Cafe New Year Celebration

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Good gads!! Do you know how hard it is for a lame woman to run in this dress!! She's after me she's after me!!

She's gonna be after you too Plantgeek since you posted that deeeee-licious looking recipe!!! You know how much she hates that!! (Keep em coming!! LOL!!!)

Ok, who brought the carrot Pizza...Fiesta take a bow, someone is being kind to you!!

Louisville, KY

That's all right, let her come. I've got a whole bag full of pies. Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck. Here, arm yourself.

london England, United Kingdom

Yummmmmmmm sounds good, might try that recipe one of these days!! Thanks Plantgeek.

Thanks for the ride!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Louisville, KY

You are most welcome.
Fiesta loooooves the apple. Look at gobble it down. I do believe she is smiling.

Humansville, MO

hi all
i have not ride a horse since i was a little girl it was fun den
we are having nice weather here

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Why plantgeek, she shure is!!

And Elle its your turn. Fiesta is a very smooth ride. Care to hold this tray of filled glasses? Ok, your on, see, she will not spill a drop! She does not trot and is smooth as glass at 27 mph!

You keep giving her apples Terri and Pgeek, she is liable to do more tricks! She will rollover like a dog and can rear up like a mean old stallion, but then that is part of her act and will only do if I ask, so no worries mate on you riding her!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi all, does Fiesta like sugar cubes?

Thumbnail by terriculture
Humansville, MO

i got corn for her.

london England, United Kingdom

I've got turnips for her!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Yikes! I have been following several threads on this forum but not posting much. But I just found this thread. I missed the whole party! Well, never mind, I just have one question...Where's the mulled wine?

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Zany - welcome back!!!!!!! I was wondering what happened to you. The party wasn't the same without you.

Need to go to bed now, but once you find the mulled wine, I would love to have a glass too.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

You go on to bed and I'll promise not to drink all the wine. I just want a couple sips to send me to dreamland.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Zany, we have your pank hot pants ready for you, Plantgeek made them for everyone!
Good to see you again, how is Bob?
Hi Dianne and everyone!
Have a great day!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Pank hot pants! Hah! That was what I wore on my 21st birthday...which was 150 lbs and 150 years ago. Velvet no less, and white boots!

Humansville, MO

hi all
just want to say hi
it my day to work
i work 5 to 6 day every two week
it nice here to day
hope every one does fine

Louisville, KY

Haaaaaaa! Love the turnip heads.

Zany!!! Welcome back. Sorry you missed the silliness, but I'm sure we can whip up more. Especially with this big horkin' keg of mulled wine. hehehe
So how is everthing? Your pank hot pants look just fine. And lookie here, a pair of white go-go boots with your name on them. Ready boots? Start walkin'! Wheeeeeeeeeeee...
See, I told ya there was still silliness to be had.

Hi Elle. When you are finished with work, put your feet up and join us in a glass or tea. And that goes for all y'all. Whooooo, I belive that wine has gone right to my wee noggin'.

Humansville, MO

a little wine would help my poor bone
they ache went i get home
this cold weather do not help them

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh my! White go's-go's and Pank hot pants my dear grand babies will never get over the shock and embarrassment of it... and I just adore embarrassing them! Just be careful not to play "Shake your bootie" cause there is a whole lot more of mine now than there used to be and I don't want to take any chances of someone getting hurt!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Zany - it is always nice to have some late night company here in the cafe. Terri of course goes to bed 8 hours before I do, and many of the others are in the east coast or midwest. I am always about 2 hours behind most people - go to bed about midnight or one, and get up around 8 AM (10 AM on weekends, if I can get away with it) . I had a dear friend who wakes up at 5 AM...... so half her day is done before I even get up. Plantgeek - you got an extra pair of go-go boots that is custom made??? I could never find one that fits because my legs are so short, and my calves are big. LoL

Elle - I got some margaritas here if you would like a glass.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hello everyone, so sorry but we had to be away for a while, missed you while we were gone.
I have ridden horses, a little bit when I was real young and then we used to go riding sometimes while on vacation. I do recall it was a lot of fun, never have ridden a mule though and would like to do that one time. We have a friend who hunts on mule, so perhaps one day we shall try it.
Zany sorry you missed the party, I should have sent you a link, musta been that blond thing again LOL
Plantgeek and Blossombuddy you sure spice up this cafe with your stories, thanks for being here.
Elle, you don't get too much wine now, we dont want you doing somethin silly out in the barn? I can see you now out there with the chickens doing the "funky chicken" LOL

Humansville, MO

hi all
i just love it
you guy make my day
i will try a sip any drink
but just a sip
it lovey today
and it off to work
off tomorrow but it will be cold

Louisville, KY

Dianne, may I present to you, one pair of custom made white go-go boots with everlasting heels so that you may dance to your heart's content.
Well now, if embarrassing others is the plan, I have here fringed vests, face-paint and hot-pank hippie headbands for us all. But wait, that's not all. You also get tie-dyed Tees, patchouli scented beads and a big ole' hookah that will accomodate you and your friends.
And as a bonus if you act now, I'll throw in the live 68 day version of Inna Gadda Da Vida.

Candee!!!!!! Welcome back gal. Here, have a glass of this fabulous mulled wine. And I whipped up some Derby pie. Blossom and Terri got me going when they asked about it, so I had to get my butt in the kitchen and make one... or two. hehehe
Hahaha! The Funky Chicken. I remember that one. With all the chickens around here, we may as well go ahead and make it our theme song. lol Picture it now with us in our new regalia. Zany, that ought to embarrass your kiddos quite thoroughly.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Embarass the kiddos that is the best sometimes. Years ago Tim left for workone morn and left the dumbest msg on the table. It said, I am bringing a GF home for dinner, would you please fix a "real meal" - well let me tell you that was all that needed to be said.
When steve and I arrived home from work we began preparation. Set the table with dog dishes and a vase of sticks and dead leaves from the garden and newspaper for placemats and a big jar of Skippy with a wood spoon in the center and then we dressed. Me with one tooth blackened out and dark circles under the eyes and enough mousse in my hair to have it stick straigh out, except for the pink curlers and a dirty old painting apron, well you get the picture and then Steve in his lacy suspenders holding up those alwful aqua stripped shorts and a pack of luckys rolled in his sleeve and a big spit curl in the middle of his forehead with that red hair of his.
Well, when Tim came home he only laughed a bit and then asked us to get it together to which we declined. He even went so far as to offer us a check from his account to which I said "We can't be bought". Well we live on a deadend street and we were all outside when her car turned the corner and Tim just put his head in his hands when I opened her car door and said "Well sur nice to meet ya little darlin' in my best southern drawl. We had our good laugh and wound up having a very nice dinner and a lesson well learned for Tim, every meal at this house is a "real meal"

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone! Yay it's Friday, time to chillax for the weekend! Have a good one all.
Nice to see you back Candee, we missed ya!!

Plantgeek, get your scarf and hat on for 3pm tomorrow, LFC . ok?

Louisville, KY

You bet Terri. I'll bring along a thermos of hot cider too.
It will please you to know that I got a new cell phone with a... CAMERA! tadah As soon as my DW helps me figure out how, I will be able to post pics. This ought to be interesting. lol

ROFL Candee. I love the audacity of pulling off such a lesson. I'll just bet your kiddo never forgets that one. hehe You and hubby deserve an award for "creative parenting". That is such a great story. Have you thought of submiting it somewhere?

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Candee, I always knew we had a lot in common! I did something like that to my darling daughter when she made the mistake of asking me to "dress up" for dinner when she invited a boy home...By the time the boy got there the diningroom looked like a bordello and I was looking like a trashy lady of the night complete with fishnets with holes, spiked heel boots and a dead fox stole. Bob was dressed like a Pimp from the streets. Her brother and a friend of his kept waving dollar bills at her and saying they expected at least 75 cents change back. The boyfriend stood there with his mouth wide open for a few minutes before he finally started laughing and we all had a great time... but I don't think my daughter ever forgave us. OH! and we all danced the Funky Chicken which really made the poor girl blush. ( of course, our version looked more like spastic chickens on speed with the hiccups)

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

plantgeek88, I'll take the whole package! LOL my granddaughter found a box of my old hippie stuff several years ago. She was in high school and was thrilled to have "authentic" stuff. there were bell bottom pants made from hip hugger jeans with patches all over, a fringed vest with beads on the fringe, moccasin leggings that had platform soles so they made you 4 inches taller, a whole box of "love beads" and peace sign ear rings and lots of tie died shirts from "the day" some with mandarin collars no less! She was the envy of her friends!

Humansville, MO

it sat
brrr it cold
day to rest

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

lmao Zany, good thing we didn't know each other back then our kids would never have survived. I can still hear Tasha saying "I am never bringing anybody home". But ultimately she did. I remember for a b-day party she had they all wanted in the hottub, changed into their swimsuits and swimtrunks, it was December 4 - Well they had fun in the hottub and when the guys got out in the freezing cold and came inside to change they found their underwear had been wetted down and put in the freezer!
plantgeek - platform shoes, oh those were the days. You musta gone all out with the peace sign earrings. Wouldn't that make a great get up for Halloween! Did you have a lot of that old paisley as well and the what was that denim that bled?
Hey elle, nice to see ya - how cold is it there? Guess your couple days of Indian summer are over.
Hey Terri is this the kinda "towel art" you are asking about? They did this for us for our anniversary in PV.

This message was edited Jan 10, 2009 12:34 PM

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I began a new thread for the Flowerpot CAfe 18 if you would care to join me over there here is the link.

Thumbnail by haighr
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Paisley was everywhere in huge prints and the only vehicle worth driving was a VW bug or a VW van which had to be painted multiple colors with lots of flowers and slogans painted on... Shoes had to be platforms or sandals. Wooden beads and peace signs, big bold free form flowers, head bands and chocker necklaces, incense burning and black light posters, lava lamps and beaded curtains, and caftans, long straight hair and no make up allowed... daisy chains woven into a crown, lol yep, I was there folks... and thought I was ever so cool! How ridiculous I was, and so naive thinking myself so world wise.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

No more ridiculous than me in the mini skirts and go-go boots LOL! Hummin the music to "Purple Haze" !

This message was edited Jan 10, 2009 2:28 PM

london England, United Kingdom

Candee, wow! those swans are huge, what a nice surprise for you on your anniversary.
Don't think I've seen 'Towel art' before LOL! Usually see little ones made with napkins or paper.
Thank you for the photo!

I remeber my caftan was really cool Zany!!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


Dinners on gang, come and get it!!

Louisville, KY

Here I am! lol I even brought my own plate- never leave home without it.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

WOW, you did bring that in the cafe, well let's serve er up. I'll take a big piece and some of that garlic bread I know is still in the oven - can't hide a thing from me! Ummmmmmmm, ummmmmmmmm, can't talk with my mouth full, you all carry on a bit whilst I gobble up my favorite

Louisville, KY

No way...mmmph... to busy doing my own gobblin'... Yummers! Thanks blossom.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

plantgeek, get ahold of yourself, you got tomato sauce all over your chin and brows, you weren't supposed to dive into it LOL!

Louisville, KY

Too yourselves...must...get to...shallow end. Whew! Saved by a raft of garlic bread.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


There's more where that came from! Don't forget the hot cocoa!

Baby its cccccold outside here today at minus 20 degrees...tain't fit for man nor beast!


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