Flowerpot Cafe 18

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Now that the New Year has begun thought we might start a new cafe thread. I rearranged one of the New Year centerpieces to start our new thread.

Thumbnail by haighr
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Nice arrangement to start us off!

Humansville, MO

hi all
it 24 out and the lower going to be 9
just come back from the store
now to relaxand play on the cp

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thanks Zany, just a rearrangement from the NY cafe one, but still thriving.
Now that is cold elle, what are you playing on the puter?

Humansville, MO

i love to play poker
yes even this old lady
i play poker star

Louisville, KY

Thanks for the new link Candee.

I think my heydey of youth was just a tad later, but living in Southern Calofornia circa 1969-72, I was smack dab in all the hippyness of the time. I had the paisley shirts, striped bellbottoms, white belt. I even had a set of bongo drums to drive the neighbors crazy.
My mom was terrified of hippies and their hair, but they were the nicest people to me. I used to pull a litle red wagon full of clothes to the laundry mat and our hippy neighbor always gave me a ride when he saw me- no funny stuff at all. One day when I was there trying to fold sheets, a hippy girl came over, took my basket and folded every one in it. I remember her long blond hair, the smile on her face as I stood there and watched.

Too bad there is always mistrust between generations.

Do y'all remember elephant bells? I made a pair in home-ec. class out of material that looked like an acid trip. I wore them till they fell apart, which took about 2 months. That was fine cause the fashion lasted only that long.

So what was everyone's first rock record? Mine was Led Zeppelin 2. I was 13 and that album certainly ended my chidhood. lol

Louisville, KY

Elle, stay warm witha cuppa this hot ginger/peach green tea.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

We all love poker elle, I have played some tx holdem myself.
plantgeek - you have had a time of fun with those hippies. circa 69-70 I was in college those days and pretending to study instead of drink beer and runn around the strip and have fun in the city. But not long after , surprisingly a mom at heart! And then just got into the mode of the 70's and a workin woman. I still trust everyone, well almost lol!
I do not remember elephant bells what are they can you post a link or somethin?
I won my first dance contest in the second grade to Chubby Checker lol! And then I guess the usual Bee Gees , Beatles on Ed Sullivan and then let the fun begin. I have seen springsteen many times including his opening in 99 in Barcelona and may I tell you that I was actually backstage with none other than Tina Turner!!!!!!!! wow, wow, stage and dinner and all that !

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

The cafe is empty this evening, so where has everyone gone, to Woodstock ???

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

No woodstock tonight. Just lots of phone time with my mom. Her anti virus program expired and I had to talk her through the steps to re register and update it. Then I had to start all over with Bob to get his done before I could sit down and do mine. LOL by doing them all at the same time I know they all stay protected and it just takes one evening a year.

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Candee - I WISH I could have gone to Woodstock - it would have been awesome. I saw the movie though. Thanks for the new link.

I just got back a couple of hours ago from a lovely day trip. We got a little frost on the plants and rooftops this morning, but the day itself was nice and sunny. I took advantage of this warm spell to take a short hike in a state park in Napa Valley, a vineyard area a couple of hours north of where I live. Below is a picture of the trial we were on and a little stream. It was almost 70 degrees F today - nice to feel sunshine on the face kind of day.

I remember quite well the elephant bells. I even learned to macrame and made myself a belt. Somewhere in my closet, I still have platform shoes. Up until a few years ago, I had a tie-dyed dress that I had in Berkeley. And I loved Simon and Garfunkel, and Joan Baez, Dylan - all the folk-rock groups. The first concert I ever went to was to see Joanie. Candee - winning a dance contest in the second grade - that is so cool.

Zany - nice that you are the computer expert in your family. I still have to depend on my kids, or the IT help at work.

Elle - 24 degrees is really cold...I can't even imagine being in 9 degrees!!! Being indoors on the computer is a great way to stay warm and entertained.

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

I was too short for the Elephant bells. They made me look like I was wider than I was tall. LOL now I am wider than I am tall and I can't blame my wardrobe these days.

We are hovering at 34 degrees outside tonight but the cars are icing up and it will be colder before dawn. But it was a lovely day and I took advantage of that this morning by spending a couple hours at the park playing with Pyxle and even managed to get Bob in his wheelchair out into the fresh air for a while.

The doctors are very pleased with his healing now and told him he will be able to start putting some weight on that foot by the end of February if not sooner. It is amazing what they can do these days. When this happened a few years back it was not half as severe and it took 6 months to get to this point and it has only been a little over 2 months!

Humansville, MO

hi all
we are making tthe best of our weather
i going to visit my daughter and grand boys
i got toy for them and egg for her

Louisville, KY

No can do on the link Candee. I don't know how and would rather learn to snip sheep on neutering day. lol I think technology is fine when used in moderation, so I'm just peachy with what I know- with the exception of learning how to post a pic.

Wow, backstage with Tina Turner. It must have been something you will never forget. So you had diner too? Cool. That lady has sand and class to boot. Good riddance to Ike.

I wish I could have gone to Woodstock too Dianne. My generation didn't have too many ideals besides sex, drugs and rock-n-roll. Not that it wasn't fun, but it was hollow and aimless and full of image. Then along came the 80's and boy howdy, but did it all feel like a poofy neon marshmallow on crack. Big hair, big shoulders, big egos to flash around. I guess it was compensation for a lot of us having thin wallets. It was past Bonzo's bedtime.

I liked some folk music, it had an intelligence to it, but I was more into Zeppelin, Bad Company, the Who, Rush, Black Sabbath, Hendrix, Janis and any good blues influenced bands. Kiss was not on my list. lol

Zany, glad to hear that Bob is doing so well. I'm sure he is too. Here's to continued good health. Cheers

Sounds like a wonderful day in the park for you both. Come on spring! lol
It was cold and drizzly here so we saw a movie- Gran Torino. I give it my highest recommendation. At the end of the movie, the audience actually applauded. I can't remember the last time that happened.

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks for the new Cafe' Candee. I wrote a long post earlier and posted, then POOF it disapeared!
Having trouble with my computer!! or is it DG?
Plantgeek, great news you got a camera!
Glad Bob is getting better and stronger all the time.

Stay warm everyone!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh Lord won't you buy me a mercedes benz, my friends all have porsches, I must make amends LOL and Dylan, what a great group of friends here at the cafe.
Terri, when you make a long post, be sure to copy it before you hit the send then you can at least post it somewhere later.
So happy to hear the Bob is doing so well and may be up and around soon, perhaps he will take you for anice stroll in the sunshine Zany like the one Dianne went on.
Steve and I just came in from the hottub and it is quite chilly out there, but not too bad when you must take a few steps in the buff outta the 102 water.
We watched Mama Mia again last evening, it is a great musical as well. We saw the show in DC a number of years ago, but Meryl Streep is excellent in the movie. Will have to check out Gran Torino, the previews looked really good thanks for the review.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Almost forgot to bring in my cattails to the cafe in the nice vase Tasha and Mike got us from Puerto Rico.

Thumbnail by haighr
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Elle - hope you had a great visit with your daughter and grandkids. Do they live nearby in the same town?
Candee - great vase and cattail arrangements.

Zany - wonderful news on Bob's quicker than expected advances in his recover.

and for all of you who remembered the seventies, look what I found on the top shelf of my closet.... I am a tad over 5 feet with them on.

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

AND my famolares - the hi theres. I tried them on, and they are actually quite comfortable. Just for fun, I looked up some ads for them. Found one person asking for $170 for a pair that looks awfully lot like mine. Hmmmmm - for that price, maybe I can bear to part with them. LoL. But, it is a size 4, so may be hard to find a taker. Most of the other famolares were more in the $30-$50 range. A question for all you ladies my age or a little older - did they used refer to those shoes as wavefarers because of the wavy design on the soles??? In the song, boys of summer, I think there was a line about wavefarers, and I thought it was a reference to these shoes, but I can't find on the internet any mention of wavefarers. And speaking about generational interpretation of songs, in the last line of Sheryl Crow's "Soak up the sun", in which she sings, "I've got my 45 on so I can rock on", I told my kids that I thought she was referring to the 45 rpm records, but they thought it was 45 spf sunscreen.

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hold on Dianne, I am sure those will be back in style one of these days and you will be dancin up a storm in them.
Have no clue about answers to your questions, will let one of the "hippier pros" respond to those.

Humansville, MO

o i love those shoe
i live about 50 miles for her
she live in springfield mo
i do not have any old thing but me {lol}

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Well you if gotta have just one ole thing LOL, glad it is yourself! That's too funny elle. I have some old stuff but nothing much older than me as well.
I tell you those shoes are going to come back in style, bet you can really get something for them on the Antique Roadshow!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

this is one of those, oops, never mind moments. I didn't realize that the Boys of summer song was from the 1980's - I thought it was much older than that. And the line is actually wayfarers, which I googled and found out that it is a style of sunglasses which is what they were referring to.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh yeah Dianne, now that you say that I do recall hearing of wayfarers sunglasses.
I guess Terri is having real computer problems. Hope she can get back on line soon. When is that Chinese New Year anyway, think she is looking forward to another party? Guess I better go check.
Hope everyone is doing fine, anyone ever hear from Steven. guess he is no longer living across the street?

Louisville, KY

Oh lord, won't you buy me a Mecedes Benz. My friends all ride horses and live in pig pens...hehehe

Dianne, I think 45 is in reference to sunscreen. Wow, I haven't seen those shoes in 30 years. They would fetch a good price at a vintage boutique. It's odd to refer to those things, that time (ourselves then) as vintage. But Candee is right, hang onto anything long enough and it comes back in style.
I love Antique Roadshow. When I go to yard sales, I check things a lot closer.

Ell, you are too funny.

Bloosom dear, where are you? Must be busy with the horses. I'm jealous ya know. lol

I think I saw chickens across the street. No sign of Steven. But he does have a pair of pank hot pants here at the Cafe that he can come claim anytime.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

LOL, hot pants for Steven, perhaps that is why he is shying away! Come on Steven you don't have to wear them, just hold them up in fronta ya so we can imagine!

Louisville, KY

Hehe, I'll even throw in a pair of pointy-toed Italian boots. It will be shagadelyic, yeah baby!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone, Hope y'all ok!!
I can see the pictures now! I had too many photo's on my computer so that was making it go slow. Some are on on a disc now, so hopefully all is good again.

Love the cattails Candee, Thanks for bringing the arrangements in to brighten up the cafe'
Your flowers from New Year are doing really well.
My first outdoor concert was to see Bob Dylan, I had to beg Mum&Dad for weeks to let me go LoL!!

Dianne, I had those shoes!!!! we called them 'wedges.' LoL!!
Have you started any New Year preparations yet?

elle, Springfield mo, is that where Homer Simpson lives?
You aint old yet dearie !

Plantgeek, you Rock dude!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Terri - good to have you back in the cafe.

The only thing that I have started in preparation for the new year is to start cleaning the house. That was one thing that my mother was very insistent on when we were growing up - a thoroughly clean house before the new year started. So, I have kind of kept that tradition in my own family. Sometimes it is successful, some times it is not.

Won't it be neat if we can have a white elephant swap at the cafe?? I bet you guys have a lot of treasures hidden away somewhere, back in the dark recesses of cabinets and closets.

Humansville, MO

sure i old
the good year of 1943
we are trying to get everything ready for the cold weather
hope every one make the next two day

Louisville, KY

Hi Terri! Glad you got the puter glich whooped. lol Speaking for this one "y'all", I'm freezing my pitooty off, temps down into the teens, wind chills below freezing. Brrrrrrrrrr
Time to break out the big lapdog. I know where the kitties will sleep tonight, snugged up under the blankets next to us. Sorry snake babies, but it won't be fun for the cats with you in here too. I'll crank the heat mat up.
Elle, here is are some Everwarm blankies for you and your critters.

Dianne, that's a great idea. Now let's see here...rumble, clatter, fling...aha, one Outer Mongolian sheeps' bladder used for carrying fermented mare's milk (interesting flavor), the shed exo-skeleton of a pink-toed tarantula, ticket stubs from Led Zeppelin, stash from 1977 (pssst, meet me out back), a rough draft of The Tibetan Book of The Dead- well of course they didn't get it right the first time and some dinosaur poop. That ought to get things started.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

I don't have any old stuff left! What my sons and daughter didn't abscond with my grand daughter made off with. Anything they didn't take got thrown out during our last move. I went from pack rat to clean sweep and now I like to get rid of stuff better than collecting it. The kids may still have a bunch of it but now it is theirs to drag about from place to place ;~)

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Zany - how did you make your transition from pack rat? I need a lesson.....We moved to this house in 1989, and I still have boxes from the move that I have not yet unpacked. Talk about lugging around things that you don't need LoL.

Though nothing I have comes close to being as interesting as Plantgeeks.
One thing that I was really glad I kept was a few of my mom's clothes she had when we first immigrated here in 1958. They fit me pretty well - so she was close to my size when she came.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

After being forced to move for the third time because the owner sold the house I started getting rid of things. LOL by the time we had to move out of the old barn I still had a LOT of STUFF! We rented a uhaul truck and I filled that thing up twice with things I had been packing about for years and took it all to the dump! The guys at the dump watched me unloading for about 2 minutes before they came over to help and I noticed most of it was set aside rather than being shoved into the heaps. . . so I think lots of it may still be cluttering up someone elses house these days... but I also found that after the anxiety of the first couple of boxes, it became very exhillerating to make that clean sweep of it.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Zany we have so much in common. I am unloading things I never thought I would get rid of and not gathering anymore. We don't even buy souveniours in vacation anymore, just more stuff we don't need. My epiphany came when I look around at all the stuff my kids would have to get rid of one of these days and so I thought I would make it a bit simpler for them. Now don't get me wrong we still have more stuff sitting around then you can imagine, but nothing stored away that is not being used. Everything we have is out and about!
plantgeek, sounds like you have an entire "Grateful Dead" museum at your place LOL!
Elle, bundle up and knuckle down it is the big chill coming all our ways. We got 1" snow this morn just enough to make it slick on the way to work.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone,
We have far too much stuff and clutter around our house, one of these days we will have a major clear out! I'm sure there's a 'Grateful Dead' album somewhere LoL!

I'm enjoying my day off doing nothin' much!!
Got a few flowers to play with, made a fresh pot of coffee with some Daffodils.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Here's a vase of Alstromeria cut short.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

tulips and bear grass.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

I put one vase inside the other!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Terri, I really like the tulips in bear grass. Isn't it funny how some arrangements "speak" to us?

Candee, I still have lots of stuff too that we actually have out for use and decor. But no more boxes of mementos, old clothes, baby things, kids paintings from 30 years ago or stuff saved for years "just in case". All gone and no more! Even going through stuff with my Mom and brother after dad passed I only took a few things as keepsakes and some tools I actually use and let the rest go to family, friends and the second hand store or dump. It would have been all too easy to hang on to everything and in the old days I would have, but not now!

Well, the nurse is due here any minute and is supposed to teach me to pack Bob's foot now that the infection is cleared up. I 'll chat with ya all later!

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