Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Knowing that you are probably already into New Year's Eve wanted to be the first to wish you a very Happy and Prosperous New Year all the way from Texas.


Hi Christi it is about 2.40 on tuesday arvo the night before ...but we are getting ready ...
Happy New Year to you too ...may 2009 bring peace good health and happiness to one and all and an ocean of love!

Christchurch, New Zealand

Thanks Christi - I work in a bar & expect a busy night tomorrow on New Year's Eve.
Hope 2009 sees you safe, happy & healthy
cheers - Dalfyre

Gisborne, New Zealand

Happy New Year to you as well Christi, and may 2009 bring you all you wish for..
A Happy New Year to everyone else that have shared their company and gardens with us during 2008.. May 2009 be even better..

Wonthaggi, Australia

Hi Christi,
I'm new to DG, but would like to jump in & say Happy New Year too!!!..
Wishing you all a safe & prosperous 2009.
Kind Regards
Helen in Wonnie!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Happy New Year Christi, Chrissy, and all of our beloved Mates, Y'all, from Texas!!!!!!!!!!!! Definately Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year, and Peace on Earth!


Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Sydney, Australia

Budgie says Happy New Year Y'all and all the best for 2009

Thumbnail by Budgieman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Blessings from the golden frog, for a prosperous new year.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
barmera, Australia

Happy New Year everyone and a very safe and healthy one. New years resolution to get more plants. There I wont break that. Colleen.

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Great resolution CTMorris! Right now I'm doing good to take care of the ones I have, so will hold off until Spring.

I would like to have more plants that bloom from Nov-Jan, but that is when I am buying for Christmas and birthdays. If I bought more plants that were in bloom during this time of the year, then I'd have plants that would the next year........(duh). I guess it'll be next year before I resolve that issue! Oh Well!

Happy New Year Y'all!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hey Texasgal! Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday! ...and many happy returns!
Hoping all your wishes come true ...floral ones in particular!

Thumbnail by
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Thank You, Mates! It is sincerely appreciated! We celebrated Sat. night. My DS and granddaughter took me out to eat Chinese food at our favorite restaurant. I got some books on Doll Houses, new boots from my Mom, and a pretty bracelet from my daughter and family.

My oldest granddaughter will turn 14 Thursday, New Year's Day. We'll go over there and exchange cards. I'll give her $$$$ so she can spend it on what she likes. It's easier for her to shop than me! She's much younger! haha!

Hope y'all have a great New Year's Day!


Coffs Harbour, Australia

You sound like my Mum Jeanne, she's mad on Dolls houses and is decorating one now! In her second or third childhood I believe! He, he. I'm glad you had a good one!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes we would definately get along. I love them dearly. Do you have pictures of your Mum's Doll Houses? I would love to see them!

Just as I was typing above, there was a knock on my door. I went to open it, looked out, and saw no one. I heard a gasp and looked down, and there was my silly daughter and granddaughter crouched down hiding with a Birthday cake. At first it took me by surprise, I screamed, they laughed and then said, "Surprise! and they sang Happy Birthday." Then we had cake. It was a lot of fun!

Here's a picture of my dollhouse. I'm thinking of repainting the exterior pink.


Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Wonthaggi, Australia

Hi Jeanne,
A belated happy Birthday & Best wishes from me too!
And some roses!

Thumbnail by helens5162
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks Helen! I LUV roses!!!! Those are beautiful! Thank you!

Well it's after midnight, so I am going to call it a night and head off to bed. I will catch y'all later!!!!

Thank you everyone for all of the Birthday wishes, and again, a very Happy New Year to Everyone in 2009!!!!!!!

We always enjoy seeing the fireworks from Sidney on the news! They are so pretty!

They were the best ever! ...took our breath away!
Check these out.

This message was edited Jan 1, 2009 12:04 AM

Thumbnail by
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Those are absolutely gorgeous! Happy New Year!

Hope you are doing well. Is it Spring there yet? It feels like it outside today. It is lovely. It is supposed to be 39 in the morning, but at least that's not freezing! Plants are doing fine so far.

Good to "talk" to you"!


Have a wonderful time Jeanne ...it is going to be a balmy 98F today ...it is Summer here ...talk later ...

Christchurch, New Zealand

we had a peaceful night, cracked a bottle of bubbly & stood on the deck watching the neighbours fireworks.
Somewhat illegal but so pretty:)
We can still buy & let off fireworks in our own back yards here in NZ but only for Guy Fawkes.
There is growing opposition to the idea since like Aussie it tends to be dry in November & the fire risk is there.
And of course people stock pile a few for New Years Eve when it is even drier...

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Chrissy, oh my, where does the time go? I am so glad that it is cooler here. It's in the 60's I believe at the moment. The sun is shining and just gorgeous. You sure wouldn't think it is going to be Jan. 1st.

I bought some tan suede knee high boots with cream colored fur on the top with my Mum's birthday money. They go really well with my tan suede patchwork coat with fur trim on the hood and sleeves!!!! I've been looking for them for a couple of years. Most boots have too high of a heel for me to wear.....these are like moccasins and have a flat heel. They were $60.00 marked down to $25. plus I got a Senior citizen discount because it was Tuesday!!!! Good deal!

I told the clerk at the store then, "If I buy these it will turn 75*F until March.....and I probably won't get a chance to wear them! HaHa!!!

So far I've only worn them the day I bought them....but they are pretty to look at!

Later Gators!


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

The fireworks are illegal in the city limits here also, but people still do it. It is legal out in the "county" (more rural areas). Most of the cities put on their own displays to try to discourage individuals from doing it. Houston puts on a really big display and it is televised on our local channels. It's not near as pretty on tv as it is in person tho. We'll watch it for awhile and then switch over to our PBS (Public Broadcasting Station). The usually have nice concerts.

We really love your Haley Westenra from New Zealand. I love when she sings Maori because it sounds so much like Hawaiian. I love to watch the Maori dancers also. Haley was with Celtic Woman for awhile. She is so lovely and sings beautifully!

Have a great day!


edited to correct spelling

This message was edited Jan 1, 2009 4:48 PM

Christchurch, New Zealand

both Westenra sisters have lovely voices and play various instruments as well.
Very talented family & from the city of Christchurch where I have settled.
Lived here longer than any other city so I guess I can call it home.
Many of the Polynesian languages are similar & share words in common.
Bit like some of the European languages, if you know one you can often guess at meanings in another.
Haere Ra - Dalfyre

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes, Haley had said on an interview that her aunt sang also. Very talented for sure.

Dalfyre, how long have you been there? I feel that way about Texas. It is not my birthplace, but we've been here longer than anywhere else. It is definately home now.


Christchurch, New Zealand

I moved to ChCh from Brisbane in October 1984...
I could not believe how cold it was - spring & I could see snow on the alps.
Now I am used to the cooler temperatures.
Mind you I acclimatised pretty quick when we moved to Brisbane 4 years earlier.
I loved the humidity & enjoyed it better than Sydney where we lived the year before that.
Originally my family was from Auckland which is a more sub tropical climate than ChCh.
I was 14 when we left Auckland & moved to Sydney.
We moved around a lot when I was young!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Me too. We moved from Hobart Indiana to Norther Florida in 1959. Then my Mom was divorced and remarried. My stepdad was in the US Marine Corps. We left Fla in 63, went to Oahu, Hawaii, then in 1966 went to Cherry Point, NC where I graduated from High School. I was married there and later went to Virginia with my husband. We left Va. to come here in 1977 and have been here since. I know what it is to move. LOL!

Christchurch, New Zealand

ahh military brats usually have a lot of practice at packing & starting fresh at new schools.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)


Christchurch, New Zealand

lol - I'm not a military brat as such, father was in the Navy but had run off with our baby sitter by the time I was 5years old.
We shifted quite a few times until Mum was granted a State House.
7 years there - longest time settled in one place as a child.
Still attended 3 different schools while there.
After that it was new place & a new school every year till the end of high school.
And then to ChCh & the usual flatting & moving home that most late teens seem to do.
I think I have finally settled in here - 9 years now.
Has given me a chance to really get into gardening in a way I never could before.
Nice to see plants I have grown from seed or started a tiny cuttings now big & healthy.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

That's always a wonderful thing. While I was working I didn't garden, until after I retired. It's fun to watch a seed sprout and grow, or a cutting to take off and shoot up. I love cuttings. I do better with cuttings than seeds!

Barmera, Australia

I'm glad I met up with you lot, there is always something new and interesting to see or comments to take note of.
For the rose enthusiasts. You would have heard of David Ruston and Ruston's rose garden. Its not far from here and since I was there this morning I took a couple of photos. Not the best time of the year for massed blooming in the Riverland but you can see a bit of stuff. The "Garden" covers 23 acres (or did the last time I spoke with David) and is now run by David's niece.

Thumbnail by Stake
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

WoW, Stake, lots of roses! Beautiful!!! Did they have a fragrance? Where's that sister of yours? Thanks for sharing!

Barmera, Australia

That photo is looking across the garden eastwards. This one roughly north.

Thumbnail by Stake
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

I have two roses left, a pink all American Beauty Rose that has a wonderful fragrance, and a red knockout rose....the old fashion single rose. I tried growing yellow ones and they didn't make it, and had a red one that bloomed heavily for many years and then died out. Now I mostly have tropical plants, but still love roses!

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Barmera, Australia

I assume she's home. Probably talking to a Geranium or swearing at a cactus.
Although there were not that many flowers out at Rustons' you could still smell the perfume. David always maintained a planting of old sweet smelling roses as well as the more modern ones.
Around his "Block" are lots of old fashioned climbers and ramblers. This photo is of one hanging onto some poplars, no flowers now but in the spring absolutely covered.

Thumbnail by Stake
Barmera, Australia

Texasgal surely you would have a Texas Centenial Rose some where in your garden.
One last photo for this session, some flowers.
For those who don't know of David Ruston, he is a world renowned floral arranger has done arranging for royal visits, been all over the world to address rose conventions and I swear that if there is a plant that he doesn't know it's because the botanists haven't found it yet.
Regards Brian

Thumbnail by Stake
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Good morning. I sooo love the pictures. There is an Antique Rose Emporium in Brenham Texas. Founded about thirty years ago and is still going strong. They have gathered roses from all over the place...a lot from old cemeteries where people used to be allowed to plant flowers near the graves. They scoured the countryside looking for rose that were still standing beside nothing more than a chimney and the home was long gone.

Later gator. Lots to do today.


Hi everyone ...ahhhh who does not love a rose?
I favour the old fashioned ones too ...jeanne and christi I thought you might like to have a look at what stake is talking about.
Stay warm ...
Brian you are very lucky to live close to such a wonderful place.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Wow!!!! They really do have a nice rose garden!

Stake, no, I don't have a Centinial Rose. I have a Texas Star (hardy hibiscus....rose of sharon.....one of those. It can take a freeze and come right back!!!!!!!!!!

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