CLOSED: Mystery Envelope - Who Sent It?

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7b)

Just received a mysterious bubble envy with joe pye weed seeds and no return address on outside or postage inside. There is an address label inside from someone in Missouri with "Mr. and Mrs. xxxxx xxxxx", but I don't recognize the name. I haven't set up a trade for joe pye with anyone in MO and after looking through my trades and dmails, I can't find anyone I've corresponded with in MO. Would anyone like to claim this envy? I had posted a white moonflower for SASBE a couple of weeks ago, so I am wondering if this individual is seeking white moonflower in return. Anyway, if someone would like to claim this envelope and make their intentions known to me, I would really appreciate it -loose ends drive me crazy. :) I'll be happy to send some moonflower if that is what you are wanting, no problem. Thanks. Stacey

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Stacey - mayhaps Joe Pye sent the envy and is now wishin' he kept his weed, eh? ;--)

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I think possibly I added Joe Pye weed to your Common Milkweed. When I find the letter about it I will forward it to you.Now if you ever want sneezeweed I can probably find that too.
Ill look in MO.

See Dmails

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7b)

Robin you did send me something else but it wasn't Joe Pye weed, because I didn't have any when or after you sent your trade. I traded you some white moonflower for the milkweed. I don't think this is your envy, unless you sent me two different envelopes of stuff (Great if you did; the more the merrier :)).

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7b)

Lazlo - what are you growing over there? :)

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

you mean - what do i wish i was growing over here!

Chesapeake, VA

Stacey, I sent you an envy a few days ago, but no Joe Pye. And I'm in beautiful Virginia.

So, it wasn't me.

Millsap, TX

Ya know I am still waiting to hear from a couple of folks that I sent seed to (not at their expense..LOL) but have never heard back from them.. Perhaps one of my envies got shpped there...LOL
Hope you find out who your secret sender is ...

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7b)

Kylie, I'm pretty sure I haven't traded with you yet. :) I hope you get whatever you were expecting in return.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

did you use the "search" feature in your dmail?

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7b)

Ok, got it all figured out. The return address fell off the envelope, and the address label inside the envelope is someone elses (a stowaway). The person it came from is NOT in MO, which is what threw me for a loop. Thanks to all who helped me try to solve the mystery. :)

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