pot of tomato soup on right now. Let's see what do we do. Sometimes we get in the hottub on a Sat. night with a bit of wine but way too cold this eve at -7 degrees. We do our wood working and are right now refinishing a table. Haven't made any pictures since we moved the shop for the grandbabies, but used to do that all winter long on the weekends. May make spaghetti sauce this weekend and have talked about going to the track and slots for the first time in years so will let you know if we win the jackpot.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee, love tomato soup!, glad I called in for a midnight feast.
Oh I'd love to see your new table and may we keep it at the cafe' please? LoL!
Have fun this weekend whatever you do, track and slots, is that like a casino? I've never been to one.
The tulips and bear grass are re-arranged!

Hey Plantgeek !!!!!!! do you want to swap your stash from 1977 for a glam rock gold wig?

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Yes Terri it is a casino and horse racetrack. We didn't loose a lot of money today haven't been there in 12 years LOL! Had a nice lunch and played a bit of poker and then home by 3 pm in front of the fireplace, it is freeeeeeezin here!
We havent done any wood artwork in a while and the table is for my MIL for her move to the retirement home, but too cold to work on it much outside.
You have a gold wig? That would look great with my metallic gold vest and purse!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Here is a link to our local casino Terri, just slots and horse racing nothing like Vegas or Atlantic City.


Louisville, KY

Terri, I think we should let Candee have the gold wig since it would finish out her outfit. Besides, I don't know what all's in that 30 year old stash. Your face might melt off, or you could turn into the Pilsbury Doughboy and explode all over New York City like inh the movie Ghost Busters. That was me btw, had a flashback and someone caught it on a camcorder which was used in the movie.

Hey, if there is any more tomatoe soup, I just made buttermilk bisquits. And DW and myself are on a juicing kick, so I thought I should help keep all of y'all healthy too. Here is a gallon of fresh-made juice of celery, carrots, red beets, cilantro, parsley and baby spinach.

I love all the flower arraingements.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee,
Thanks for the link to your local casino, it's massive! Glad you had a nice time there. Looks like vegas to me LoL!
Your fireplace sounds so cosy, don't blame you not working outside!
The gold wig is yours if you want it! as Plantgeek said, it will go with your outfit.

Ok Plantgeek, if you're sure! I'll see if Candee as anything to swap.
Buttermilk biscuits, they sound delicious! REAL butter I hope? LoL.
Candee and I are able to spot margarine from a mile away!!! we are infact the Butter police around here!

WhoyagonnacallGhostbusters no no Butterbusters!!!

Thanks for the healthy juice, it's got a great kick to it.

Dianne, I have a feather duster to help you clean house! got anything to swap for it?

This message was edited Jan 18, 2009 12:54 AM

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Terri - great arrangements as always.

Candee - between the casinos in Nevada and the Indian casinos, we have a lot of places to gamble here in California. I usually only go when we get out-of-towners who wants to visit. I can just see you decked out in your gold finery and gold wig. I have a gold and black sweater that you can have too.

Plankgeek - I don't drink much tomato juice, but I love buttermilk biscuits. I have a juicer that we purchased several years ago and never used - you can have that to make your healthy drinks. Have a pasta maker too. and a bread maker upstairs somewhere. If you can't use all of them, I'll donate them to the cafe.

And for you Terri, a Precor rowing machine to get some exercise when it is too cold out to do your power walking. I am using it to hang bags on, and there will be one less thing to dust with that gone. You got a magic carpet stain remover to go with that feather duster????

Elle - I got a couple of ear muffs for you to keep warm in.

So, now I have gotten rid of 1% of my excess stuff - 99% more to go.LoL.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Dianne, Oh man!!!! a rowing machine? I'm too lazy to go on that LoL! Will you swap the bread maker instead? One feather duster with magic carpet cleaning powers included, on it's way!

london England, United Kingdom

Candee, if you would like to swap the gold wig......
Seeing as I'm the 'Bag lady' I'm always on the lookout for a new handbag, got one to swap?

london England, United Kingdom

Plantgeek, How are you getting on with your new camera?????
Looking forward to your first picture LoL!

Humansville, MO

wait for me next time you go to the casino
i use to go that went we had extract money
that is long gone now
q well back to the same old thing

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Hello everyone. I have a lovely sunny day again today with temps in the low to mid 60's and the wind has dried the lawn out now so that I can spend most of the day outside mowing and raking. Luckily the flowerbeds were mulched enough that weeding is only going to take about 15 minutes. That will leave me time to sit in the winter sun and absorb some vitamin D.

Bob will be off work for at least 3 more months, and possibly up to 6 months, depending on how long the rehab takes at the end of the 3 months. But the foot is doing well and the skin grafts covering the wound are taking better than the doctors had hoped and the infection has finally been overcome so they could pull his pic-line and take him off the intravenous antibiotics and the heparin. As he gets better it gets harder to keep him confined I am turning into a real nag to keep him in his wheelchair so he doesn't do any damage and send it back to square one... LOL, believe it or not, nagging is not something I am good at! He told me this morning that he was

"just trying to help me by giving me the opportunity to practice my nag! "
I think it may be time to practice with my cast iron skillet or rolling pin ;~P

london England, United Kingdom

Hi elle and Zany, good to see you at the cafe tonight!
Zany, Bob sounds like he's much better! I'd go with the rolling pin or an extra chilli in his dinner LoL!

Dianne, here's the feather duster with magic carpet stain remover included!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

I gold wig with choker thrown in! Any takers?

Goodnight elle
Goodnight Zany
Goodnight Candee
Goodnight Plantgeek
Goodnight Dianne
Good Morning Sue
Hello everyone else!

Have a good week all.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Humansville, MO

hi terr
every thing going good here
it warming up a little

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Good grief Terri, I had a copper wig just like that a few...er a lot of years ago! LOL those were the days of fun and frollicing among the mushrooms...but that was someone else cause I can't look at me in the mirror now and believe that wild thang was actually me!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Knock Knock....did I finally find the place? I hear there's a party goign on behing the greendoor!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Yep, this is the place. Come on in and become the life of the party!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, someone is gonna have to take my place, the winter weather dun froze the life purt near out of me! BBBBAAAbby its stil cccccold out.. 3 above today and it feels worst that 20 below.....ugh....wheres my hot hot cocoa...extra marshmallers pleeeeez!

Now, that's an oldie tune elle! Baby its cold out side....member that one.. they play it a lot around the Christmas hollys!

You there of the hippy generation.. you don't know what you missed in great good big band music!! That was back in the golden days where a needle scratched the surface of a 45 and made music instead of .. well doing bad things.

This message was edited Jan 19, 2009 7:22 AM

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Missed everyone yesterday our internet service was down. No big wins at the casino, but I sure looked fine in that gold wig and boy did I turn some heads! Had to take it off before going to the gym yesterday morn as those folks over there don't take much of likin to the bizarre LOL!
elle, next time I go I will throw in a buck in your honor. Never have won much even in Vegas. Think we shall take a trip up to Atlantic City this spring haven't been there for years either.
Zany you sit on him much as necessary to make sure it does no damage to that foot until it is completely like new - I know you will too!
Hey plantgeek, that is some power juice you whipped up, but must say when the drink sounds that healthy, I tend to shy away, now whip up a milkshake of real chocolate and Breyers icecream and I'll be the first in line!
Blossombuddy, where are you anyway? It was 7 here the past few days, I actually don't mind as cold is just cold and it will soon be gone, just a couple more months. Lots of snow activity going on today.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

In honor of the icy temps may I present my iced arrangement?

Thumbnail by haighr
Humansville, MO

hi all
we are getting snow this morning
need that hot drink tonight
we ship our rabbit tonight
i think i will freeze
o the fun on the fram
i sure love the picture of the flower

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Now there elle, you are not going to freeze. You get a hot cuppa and some of this mater soup and then those pank pants with underwear and put that gold wig on to keep your head dry and covered and ship them bunnies. My questions is how do the bunnies stay warm?
Here is a closer one of the icy branches and buds.

Thumbnail by haighr
london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone! We are are feeling the cold LoL!
Glad you found your way here Blossom. I hot chocolate coming up!
I'm gonna wash that man right outta my hair and send him on his way! Did you like that one from south Pacific? !
elle, nice to hear everything is good with life on the farm, you keep warm with those hot drinks.
Are the hens still laying in the cold weather?
Zany, You're still a wild thing at heart! My teenage girls are always in the mirror these days! I avoid it as much as possible loL!
Candy baby, I missed you! Love your iced arrangement, tell me, how did you do that? secrets please!
Looks beautiful, gonna try it myself. You are brave going to the gym in the gold wig LoL!
I do like the sound of that milkshake with real chocolate and ice cream Y U M!
Breyers, is that like Ben and Jerrys?
Plantgeek, LIVERPOOL v everton tonight! Big game, important match, see you there .LoL!
Hot chocolate !

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Candee, thanks for the close up!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Terri, now that looks like something good and hot for elle to heat her right up. Snowy day here.
Well now let me tell you the secret.
First you go to work and have a quite slow day. Then you check your purse for some leftover grocery money. Then you find a friend that wants to take a walk and you head out the door and a couple of blocks up the street you find this wonderful flower shop. Now you have to push that heavy door open and be quick to look around and there in the corner you spot them. Flowers coated in ice. You quickly grab a few of them and place them together checking if they are what you need, never looking at the price. Then you peek to your left and sure enough there are even more and these are wine colored just what you need to go with the frosted white ones. You rush up to the counter as if there is someone chasing you that might take them from your grasp and then you stand in shock as they start ringing up the price, but you are so enchanted with them that you can't put them back.
Well now the secret is out and that is how you get frosted flowers!!!

Thumbnail by haighr
Humansville, MO

thank for the hot drink
yes we are still getting 3 or4 egg a day
the baby rabbit stay warm with heat lamp
it in the 30 wrte now
going to 22 tonight with a bad wind

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee, well, I never thought the ice flowers were bought like that! What a great find. Thanks for splashing out your hard earned cash on those, it's lovely treat for the cafe'.
The snowy picture is beautiful, just like a postcard!

The question is everyone! How do we make the 'ice'???

elle, good the chickens are still laying for you.

Humansville, MO

hi all
well we made it thought the shipping
now off to work the next two day
it is a little warmer here 35
with a wind of 20

london England, United Kingdom

Hi elle, The nursing home ladies must miss your arrangements there in winter.
Do you know how to make fake ice? to put on branches, like Candee's arrangement.

Humansville, MO

no but i would love to know how
it going to be a lovely day today
and i off to work
but wait until tomorrow
it my off day

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

What a day.. started off with a frozen water hydrant.. could not get it going so the animals could not get water.

Elle, hope your doing better than I am.

I had to drag hoses to the house spiget and go a great distance
back to the animal house, then blow the hoses out with the air compressor to keep them from freezing and now I am exhausted.

My chickens are not laying at all. Too cold, not enough water to make eggs. Hope the weather thaws. I want spring aleady!

Spring, spriiing,SPRING!!!!! Oh there I go dancing around my force bloomer bucket again!! LOL!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear you are frozen up out there blossom, hope you get thawed soon. Don't wear yourself out, those chickens will be droppin eggs soon.
Haven't been around as much as usual, a lot happening on our end as well.
I think we all could use a good dose of spring!

Humansville, MO

i will paid for some one to find spring

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

sad thing elle, in my life I have seen snow on Mothers day....UGH! and whaaaaaaaah!!!!

Actually I am not looking forward to all the rains and mud, but warmer temps, ooooh yeah!

Today, I am wondering now really hard here if I will get taters planted by mid March and be on schedule with them. I just got orders for those...my local food pantry to which I grow the extra rows for, one of the head honchos laid a "hint hint" on me...! :^)
Now those, I woudl want lots of rain for, but need a few days to get them in and the garden needs to be worked and it is frozen solid.

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

I was beginning to feel really guilty being out here in sunny California while many of you are struggling with the cold and ice. If I could, I'll be sending out sun rays your way, Elle and Blossombuddy. It has started to rain lightly, which is great because we are in our second or third year of drought conditions.

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