If I only had a hot tin roof

Oak Hill, FL(Zone 9b)

One of the Ferrel cats, that live in the woods next to me, gains access to my roof via the Hawaiian Woodrose vine hanging over my house, Ed

Thumbnail by edric
Phoenix, AZ

What a sweet little face =^..^=

Chickenville, FL(Zone 9a)

Ahhh what a cutie! She says she is on top of the world ! Too bad she isn't tame.

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

She looks alot like one of my barn cats, who are also feral.. we call ours Boots. She'll come up on the porch for the food we put out in the winter, but if we come out while she's eating, she hisses up a storm.. told DH we should call her Hissy Fit instead of Boots! (all my cats I call SHE, even though we don't have a clue if they are or not!)

Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)

I have a male feral cat that has taken up residence at my house. Actually, I think he just comes to be fed. I have tried for months to get him to let me pet him, but he will have no part of it. We have another stray cat that we feed, and this one will let us pet and love on him. It is funny to watch them, the feral cat tries to love on the other male, but usually gets a nice swat instead. I guess it must be next to impossible to gain their trust. : {

Oak Hill, FL(Zone 9b)

Two sisters, just trying to figure it all out, Ed

Thumbnail by edric
Oak Hill, FL(Zone 9b)

Talk about in the gutter

Thumbnail by edric
Ann Arbor, MI

Ed those are so cute!! Love the pics!

Oak Hill, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks, Ann Arbor eh, I was born, and raised in Mt. Clemens, but haven't been back since 76, Ed

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Shirl, just be patient! I was actually able to touch Hissy Fit (yes, it's official now.. Boots is renamed!) a couple of days ago, until she realized what I was doing and HISSED up a storm at me! But the funny part was that she didn't move.. she stayed right where she was :)
I'm wearing them down!

This picture is Miss Sarah, our inside cat, keeping an eye on the feral cats..Tiger's on the table and Hissy Fit is down on the steps. I think Miss Sarah believes that she's protecting us!

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell

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