What month are Spring roundups usually held?

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Trying to make plans for this year


GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi BB,

I think they're usually around April.

Are you still thinking about hosting? :)


Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I'm here to support whatever is going on. If things require consideration, DM me privately. I'd love to see something happen that's not a day's drive from our garden in Spring. Georgia is such a big state and the RU's are challenging for many. I'm open to hosting if there is a gap in eager hosts, but would prefer a later date as things are still pretty bare in April. DH says if we host we can call it a "rock concert". Everyone has to agree to move a minimum of ten rocks.

Comer, GA(Zone 7b)

count me in maypop , just make my rocks on the smallish size, on the other hand if we're moving them into the back of my truck I could bring home as many as you can spare

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes Danita

Trying to get a sense of where the county will be with this road project by then. I may be leaning towards very early in May.


Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

Maypop- Can I "move" them to MY yard???? Samantha

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

We have about fifteen tons of rock piled up from the old chimney, two tons of flagstones and four of fieldstone from the new chimney. Does this make me a rock star? I have learned to roll rocks, so I must be a rock 'n roller.

Bronx, many college and high school graduations are the first two weeks in May. We have a big one on May 17th. DD gets her Master's from George Washington U. YEAH!

Samantha, the rocks are minor compensation for the eight months of construction I have lived through. DH looked expansively at the pallets lining the yard and announced that I now had those big rocks I had always wanted. Do you think I'm going to let another woman walk off with my treasure?lol

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

I have an idea for us rock-lusters. We can distract Laurel and Steve with a pyrotechnic display and load up all their rocks while they are looking skyward! :) Hopefully someone will bring their front-end loader to facilitate this....LOL

Maybe towards late May? I will plan to come if at all possible. I really enjoyed meeting you all at Becky's RU (and some of you before at our Athens nursery visits).

Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

Maypop - Ahh, I understand about your treasure - BUT - it never hurts to ask, right???? (I actually have a friend who doesn't ask first, but she's so beautiful, she gets away with...well, not murder, but close!!) LOL!!! I don't have that kind of chutzpah!! However, just so you know - all the rest of us DGers who are lusting after your rocks expect lots of pictures of the amazing things you build with them!! Samantha

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

Samantha is right Laurel. We'll want pics so we know the rocks we did not steal end up with a good home! :) I did some consulting at a rural property a few years ago. In talking about rocks (and me admiring all the rock walls she had), she offered me some because they wanted to clear a pasture. I came back with the truck and she even helped me load them up. The only downside was I was really interested in the cantaloupe plus size ones, but since her goal was to clear land, she was choosing the smaller ones!!

Oh well, I still got a nice haul to use for marking our woodland paths. The white granite shows up through the leaf cover.

My DH and I have discussed that one of the few reasons we'd like to be wealthy is so that we could buy all the rocks we wanted. Is that weird or what?

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Very wierd!

I think we'll have to have you committed. LOL


Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

OK, BB - then I'll have to room with her - I LOVE rocks! I even hauled quite a few from Colorado when we sold our home there! (And if we ever move again, they're coming with me!) Samantha

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

I know it's strange, but my husband likes it that I prefer a load of manure or a boulder over jewelry! It makes gift giving so easy!!

Maybe my rock-love comes from roaming around with my dad, who like Samantha, picked up rocks everywhere he went.

We have our own (very mini) rock yard now and we have enjoyed so much having rocks to choose from for little projects, a bed here, a wall there.....now we really want what we are calling a 'whale' rock to put out in the pasture so we can gaze on it from the house.

Uh oh, BB is that the men in white coats at the door coming to take me?

Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

Here, here! I definitely second that - manure or a boulder over jewelry - jewelry just gets dirty or lost when I garden!!! and it doesn't improve the soil AT ALL!! lol Samantha

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

Samantha, we must meet! I did LOL when reading your last post. After all, soil improvement is our nirvana!! :) Pam

Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

Pam - Georgia will NEVER be the same after we meet! I agree about improving the "soil" - our sand won't hold moisture for more than 5 minutes on a rainy day - the summer is so frustrating! So I compost & amend with everything & anything..... it's a GOOD thing I live WAAAAAY out in the country & have a like-minded "neighbor" 1/2 mile up the road - I just read that URINE (human, anyway!!) is GOOD for your "lasagne" beds! Honk before you get here! ;-) Samantha

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Ya know, when I was threeforfifty-something, those rocks would have been assigned designated spots in a NY minute. But now the big six is coming and things take time to ruminate.

BB, before we totally hijack your thread, what are you thinking regarding "The Plan" I'm in for food and seed. I want to help and you can just let me know privately what I can do. BTW, I didn't know XY chromosomes were capable of planning ahead. Is Ms. B keyboarding? Okay, "my bad".

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

Laurel, you are bad!! -- suggesting that men lack anything in the planning or asking for directions area. Whoops.
But so am I . I don't really know the prtocol here at DG, but I may be guilty of thread-hijacking too. Sorry if I digressed.....

ANYWAY, BB, yes, I too want to come and help. Your place or Laurel's!!

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

OK BB, whenever you have it, I'm in. That is except for the last weekend in April. LMK what I can do to help. If you don't want to have it at your place, mine will probably be available. Or if theres a big crowd, you might consider a park like Ft. Yargo. But that would involve cost.

Laurel, I'm with you on the rocks. You can do so much with them. Maybe an outdoor bbq area... If you host, you could have a rock 'n roll party, everyone move one rock to a new place in order to get their seeds/plants. I saw a landscape show on TV where they built a patio that way.

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

You guys want rocks, you should come by me. With all the road work going on, there are a ton lying around.

HA HA HA. Very Funny
Mrs Bronx put a lot of time and effort into getting me "trained". I'm about 15% there ;-)

I don't think there will be a problem with hosting. Just want to make sure no one has to deal with a horrendous road situation. We are planning on having some on farm plant sales around that time so the timing would be good. Hey, I got contacted from someone from Dacula through Georgia Organics. She has 25 acres and wants to start doing some veggie production. Some maniacs have been telling her she doesn't have enough land to grow food to sell. We are going over to their place in a little while. I'm going to indoctrinate them into the DG cult. :-)


Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Good grief, who are those people. On 25 acres, she could grow just about anything. I'd love to have that much land. I know you can set her on the right path. Is she near where I live? I bet someone wants to get her to sell so they can put in a subdivision or strip mall or something. Darn developers....

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

She has a beautiful place Becky. 25 acres. Boards horses. And she has several wonderful outbuilding, one of which she is turning into a commercial kitchen. Has about 15 beds and I am going to help her organize her plantings.

The place is off of Brooks road.


Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Sounds like a great place. With horses, she can compost the manure and have free fertilizer. What is she going to do with the kitchen? Does she have chickens? (and how is your coop coming?)

Brooks is pretty close to you, isn't it.

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

She is composting the manure. She is part of a state program to try to turn the manure into a saleable product. No Chickens but she does have a few goats.

She's about 15 minutes. Kitchen will be for lease for anyone needing a certified kitchen.

With all the rain we have been having, haven't gotten too far with the coop.


Gosh, I've been MIA but am glad I've found this thread. I'll be keeping an eye on it for your plans on the spring RU. I'm definitely interested! :)

For those of you who prefer rocks and manure ... you should have seen my Christmas list. LOL ^_^

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

Susan, you mean there's better stuff to ask for?

And how do you insert your real smiley face? Inquiring minds want to know....

Just hold down your shift key and type a 6, 11 and 6 on your numbers row without spaces.

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

We live directly across the street from a horse and cattle farm. I've been eyeing up the piles of manure in the fields ever since we moved here over a year ago. I found out who the owner of the farm is...he doesn't live here, but owns the Ace Hardware store on Lexington Ave...but I have yet to have a chance to ask him if there's a way I can get some. The farm is surrounded with an electric fence and is gated with a chain and lock, so it's not like I can just walk over there with my wheelbarrow and shovel. Just yesterday, on our way to wherever, I made a longing comment about all that wonderful manure out there. My DH laughed and claimed that I was the only person he ever met that ogled and coveted manure the way I did!


Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

Ah JoAnn, a sister of the soil! I know what you mean. I can drive by on our rural road (the paved one before you get to our dirt/gravel one!!) and see horse droppings some times and have to control myself to not rush home and get a shovel and bucket.

I can hardly bear to think of all the food wastes that grocery stores now throw away: I understand they used to give it to gardeners but now there are issues about food safety / lawsuits, etc......it could all be composting in my 'back 40.' :)

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