Garden Photos - Part 48

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I know that one well Sherrie.... I twisted my ankle out in the yard... screamed for Randy (who was sleeping and sleeps like the dead).... and found out my dogs are not lassie... I said go get daddy... and Jily ran up to the sliding door and wiggled her butt.... needless to say I had to hop back to the house ... crying and trying not to fall down the slope leading down to my gate... then up the deck stairs... this place is a joy... but if I knew then I would be into gardening I don't think I would have bought this one

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

I learned to keep the cell phone or the cordless in my pocket for the same reason if I am on my own and fall I may not be able to get up I have used it a couple of times

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

live and learn... I do that now too

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Remember the adds with an mature woman at the bottom of the stairs yelling"help Ive fallen and I cant get up"
Well I dont own a cell so I have that service. I used it when my prosthetic hip gave out.
Hated to think of myself that old but the servics costs the same as cell.I have come close to needing it a few times since living here.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

if we could just learn to think safety we would not have to suffer so much to learn hahahha
a few years ago I decided to build a bird house and to use siding on it I cut my hand badly needing 7 stiches to close it, I was home alone and had to drive myself to the hospital the doctor was very upset to hear that I had been driving he said I could have gone into shock, I informed him that I had many stiches in my life being a tom boy and all and that shock was not in my body lol hhhahahah so got stiched up and drove home DH was angry that I had been doing the birdhouse without him so now we discuse what is going to be done around the house and decide what we will do together so I dont end up getting hurt again I am just the kind of person that like to do things and do not like to wait hahahah

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

I think we all need to grow more witch hazel, not for it's winter beauty, but to make lotions for treating the bruises for all the clutches on this thread. I am the queen of tripping. I am capable of falling down in my sleep. Diane or 'Fire charm' (Hamamelis x intermedia 'Feuerzauber') are on my short list. Hate to see a Viburnam go, but Ge1836 it seems like a nice plan. Thanks redchic01 for the winter pictures. Patti

This message was edited Jan 23, 2009 8:50 AM

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

the bundies when they had the shopping race in the supermarket the neighbor fell and said that it was so funny but my last on stairs I broke two fingers ripped open my elbow and knee it didnt seem funny it is now and the stairs are gone it was an extra set going of the deck we knew they had to go I just was stupid enough to use them lol the very next day hubby ripped them out and closed off the opening saying that is it for those and then he fixed to other set and added proper hand rails

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

The viberns are diseased so its a matter of time.
Now I cant decide which which to choose. Reds are fun but yellows would stand out against the spruces.
Do you know when is a good time to plant them?

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

spring or fall for all perennials

South Hamilton, MA

I keep my kneeler around while gardening--just press down on the handles & up I come. I do know better when to start things on my own, not enough courage to do birdhouses or in our case, bird feeders. I fell on the path to the driveway this month & the angle being wrong to get up with human help sent DH for the kneeler which worked.

We have 'wild' (old pasture residents) & they are fantastic when they bloom--don't know how old they are, certainly more than 30 yrs as they were here when we built the house. Never tried witch hazel.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

me neither, never had the room in the city.
I probably wont plant one until fall unless I save fast before April, dont want landsacpers tromping on the plants.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

last summer as I was checking out what the kids call the secret garden I found all kinds of wild asters, butterfly weed and echinacea also many that I do not know the names one in particular has many small pink flowers it is out of hand and taking over will have to deal with that one this spring it is covering an area of about 100 by 300 feet of open land which I have very little of it has killed out everything else so I must fight back hahah

Port Washington, NY(Zone 7a)

I love your Witch Hazels, Redchic. So great to see some color this time of year. They are on my shrub and tree list for when I have a retaining wall rebuilt. Everyone here gives me so many ideas that I'm pushing along this project sooner than I expected. Called a landscaper that specializes in stone walls to come out and have a look. My wish list is so long that I may have to do it in stages. The trouble is that I keep planting in areas that I will be doing work on eventually so I am making more work for myself. It's so hard to wait.

By the way, Redchic, I meant to say Yes, have some great shots from Christmas. The girls are so much fun now that they are really interacting with each other.

I've been on a loaner computer for a week now, just got mine back today. So now I can post a few pictures.

This was from a few weeks ago. Hope I'm not repeating myself. Amaryllis Jewel, paperwhites, and Amaryllis Moonlight.

Thumbnail by DyanesGarden
Port Washington, NY(Zone 7a)


Thumbnail by DyanesGarden
Port Washington, NY(Zone 7a)


Thumbnail by DyanesGarden
Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

very nice flowers forgot to put mine to sleep so mine wont be potted till the beginning of march for late april early may blooms

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Thanks Dyane I really miss lilies this time of year.

Port Washington, NY(Zone 7a)

I hope to get them to rebloom. Now that I have a house, rather than an apartment, I can rest the bulbs and then put them out in the summer.
This one is Red Peacock getting ready to bloom. It has beautiful diamond dusting that I can't seem to pick up with this camera.

Thumbnail by DyanesGarden

They are pretty. Too early yet. Tick Tock Tick Tock

Port Washington, NY(Zone 7a)

I have some pictures from last weekend in Montauk, NY, the easternmost point on Long Island. It was very cold but bright and sunny.

Thumbnail by DyanesGarden
Port Washington, NY(Zone 7a)

The Lighthouse

Thumbnail by DyanesGarden
Port Washington, NY(Zone 7a)


Thumbnail by DyanesGarden
Port Washington, NY(Zone 7a)

I hiked up this dune from the beach

Thumbnail by DyanesGarden
Port Washington, NY(Zone 7a)

I thought the boulders on the beach looked like glazed chocolate doughnuts, sweet but deadly....

Thumbnail by DyanesGarden

pretty but BRRRR

Port Washington, NY(Zone 7a)


Thumbnail by DyanesGarden
Port Washington, NY(Zone 7a)

Nice place to go in winter if you want the whole place to yourself. Just us and seals. Hard to see in this pic, I didn't bring a camera with a good zoom lens.

Thumbnail by DyanesGarden

Hope he/she is warm!

Port Washington, NY(Zone 7a)

They looked pretty happy out there sunning themselves on the rocks. They're built for the cold. These seals have migrated from the waters of the Arctic so it feels warm to them!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Thanks Dyane. Your pics are beaufitul. I love the snow/ice on the beach. That doesn't happen here very often, so it's a real oddity to see.

Jo Ann ...I'm on break again, so I'm keeping this short. I heard something a couple of years ago that might help in deciding on a WH. Someone asked me if I had heard the phenom about the fall colors of a WH being directly proportionate to their Flower colorsl i.e Yellow flowered ones have yellow fall colors, orange = orange leaves, and copper colors = red/orange/yellow leaves. . I hadn't. However I have paid attention for the two fall seasons after that and it seems to be true. I had never noticed that my arnold promise had the most boring colors of all of them, but sure enough... yellow was it. Jelena turned orange in the fall and the others were a close resemblence to their flower colors as well.

This message was edited Jan 23, 2009 10:28 AM

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Thats really great info to have.THANKS huge.
I am leaning away from the yellows, copper and red look good.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

so diana will be red - nice!

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

DyanesGarden, yummy donuts! Love that bright blue of winter that you captured so well.

RedChic. Good help about the leaves and blooms. Back to my WH search. Patti

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Nice lighthouse pics. Looks so serene and pleasant.
Good info to have about WH. Thanks for the tip.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

These are the vibernums sorry about the screen. I am not going to kill myself taking it out and wading thru 10 inches of wet snow isnt my cup o tea.
There are two vibes and a rose at the far left.
I want to enlarge the skirt to allow for the Orient Poppies.
Just so you dont think your nuts I did draw a few roses.

This message was edited Jan 23, 2009 1:33 PM

Thumbnail by ge1836
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

LOL my inside voice was saying 'Oh dear ge1836 has lost it. Another succumbs in the time of the cold and the dark". But ah ha I get it. Its about removing the vibernums and replacing with WH. I would definitely keep the rose. Very pretty ^_^

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)


Port Washington, NY(Zone 7a)

What is the name of the Clematis nursery run by Debbie? I've lost all the bookmarks on my computer.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

They do look like donuts. I'd love to be sunning on a rock somewhere - like maybe the Caribbean. LOL. But, hey it got to 49 here today. I was outside for a bit.

Great tip, rc, about the WH and colors. I have that on my Fairweather list.

Nice rose, JoAnn.

Love the white flowers, Dyane.

Port Washington, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Jan.
I'm with you a rock in the Caribbean would suit me just fine!

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