plumerias and dwarf poinciana

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

I'm interested in growing these two plants this Spring/Summer in containers. The plumeria is Daily Wilcox that is 20" with3 large growing tips present. The Dwarf Poinciana, Caesalpinia pulcherrima is red and in a 4" pot. Do any of you think either will bloom before Fall for me in zone 7? Thanks, Lee

Correction, 'Daily Wilcox' should read, 'Daisy Wilcox'

I can answer you on the plumeria. Unless you are willing to supplement extra light, the chances of it blooming are about 50/50; they really want plenty of sunlight to bloom reliably.

Good luck!

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Hi Dutchlady, thanks for the response. My question is would they need extra lighting this Spring/Summer as I intend to plant them in a container. What type light requirements do they need outside and would cacti/succulent potting mix be OK. I'm waiting for the Plumeria Gallery to e-mail me back regarding the size of the plant in question. You see, 'three large tips' means nothing to me since I've never grown them before. They listed the one in which I'm interested as 20". What do you think of that size and have you ever had any experience with The Plumeria Gallery, if not, might you suggest others?
Thanks, Lee

Keaau, HI

The Caesalpinia pulcherima will need to grow into a small bush before it flowers. Replant the start in a large pot (3 - 4 gal.) in a soil based potting mix with some compost worked in. Apply a balanced liquid fertilizer monthly. Grow it in full light conditions; it will need to be in full sun to flower. Flowers may appear from spring to autumn. Do not over-water, it is a drought tolerant plant.

I have had Plumeria bloom from established cuttings. Make sure it grows in a well drained potting mix. Apply a balanced liquid fertilizer monthly. During the cold season keep it on the dry side. Be sure to have it in full sun so that it blooms in the summer months.

Aloha, Dave

Keaau, HI

Hi Lee, the cacti/succulent soil mix would be ok for the Plumeria. The description of the plant you are considering sounds like it is an established cutting with three growing points. Plant it in a large pot so it can get big.

Both plants need to be in full sun to do well.

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Metro, thanks for your suggestions. I'll print them off as I'll rember. It was most kind of you to respond. Before investing in the Plumeria, I'm trying to learn all I can about them. I got the orchid grow down pretty much pat but am wanting something different this year not the same old, same old. I have a container that is 3'x3'x2'. Would that be too large for the plumeria? I have a planter the size that I think will fit the Poinciana.
Again, thank you for taking the time to write. lee

Keaau, HI

Hi Lee, that should be fine for the Plumeria. Using those good sized pots will keep them for several years. You could try using bloom promoting fertilizer on the plants at the end of spring / beginning of summer.

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

again Metro, thanks all is being printed and put away so I'll have your suggestions at hand. Aloha. Lee

Bigger is beter when it comes to pots for the plumeria and you'll be fine with Plumeria Gallery.
Also the cactus mix is good. They like water but not sitting IN water, so you want a well draining mix.
Sun sun sun is the key for blooms.

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Thanks Dutchlady, I'll print off your advice too as to not forget yours and Metros kind and informed suggestions. Lee

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