Blooming Today

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

Right on schedule.. Always blooms late Dec-early Jan.. Fully opened this am and more buds to open soon..This is Royal Knight.


Thumbnail by Larkie
Santa Ynez, CA

what is your weather like there, I have one similar to that and it is ready to open now, I fear the frost will get it....

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

In the last month we have ranged from below freezing (lowest 25) to over 80 degrees.. Today was raining, humid and in the 70's...On Christmas day we were running the AC..


Santa Ynez, CA

sounds familiar, today nice until late afternoon cool, but ok, managed to get a huge iris bed cleaned out:)

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Make me dream. 2" of snow on the level. Drifts 5-6', Blwoing snow. Have had to get someone to break down the drift in front of the garage 3 times so we can get out. The Iris and Dayylilies are buried. It looks like a very long winter. Also temps -28 degree to 15 above.

Oops. meant 2 feet not 2"

This message was edited Jan 4, 2009 11:19 AM

Santa Ynez, CA

well you can come over anytime and help me with the cleaning of the iris beds:) a little cool out but not too bad, I am getting ready to go put in an hours worth of work now:)

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

on my way Makj. I'll bring the Veg Beef soup I made.

Santa Ynez, CA

LOL, if only:) could use the extra hands...

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