Rain in the forecast again...really? :-{

Mableton, GA(Zone 7a)

Can you believe I said that!?! Everything that survived the drought is probably now rotting. Or am I over-worrying. Please say I am. At night I keep picturing bulbs sitting in clay soil that has been amended, but probably not enough, rotting away. And what about the crowns of my perennials like lavender and daylilies?
How many days this fall has it not rained? I sure wish our rain would spread itself out more. Or, if the rain won't let up now, at least I wish I could catch gallons upon gallons of it and hold onto enough for a whole summer's worth of watering. And surely Lakes Allatoona and Lanier are making some headway. Does anyone know?
Grumble, Grumble....

North Augusta, ON

Cheer up!! It could look like this outside:

Thumbnail by threegardeners
Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

The news reported that the water level in Lake Lanier rose a foot with the recent rains. But levels are still down 17 feet.

The winds are what's getting me. Saw a lot of downed trees on the way home from work.. Several on my street.


We actually miss that a little bit. I would love to have a weekend where I am snowed in with my wife. We would always cook a pot of beans and she would fry wither some chicken or pork chops. And we'd curl up with movies and garden books.

Almost makes me misty eyed until I think about how I'd have to go out and shovel the next day. :-)


North Augusta, ON


Mableton, GA(Zone 7a)

I too would love one, maybe even two weeks in some of that wonderful snow. We usually go west for a week or so in the winter but I don't think it's going to happen this year. We do our best to find the perfect "cabin in the woods" for that particular destination that year and enjoy our temporary winter wonderland. Then we come back to the south.

We do get cold though. This year November was particularly cold it seemed. Lots of nights in the 20's with days not much higher. That's weird for November. And we get an ice storm or 2 every couple of years at least it seems. But we didn't have much of a winter last year.

And BronxBoy, that wind today was wild! I drove by our church and one of our huge hemlock trees was blown over. I couldn't believe it. It was so very, very beautiful. And 5 minutes after I got to work the power went out.

And your kidding me...1 ft. That's it? Me andmy yard are waterlogged! It's Squishy, and I think I saw on the seven day forcast that more rain is coming. I was hoping we were catching up a bit more on our deficit. Well, it could be worse so I'm thankful it's not. :-)

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I love that people elsewhere check on us. That photo is amazing Threegardeners. Are you a displaced Southerner? And BTW, I thought AZ was supposed to be a desert. lol Send some photos of you looking buff in snow shoes and on ski lifts. Okay? Make us jealous.

Mableton, GA(Zone 7a)

I just love it when threegardeners shows up where I am. Even if we don't "speak" directly to one another. I feel like I have a cousin out there.

North Augusta, ON

Me too 3G!!

Actually, I'm in Canada, just having a virtual vacation in Arizona..last year was Hawaii...until I look out the window that is...

Mableton, GA(Zone 7a)

Canada's a long way from AZ. When does spring arrive for you? Our summers are just about unbearable for me but I sure count on Spring arriving in March. I don't plan to live here the rest of my life, but I know I'll miss our early springs.

I wish I could change the title of this thread. The new 7 day outlook only has one day of rain predicted. GA people are going to think I'm crazy. It's the weather channel. I promise. I'd be better of with a weather rock. Ha Ha :-D

North Augusta, ON

Our last frost is usually the first week of June...first is mid. Sept. Last summer was cool, I didn't need my shorts on except for maybe 2 days. Always need a sweater at night.

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

BB, I'm with you. We like it too to get a bit of 'bad' weather. We get to be pioneers, have a fire all the time. The only downside was that no-power (often happens out here in the boonies in that kind of weather) means no water since we have a well. We have a generator now, though, so we can play pioneer without suffering!

The romance of being snowed in goes downhill quickly when you can't take a shower and have to bring in snow to flush toilets. Just think about it....

threeg - wow, you are one tough gardener and I bow to you. Our summers are brutal but that's a pretty short season you have up there! Glad you chimed in and keep us honest.

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

My yard is so mushy. And all the daffodils are up, some 4-6 inches. Now we're getting cold temps at night so I guess they will be toast and not bloom this spring. They'll probably rot in the wet ground. I do love having all the rain, though. Just wish more of it would go into Lake Lanier. It doesn't seem to rain as much in the Lanier area as elsewhere in GA. My rain gauge showed a total of 1.72 inches over 3 days. I know some people got a lot more than that.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

We have lost our power for up to five days in Atlanta and moved up to Maypop where rustic life is much more doable. I have cast iron cookware to hearth cook (I love this), have baked bread over the open fire (I love this even more), and hung quilts, plastic and anything that would conserve heat while we lived within feet of the fire. The woodstove, in the basement, relies on a fan. It convects poorly without electricity. I'd like to find a green way to run the fan when power fails. If we have no electricity, we have no water. I store water for the kitchen and water for toilets separately. The later is in garbage cans in the basement and is hauled. Much better than going down to the pond (1/4th mile and hauling it up the hill). It's romantic for those of us that did not grow up this way. For those who grew up in the country and had to schlep water, milk or eggs from the cool spring in Winter, it's not romantic at all.

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

I know what you mean Becky. Can't get much work done out there. We are laying our drip irrigation system out and have lost the last 2 weekends due to rain.


Anyway you can hook up a small solar unit to power that fan?


Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

We are thinking about a relay system. I've always done the systems design for our houses, but I'm behind the times and need to ramp up.

What's with this weather and would things be as interesting without weather angst? Thirteen degrees this Friday? Threegardeners will be right at home. We have lots of rain on warm days, no snow on cold days and dreary days in between. If you live within a day's drive of Atlanta, get yourself to the Atlanta Botanical Garden.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

You all know we have switched to La Nina now? Warm winter and wet spring forecasted.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

I went to college in Buffalo NY and I don't miss that weather at all. It's the grey sky all the time that is depressing. My all time favorite day was when the sky was black enough that the street lights turned on, there was lightning in the distance, 20-30 MPH wind and it switched back and forth from freezing rain to snow. Bufalo had some crazy weather. I also hate alternate street parking for those of you who know what that is.

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Alternate street parking

The bane of late risers :-)


Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

I spent a year in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan while DH was in college. Had 25 ft. of snow that year. Had to keep the car battery in the apartment so it wouldn't freeze. (we were parked on the wrong side of the street for a heater) That was the last year we lived up north!

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Ah BB knows the problem. LOL>

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