For those of you who are cheap

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

or broke..... AND you say you are sick of the wind blowing dirt in your eyes of your open-aisle barn? And your contractor didn't show to hang the doors, and your builder brother who swore 2 months ago to do it in exchange for HVAC work if you sent your DH to his house doesn't show either?

You can go to a rock quarry and get some beat up old belts and have fairly decent mats for that aisle that faces north and is the wind-tunnel-from-Hades. It will cut down on that stuff in your eyes a bit.

But when the rock quarry guys help you load it? Don't believe their estimates. They gave us 400 feet that wound up to be 150 - and that's before we trimmed the nasty patched holes out! But I'm not ungrateful! NO! I got mats!!!! For NOTHING!!! And they're not as slick as I thought!

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