Nosegays and flower bouquets!! Something old, something new

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Ok, show them!! I am sure there are those out there who do them so present your beauties!! They can be from your wedding, a party, prom....

Here's mine to start... it's an oldie but a silk flowers that I carried down the isle some 20 years ago! Now they adourn our bedroom wall right up there with the wedding license!


london England, United Kingdom

Hi bb, Great idea! Your bouquet is so pretty, In great condition! you have cared for it well over the years!

Come and join our New Years party, you will be most welcome!
Have a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks terriculture! Hate to say it but the bouquet pic is sideways to how it was carried, but it was the best way to hang it on the wall!!

It has pink glads, the three white roses represent our faith, and of course I selected the colors pink and blue to represent the woman and a man.

We had a lovely outdoor wedding. I will have to see if I have any pics of the table arrangements etc. may as well add those to this threads festivities! So how about you, do you do nosegays or bouquets?

(see you at the NYP!...hoping I can find the thread!)

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hey terriculture...where's the thread to the NYP?

Here's an add on on the bedroom wall in our lil "bridal suite"!!

I love making these, but I have problems in finding the big straw hats! Somewhere in storage is my veilcap. It has matching flowers.... now, that I keep wrapped and stored and usually only pull it out for our anniversary long about is white and well you know how dust can be on heirlooms!

These straw hats are very simple to make actually. You put the gathered lace on first then you space your larger flowers alternating the colors and put your filler flowers between each on next! It is a quick easy glue gun project! Leave enough of the trail lace to hang 2 to 3 feet. They are wonderful bridesmaids or spring bonnets too!

You can do them of fresh flowers, but it is much more work and time consuming, but they are gorgeous! You wire your fresh just as you would if for making a nosegay or more like a bouttoneir actually and then you affix the flowers to the hat taking the wires neatly through so as to not show or destroy the hats integrity! Remember to glue your glue your lace first.

On the hats remember to work in odd numbers to best balance the hat in its design unless you are leaving the forehead open, but then odd numbers seem to look better on those two.

london England, United Kingdom

I'm sorry bb, I don't know how to do the link!
On the Cut flowers forum, there is a thread called Cafe New years Celebration.
Got visitors at the moment, back later. Love your hat, it's so cool!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Sorry terriculture, could not find the thread to the NYP, but anyway here is another wall hanger in our bridal suite....

Hope you and everyone are having a good start to the new year.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi bb, I'm not married so I don't have any wedding flowers of my own to show you!
You never know one of these days I may be a bride! after 25 years together, I'm starting to wonder LOL!

I have made some wedding bouquets and posys when I did a floristry course. They are on another thread LOL!! 'Wedding designs' Karmaplace.

Enjoying seeing your lovely creations!

Here's something quite new , a straw hat with fresh flowers.....

Thumbnail by terriculture
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh thank you terriculture for the kudos...and one can only hope!

Your hat is lovely by the way! How did you affix the live flowers to the top of the hat? I am always game for ideas! Did your hat dry later for display as well?

I will have to pop in on Karmas!! Sounds like fun too! You know being on Daves is like taking a walk with a friend in the garden, you just never know what beauty you will find and such creativity as well! And Karma, please, do comon in here too!

Well, ladies, c'mon, show us your pretties! We are dying to see them! Show us your garlands, bonnets and more!

Here is my veil.

london England, United Kingdom

Very pretty veil!

The hat has a wet floral foam block inside, all the flowers are pushed through the holes in the hat to the oasis.. Just a bit of fun!

Nice to see someone new posting different threads, don't worry others will turn up soon lol!
I think people are still partying and have family staying over for the holidays.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Aaaah! So then your hat is more of a centerpeice vs one worn?!
So I must ask, then is there also a bowl under that hat?

I missed the NYP! I feel asleep at ten. Woke up at three am, took the hound out and went back to bed. It was my first New years totally alone. My hubby had to work. Besides that we are not much on big crouds! We like to sneak off by ourselves!! Not that we are anti-social, just not enough time to ourselves due to work and all.

So ok, what's next! I am still tripping on boxes moving things about hunting for things to share!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Blossombuddy - welcome to the cut flowers forum. Here's the link to the flower cafe in which we all gather to chat, share arrangements, and Party.....

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Blossom, I love your wedding veil and bouquet! I made silk flower bouquets for my own wedding but lost them to a flood. I like the idea of being able to keep them forever. . .unless they get wiped out by a natural disaster, which is unpreventable.

Terri, when you walk down the aisle, we all want invitations! A cyber wedding, wooohooooo!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks soils and karma.

And yes, terri, we are pulling for you. A cyber wedding.. how cool! State your colors girl!!!

Karma, the neat thing about working with silks too is if you do decide you want a job at a florist, you have samples to show...
I am so sorry you lost yours in a flood. but you know, the most important thing is you still have each other so don't ever pass up the chance to keep saying "I LOVE YOU" to each other. Your best gifts to each other are EACH OTHER!

I almost lost my hubby to sickness a few years back and one thing learned in sickness and in health, it's not the material things, it truly is EACH other.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Ahhhh, found the cake!! LOL! After 20 years, its well preserved!! If only in a picture! If memory serves me it was one teir chocolate and the rest a white cake. Buttercream flowers made of frosting...we saved a peice to freeze to have on our first year anniversary.. do people still do that? It was very good both times!

Somewhere yet my memorabilia is the cakes topper and the ringbearer pillow! Don't know if there is the boutonnaire or any coursages in there, but I guess I will have to find out. I know there is a guest book and of course the photo album of cherished memories. I also have the cards that were sent and the gift list.

Hey terri, you still have not told me is that hat of yours a centerpeice or could it be worn! My guess it is a centerpeice....I just cannot picture how to put the foam in the cap and have space enough to wear it!! SO ok, spill your secret!

london England, United Kingdom

Hahaha! don't hold your breath for that cyber wedding!

Yummy cake!!!! love those buttercream flowers.

My hat could definately not be worn! I found another picture which shows I used a wicker basket for the base. It was made for a theme about Ladies day at the races, where fancy hats are worn.

Enjoying your wedding, have you found the cake topper yet? LoL!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh that is lovely!! For a minute there I thought the hat was suspended in mid air! But surely a hat that any woman would be proud to wear if it were possible on Derby in the states the Kentucky Derby, the famous jewel of the triple crown horses races is famous for ladies in pretty bonnets!

And oh my teri, those ferns are absolutely amazing! What do you do to them to get them to go that big?

Still looking for the topper to the cake, but did find the photo of my dear garden buds made these for me.

london England, United Kingdom

Pretty photo albums, it's so nice to see your treasures!

The ferns!!!! well, they used to be in the front garden which gets the late afternoon sun, but they didn't do so well. I moved them to the back garden where they get the morning sun and in the last couple of years they have done really well. Thank you!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Did you know that ferns absorb and cleanse the soils of arsenic? Ever notice the older homes have them planted by them! They thrive where lead and arsenic based paints were used too! An amazing plant!

Ooooh found the topper....!! ....and the hearts from the cake....
and the boutonneire he wore!! ( that spelled right? sheesh does not look it!)

Awww the topper looks a tad aged. It has tarnished as white things often do....

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

What is this? A photo album? The colors are beautiful.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL!! it appears the ladies are holding out in showing theirs...
come on girls, this is your thread too....I truly am running out of my something olds! Besides that we did get off topic a hair on nosegays and fower bouquets! hehehehe!

See how one thing leads to another! I have two more items, and that is the ringbearers pillow and the guest book...sooo with that.. come on, show me yours!!!!

If not I am going to vote we elect terriculture the guinia pig, she will chose her colors for a mock cyber gardenwedding and direct us to a wedding project just for grins and practice!! Then we can make things for practice under her watchfull eyes! (She and you Karma are both very good at this design stuff you know!)

Me, I think I just got off on a tangent reminissing!! LOL!

And if you visit here, feel free to simply sign in as a guest and say yo! The pages of the guestbook look a tad bare! It was a very small wedding you must know, but know to that of which we are still on our honeymoon!

And we wish you all the best!

london England, United Kingdom

Hold your horses Blossom LOL!!! I'm not doing my cyber wedding, that would be tooo sad!!! lol

Some folks might be away, divorced or anything like that LOL!!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

FIESTA, go stand by that tree!! Don't move!! LOL!

Ok, terriculture, we best get a willing volunteer here then!! Any nominees from your neck of the woods? Someone out there has to be dreaming of their special day and we can see if we can practice for that!!

I have cabin fever and need to play with something...

Oh ohhh! Here is our ringbearer pillow!

There are two items left! The guestbook is coming up and something I am TOSSING in! So gather round girls!!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Ok, you wise guys!! We already tossed the garter... so its not that...

I propose that since we are having trouble coming up with a willing volunteer cyber bride that the next person signing in to this thread be the bride catching this bouquet! My hearts out to you! You get to either show us your oldies if you still have them from your wedding or if you are a new bride to be, tell us how we should decorate your party!

If it turns out you are already married, just sign in as a guest on my guestbook here! But if you turn out to be the bride, well its time to direct us willing designers or designer wannabees to our creativity for you so we can practice!

Are ya ready, on the count of one! YOU ARE >>>>

(Now you sign in...either as a guest or the bride to be!!)

DRUM ROLLPLEASE!!!>.........HERE COMES THE.... the......

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Dum, dum de dum! I guess I'm the bride!
My Sister made my bouquet. Sorry the pic is so small, but I had to scan it, and I didn't have any closeups of the flowers.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Heres my flower girls, my daughter jesse (13), my neice saffron (8), and my two step daughters Jenna (8) and Nicole (10). They're all upwards of 17 now!
The flowers were little silk roses on wire stems that we twisted onto wire circlets and the posies were larger silk flowers in plastic lace doily thingos.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

I still have some of my flowers, eight years later! Didn't we look happy then? Still are most of the time! LOL

Thumbnail by weed_woman
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Sue, you look so pretty in your wedding gown. I love the color combination of the blue/green and wine dresses. The bouquets are so pretty too!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Thanks Karma. The dresses were satin nighties that we crossed the shoulder straps on and decorated with butterfly brooches and more silk roses. I still have the dresses too. My daughter swooped on the wedding gown, as its fully adjustable to any size, and very romantic and timeless. We all had a great day, although I have a frown in almost every picture because the day was very bright, and I NEVER go outside without sunglasses! (No one would let me wear them) I couldn't see a thing for the glare!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Weed_woman, they are gorgeous! And you are stunning! Do you hav emore to share....(hope hope hope!)

Ok, as of my entry here there has been 142 visits to this thread.. come on now, you just cannot peak anymore without at least signing in to the two weddings going on here here!! No fair being a mystery guest you silly wedding crashers!! Come on, sign in!!! No fair throwing rice without us at least seeing you in our reception lines here!

Hoping too, more brides and brides to be will join in!

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks for the fun Blossom! Love your bouquet and all the other treasures!
Sue, you looked gorgeous as a bride, a real Beauty!
Thanks for sharing your flowers and your special day both of you!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

No worries. i don't often get to drag the album out and blow the dust off! I'd love to do it all again, it was such a nice day!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Next!!! 175 and counting!! Whose our next guest or bride, bride to be??? Prom dates?? (Well, I might be early on that one...but anywhoo!....some on in, join the party!)

Sue, do you have anymore to share?

New York, NY

Lovely bouquet..I like all these awesome flower. Really wedding is the most encouragable part in every girl life and if you

This message was edited Jan 4, 2013 1:02 AM

New York, NY

Lovely bouquet..I like all these awesome flower. Really wedding is the most encouragable part in every girl life and if you celebrate wedding in this ways then thew become one of the memorable part.. I like this post or this great or unique idea that you used in this wedding..

Visit in this site for more information:- wedding flowers online | flower arrangements online

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