Does anyone use Conserve?

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

The organic farm down the road sells Conserve with spinosad. I don't know anything about it, but it's supposed to be approved for organic farm use. Is it safe? I rarely use anything on my plants but I've got a few mites on my peas. I also have neem oil, would that be a safer choice?

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Don't know bvout Coserve, but the neem oil should be okay.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I did use Conserve to kill the mites on the peas and some small caterpillars that were eating my lettuce(in pots, not in the main garden). It is much easier on the beneficials than neem. The Conserve didn't hurt ladybugs, but can't be used when honeybees are active because it's very hard on them (as is the neem)
I just discovered Beneficial Nematodes and I am using them to kill cutworms. They really work. The only other pest in the garden is the pesky green spotted cucumber beetle. They lay eggs in the soil at the base of plants and the larva feed on the roots and stems. The nematodes should kill those too. They kill any pest that spends part or all of it's life in the soil but don't hurt earthworms.

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