Wanted: North American Native Flower Seeds

Langley, WA(Zone 8b)

I'm looking for wild form (non-cultivator) seeds for quite a few species of different North American wildflowers especially interesting species of Aquilegia, Coreopsis, Echinachea, Gaillardia, Penstemon and Rudbekia.

If anyone has any species wildflower seeds for trade I'd be interested in trading for most anything not listed below (species I already have seed for):
Asclepias tuberosa
Aquilegia (have quite a few of these but still looking for quite a few too)
Coreopsis lanceolata
Coreopsis tinctoria
Echinacea pallida
Echinacea purpurea
Echinacea tennesseensis
Eupatorium purpureum
Gaillardia aristata
Linium lewisii
Penstemon canescens
Penstemon digitalis
Penstemon tenuis
Scutellaria lateriflora
Silphium perfoliatum


Carson City, NV(Zone 6b)

Hey Amanda,
over in Native Plants there is usually one or two native seed swaps per year. We just did one in the fall and I think a few people were interested in a spring one. I have few native species to trade. If you see something on my tradelist that you would like to trade, just dmail me.

Langley, WA(Zone 8b)

Hey Janel,

Thanks so much for letting me know about the Native Plant swaps. I'll have to head over and check out the Native Plant forum and I did also send a d-mail your way.


I collected seed for this plant the other day because I saw several nicotiana on your trade list. If you are interested in this one I'd be more than happy to send it along to you. I don't know a thing about growing it. The plant I collected the seed from was about 2' high and had several branches. It was bigger than plants I've seen in previous years but we had lots of summer rain.
I also have seed for this plant
I can't get it to grow in my yard. It grows under junipers in the canyon where I hike, the soil is very different from what is in my yard.

Let me know & I'd be happy to send them to you. I started the tomato seed you sent just last night!

Langley, WA(Zone 8b)


I'm so glad to hear that you were able to get a start on the tomatoes - I hope they do very well. Certainly that would be fantastic - I would be thrilled to have some seeds for Nicotiana obtusifolia and Mirabilis multiflora is a perfect example of one of those plants that I didn't know I had to have. How gorgeous! I would absolutely love seeds for that species as well. Just let me know what I can send you in return.


Sent you a mail sweetie. :-)

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