Full spectrum grow light/ how big?

Lake Elsinore, CA

I want to buy a grow light. I want one that I can use to make plants grow and flower and produce.

I know I can use flourescent for germination, but I figure I might as well spend the money to get something I can use all the time, plus I want to grow some tomatoes indoors in the winter.

I've been looking at the LED (blue and red) lights, but don't know if they really work or not. I like it that they say they don't get hot. But I'm skeptical because I know nothing about grow lights, I guess. hehe!

What I need to know is what size light I need to cover an area of about 3'x3'.

I was thinking about maybe getting this one:

Anyone know if that would do the trick or not?
It says flourescent, too. So maybe it's not what I want, either.

Thanks for answering all my questions that probably have been asked before, but I can't find the thread for them.

This message was edited Jan 10, 2009 12:27 AM

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

You should check out this identical topic here:

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm actually interested in the grow lights also. My plants have been in my library (as mentioned on above thread) for a week now with minimal light. They are setting tomatoes but I can't move every thing in and then out when we only have one day of warm weather. Pug- zuke joke?

(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

Pugz said she was gonna marry her zuchinni before she pollinated them, hehe!

Comer, GA(Zone 7b)


Took me a little bit but I knew there was a thread somewhere else about LED lights. check the links here, I intend to buy a couple of the smaller lights, one at a time unfortunately

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

fremar-thank you for taking the time.

Lake Elsinore, CA

"Pugz said she was gonna marry her zuchinni before she pollinated them, hehe!"

Yeah, I said more but I won't repeat it here.

This message was edited Jan 10, 2009 9:36 PM

Lake Elsinore, CA

Thanks for the links to the lights and your comments, everyone. I'm still debating. I'll soon get sick of looking and just order that one at Amazon, I think. If I find something better, I'll let you all know.

Clinton, CT(Zone 6b)

The Hydrofarm FLC0125D is a nice set up, and will be terrific for seedlings and greens but if you want blossoms and fruit set, you might need more light.

I use two smaller compact fluorescents (27watt vrs the Hydrofarm 125 watts) to keep pepper seedlings going (one per lamp) after they won't fit under the normal fluorescents. They are terrific but I might get the hydrofarm myself as it looks a lot easier than what I have. I did get blossoms under the 27watts but no fruit set.

Don't go by me however, I don't try to grow to maturity under lights. There are a few forums devoted to it but I don't see one at Dave's. Ask around.

Lake Elsinore, CA

After rethinking this, I believe I can grow outdoors pretty much all year if I move my plants to the backyard of my place. The sun is gone during winter and if the temperatures cooperate, then they'll be fine.

So, I believe I will order that Hydrofarm and be done with it. I need my light soon, should have ordered it a couple of weeks ago.

Lake Elsinore, CA

Meant to say that the light is gone during the winter in the front of the house where I grew my garden last time, in the back, it'll still get sun all winter.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I was wondering where the sun went in CA. I'm from there originally and always remember there being a sun! I can understand the angle of the sun changing things. My back porch gets more sun now then it does during the summer but the temp. does not cooperate. I think I would have to see how well my zuch. performed before I made any true commitment.

Lake Elsinore, CA

LOL! Yes, the sun is still here! I should have kept notes on the shaded and sunny areas last year, but I didn't, so now that I am getting serious about gardening, I'll pay the price for that faux pas.

I'll be getting plenty of exercise moving pots all around, I'm guessing. :)

Can't wait to get out there and get some vitamin D, exercise and satisfaction!

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh no I ddn't realize you JUST joined. I should be better behaved, at least for a liitle while.

(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

LOL, 1lisac don't worry about behaving around Pugzley, she generally needs a spanking herself for one thing or another, haha!

Lake Elsinore, CA

"Oh no I ddn't realize you JUST joined. I should be better behaved, at least for a liitle while."

Don't behave on my account! I can't wait until I've racked up a few more posts so the REAL me can come out. LOL!

darkmoondreamer had outed me! :)

Lake Elsinore, CA

Why can't I type lately? (HAS outed me)

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