Moving from bin to trays

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

I've been keeping my worms in a bin for the last 3 months. Like a typical beginner, I think I've overfed them. Mostly with coffee grinds from Strarbucks & banana peels. So I've stopped feeding them for the last week until the excess food is gone.

Anyway, I recently purchased a 4 tray Gusanito Worm farm. Any suggestions about how to transition from the bin to the trays? I know everything that I have right now won't fit in 1 or even 2 trays. I thought about setting up new bedding & transferring as many worms as I can get to the new bin, and then filling it with the uneaten food. When that's all gone, do the same thing with the 2nd bin. Does this sound about right?

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I've never done it, but fwiw, I think I would treat it like a bin restart. Keep on for a little bit like you're doing, not adding more organic matter, so the worms can kinda eat up what they have. Then separate out the worms, and start them in the new trays just like you were starting from scratch.

Also btw, coffee grounds can build up some heat as they start to decompose on their own. You might be a little aware of this, especially if your bin is where it will be warm in the summer anyways. More banana peels if they're available, and maybe sort of spread out the grounds, don't just dump them in in a clump.

Good luck! Let us know what you end up doing, and how it works out...

Canyon Lake, TX(Zone 8b)

What are you plans for the worm eggs in the old bedding?

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

What I finally did was remove any visible bedding & uneaten food into 1 pile, ignoring any worms or egg casings. Then I placed all of remaining stuff in the bottom tray. This filled up the bottom tray with a little left over. I put the remainder of the vermicompost & the visible bedding & uneaten food into the 2nd tray. Now I only feed the 2nd tray. All the worms seems to be settling in.The worms are slowly moving up to tray 2.

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