Pipevine cuttings

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

I just got a new Pipevine..A. Elegans.
I'd like to take some cuttings of it....a friend has one and she said she didn't have much luck...
Well, I know where to go to ask....here at Dave's where the experts are!!!
So...what's the trick w/ these?
Thanks in advance

Phoenix, AZ

I'm curious too. I've had no luck :(

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

We'll let's hope someone out there comes to our rescue!!

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Hummmm, I hope you get someone to answer I have the same pipevine and have never tried to start another that way. I would love to have more or to get some to trade. I will go out and cut some and see if I can get them started. Maybe I can lay some of the vines on the ground and they will sprout roots...
Can try for now anyway..


DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

When I was repotting mine today a shoot broke off...so I did it the same way Passion Flowers was explained. But I'm thinking taking a shoot and laying it over might be a good way to go also.ummmmmm

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Found this:


Dover, NJ


Sometime in the first week of November, I took cuttings of 3 different aristolochias: grandiflora, gigantea, and "Itarana". The grandiflora cuttings rooted within 2 weeks, but the gigantea and Itarana took 5 to 6 weeks. I did the cuttings the same way as the passiflora cuttings, but I am not sure if they root from the nodes or not. But as long as your cuttings are still green, I would not throw them out. Good luck!


DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Well, I'm trying to make sure I have enough plants for the Butterflies, so want to have several plants that will feed the "babies" (ie caterpillers). I made cuttings today, the same whay you explained about Passi cuttings, but in cups....haven't been able to get the Oasis cubes yet. I've got baby Zebra's eating on P. Incarnata cuttings a friend gave me, and am rooting more, (well, trying to root more). Right now my Pipevine is outside but will move to the screened porch if I see any Lady Pipevines or Polydamas hanging around....that's Florida...BF;s in DEC, Jan....just need to stay ahead of them in the groceries dept. I've made several posts asking for trades for plants to feed them and have not had a great response. I've also got A. trilobata seeds started. In the morning they are on one side of the house, pm the other, to keep them where it's warm enough. We are very "non electric"...meaning when we do these stretches of cool weather we don't turn the heat on unless the house gets below 64...and then for showers and to take the chill off early in the morning. I'm sure that will have an effect. I've read after doing a whole lot more research that Pipevines can take up to a year to sprout. Or...may come up in as little as 30 days..and cuttings can/are just as precarious. So we'll see. I did sterlize Seedling mix for the cuttings...used RH and have them under a high light.

This message was edited Jan 2, 2009 9:33 AM

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Today my D's SO made a couple of trellis's from some cedar planks he had out in the barn, so I put the Pipevine in the ground w/ one. I went ahead and took 4 more cuttings off of it.( well, I did end up breaking a few pieces off while transplanting). So I trimmed them up and dipped in RH and stuck in seedling mix. Got them in a N, N/W window for now. We'll see. I also took a bunch of cuttings off a NOID Passi that a friend gave me tons of to feed the Z. Longwings caterpillers from. I took about 7 of those so we'll see how these do. They are in the same window as the Pipevine cuttings. I wish I could get a light setup and a heat mat but not to be right now.
I'll keep you guys posted.

Edinburg, TX

I never had any luck with cuttings. However, I cut down a huge a. elegans as it kept climbing over my back fence and latching onto an electrical pole. It had reached the transformer twice and I kept cutting it back but it was too happy to escape my yard :o) Finally cut it down and pulled out the root. It's been three months exactly and I've found several seedlings sprouted in the area. So far am leaving them where they are but will most likely transplant them into pots when the stems are a little bit stronger :o)

~ Cat

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Cat...so far your expierence seems to be the same as others as far as the Pipevine goes. The Passi's are getting better results. I have some A. triblobata seeds that I've started also. Finally went to this as I was not having much luck in locating plants that were't rather expensive. But seeds w/ the Pipevine can be a long drawn out process also.

Edinburg, TX

So true mj...but since I didn't sow the a. elegans - I have no idea when they went into the ground...only when I first saw them :o) So it's exciting to see little seedlings popping up around the corner of the yard where the mother vine was.

I started a. fimbriata from seeds and they were growing fast but I had to travel to DC for work and forgot to tell my friend to water them - I'd left them on the back porch and they all dried and died by the time I got back. Will start more in time for Spring...I hope :o)

~ Cat

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

How did you sow your seed? I 've read several different posts about different methods, and pretty different results.

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