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So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

That's wonderful (the pH)... and planting corn, beans and 'maters ain't bad either... ^_^

Triad(for a few more, NC(Zone 7a)

My gardens are slam full. I still have to put summer squash, zucc, cantelopes, peppers, eggplant in and I am nearly out of space. We are selling this year at the farmersmarket and we started a CSA program which is doing really well. I need to clear another acre. :)

check out our new website.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Very nice web site.
Have you been over to the "Market Growers" forum ?
Those people would enjoy your site also.

Happy Growing,

Triad(for a few more, NC(Zone 7a)

No Bernie, I havn't, thanks, I will visit.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

That's a great site. It looks very proffessional. Looks like you guys have your hands full but I'm sure you are loving it. I pulled 56 beautiful green onions today and put red onion starts in the holes. Also got a few taters planted, some broccoli, turnips, swiss chard, romaine lettuce, beets and radishes. Have to seed tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and watermelon tonight.

Triad(for a few more, NC(Zone 7a)

Hi Cajun,

Thank you. We are very very busy! I planted 30 tomatoe plants Saturday and have about 40 more in the greenhouse coming up. I am hoping to sell plants at the farmers market so I am starting lots of them. We have had a cooler than normal Spring so the cool weather plants I have in the ground are slow to get bigger and the seeds are germinating very slowly. Isn't it all fun though?

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I'm having a blast with my little patch. DH hauled me in another load of composted manure and sawdust to finish my new 8 x 24 tomato bed. I'm growing lots of new stuff this year.

Triad(for a few more, NC(Zone 7a)

Yeah, I had my years of trying new stuff. This year I am growing all the reliables so that I have good stuff to sell. It is fun trying new stuff. I am trying a couple of new varieties this year. I have about 6-8 varieties of tomatoes this year and 4 squashes, and 4 cukes. Oh, I forgot I am growing honeydew melon for the first time this year. I love them and hope they do well.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

What kind of tomatoes, squash and cukes are you going with? I'm going to grow my cukes in hanging baskets. I make them myself out of plastic jugs and coat hangers.

Thumbnail by CajuninKy
Triad(for a few more, NC(Zone 7a)

Cute. Let me know how this works.

Ok, for tomatoes, I have some Cold Set, Red Rose, Roma, Classica, Beef Master, Jelly Bean, Giant Belgium,Bella Rosa, Ball's Beefsteak, Early Girl.

For cukes I have started Fanfare, National Pickling, a couple others I don't remember?

Eggplant will be Twilight and Moneymaker. Peppers are Fat & Sassy, Cubanelle, Jalapeno, one other green one, I think?

I am excited about the tomatoes, I like the selection and hope they do well.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I'm not familiar with most of them. Are they more for the market garden? Do you raise heirlooms and save your own seed?

I like the CSA idea. It's a good deal for folks who would like fresh, healthy veggies but can't grow their own for one reason or another. I'm looking forward to following your progress through the season. It must be very satisfying work.

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