Cafe New Year Celebration

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Hey Terri - the purse with the flowers AND money is mine LoL...they are all lovely. Taking notes on your rosemary spikes and curved forsythia branches. Love how you weaved those back into the bowl. How many branches do you have in there? My lament about my forsythia is that the branches are so flimsy and long that they do not stand up well, but lo and behold, with your arrangement, their perceived defect is actually a plus.

Good morning PG. You are the early bird - I slept in until about 10:30 AM.

I got a phone call from my middle daughter wishing me a happy New Year from LA, my other two kids are still asleep (had no idea when they came in, couldn't stay awake all night here like Terri), so I made myself a cup of tea, had a leftover xmas gingerbread boy cookie for breakfast, and curling up to read a good book. Disregarding all the housework that needs to be done....after all, there are another 364 days left to do that in 2009.

Stay warm and healthy everyone!!

london England, United Kingdom

More visitors have arrived! My nephew and his girlfriend form South Wales, see you all later on!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Now you have truly turned into a "bag lady", I guess the crowd was rowdier than I thought and how did they all get home w/o their bags of money. You came back in njust in time to claim them all Terri, good work!

Louisville, KY

I think they hitched the flying teapot and the force of liftoff snatched their bags right out of their hands.
Dibs on the funky boots if nobody claims them.

Hope everyone is well rested from our festive making. And fortunately, the cafe is self-cleaning. There seems to be lots of left-overs, so I suggest that we polish it off with a mini-shindig for all those who couldn't make the NY bash. Ok, this is just an excuse to throw a party, but what the heck.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee, Seeing as I'm the 'bag lady' LOL!!! please may I take the scraps of food home for my starvin' children !!!
Please do the link for Blossombudy to get here, our new friend can't find her way!
You'll find her on the 'Something old, something new' thread, Thank you in advance Sweetie!!

Dianne, I can't remember how many Forsythia stems I used, but it just turned out that way.... as I always say.... go with the flow and 'arrange' stuff the way they want to go naturally..... sometimes LOL!
Thanks glad you like them.

Hi everyone!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Plantgeek! a mini- shindig sounds just the ticket to welcome our new friend BLOSSOMBUDDY when she gets here ....... LOL!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I have cometh!! Wow you guys really are a bunch of party animals! Sounds like you all had a great time! So sorry I missed it!

I had my first New Years alone. Well sort of... it was me and the dog actually! Hubby had to work so I snoozed in at 10pm, missed the stroke of midnight woke up at three am took the dog out and well, need I say more.... It was rather quiet and peaceful!

Luv the chickens!! Can you teach mine to lay golden eggs! All they do is tan, white, green, pinkish or blue!! Those bow ties are so cute!!

london England, United Kingdom

Welcome to the Flowerpot Cafe' Bb, so glad you found us!
Looks like you have a whole lot of chickens to feed there! Are they laying eggs?
Our friend elle is collecting eggs everyday now! You will be able to discuss chicken feed with her and all . LoL!!
I knew you were coming so I baked a cake! help yourself to a huge slice, but leave a bit for Plantgeek, she gets ratty without her cake LoL!
We have tea, coffee, cocktails, wines, beers, hot chocolate, what can I get you?

Thumbnail by terriculture
Louisville, KY

I do not. I get the jitters, then my head blows up. lol Still haven't found my left ear.

Blossombuddy, welcome to our humble abode. Please feel free to indulge in any and all delights that Terri has mentioned. Swinging from the rafters is optional, but shennanigans are encouraged. Remember, what happens in the Cafe, stays in the Cafe. hehehe
Love the chickens! With the muti-color eggs, sounds like we are set for Easter if you would be so kind. So these are free-range I take it. We sometimes get ours from a local farm that does free-range and the eggs are colored like yours. Mmmmmm mmmmm
Hope you have tons of fun here. And yes, we are a naughty bunch of hooligans, but we make dang good cake, as you can see from Terri's lovely creation.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL!! Oh my, more fun starts here!! LOL!

TERRI! Have you been to the NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS THREAD?? The shennanagans abound there too! Holy cow!
(I think they have been also called New Years Restitutions, Revolutions and other granduer misspleadings!! All must go and partake in tradition!)

And about that cake, Well, your a woman after my own heart!!
Danger lurks in those resolutions.. so beware!! About THAAAT CAKE!! Hehehehe! It is a must to have ice cream!

I will pass on any alcohol though. Don't touch the stuff. I can get silly enough without!! But that cuppa cocoa does sound inviting!

As for those cwazy chickens, oh yes, they are laying this time of year. Even in the dead of snow and winter my girls are still putting out! Just cannot get them to put out the 14k gold will someone please tell me where I am going wrong!!! LOL!!! It must be the bows.. it has to be the bows!!!

Humansville, MO

hi all
where my cake and tea
i love my golden egg
it will be a nice day today
and i have to work

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!
Sorry I didn't get back with the drinks!!!!!
. Had so many late nights over these holidays, I fell asleep in the bath!

Bb, I rarely venture away from our cafe, LoL! We have a great crowd right here!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Plantgeek, We won today!! I got you some wine gums to celebrate!
Thanks for being a great Liverpool supporter, really enjoy going to the match with you!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

elle, didn't have time to make the tea, help yourself! Teabags and biscuits in the tin!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Louisville, KY

Terri, am I going to have to get you a snorkel for the tub? Do be careful. I brought spirulina for a boost of sustained energy for everyone.

Ooh yummers, thank you Terri. Going to a game with you is always a pleasure too. Ring me up anytime. And Liverpool rocks!
I can't understand why soccer isn't as popular here in the US. When I lived in California for a time as a kid, everyone played. I liked it much better than football because I didn't get creamed, they let girls play and there was more skill involved. And it was simply more fun.

Elle, glad you made it! There are still treats left and your hot pants are on the shelf by the door. Think I'll have some green tea with ya, there's a nasty bug going around.

Blossom, that other forum sounds like a hoot. Love the NY revolutions.

Humansville, MO

hi all
i will enjoy my tea
it off for 4 day
the frist day i will lay around
then it house cleaning days
boo boo
i need to get battery for my camera

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Plantgeek, Thanks for the spirulina, what is it? it's working anyway!!
I can't understand why they call football soccer in America!! Katie plays football and is in the school team, they play against other schools. I think girls football is getting more popular over here, she loves it, being the sporty type!! It's a shame her Dad turned her into an Everton supporter when she was little!!
Everton being the rival team in Liverpool! Haha we are top of the league, LoL!!
I'll give you a call before the next game, you'll never walk alone ....!

Anyone heard from Zany or Star? Hope everyone is ok and you haven't caught that nasty bug thats going round.
elle, I'd love to see you in those hot pants LOL!!
Blossom, your chickens layed weirdo eggs today!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Humansville, MO

the hot pant fix perfect
we now get 3 or 4 egg a day
i got 2 doz sold alway

london England, United Kingdom

Hi elle, enjoy your days off work, don't tire yourself out cleaning! Chillax.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Don't work too hard elle, take time to enjoy, believe me you will be glad you did!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Plantgeek88 and Terriculture.. yep, we are having a gold ole time down in the NY Resolutions (Revolutions!!!)....and yes, I am having a good time here too! The cake recipe there, works, but don't over bake it!!

I have this golden rule, make new friends, but keep the old!
One is silver the other gold!

So you will be finding me bouncing around a bit!

I'm not much on soccer or football, could never understand why they were so popular... seems to be a bit too barbaric to me! LOL! I cringe at the thought of all those injuries. However, I do like to watch a good polo game, but boy that has been ages!

Hope you don't mind my dancing partner here...the hubbys still working...and besides, we heard this was a garden party! Where can I park my horse? Besides that I'm dodging someo one chasing me with a shovel... pant, pant! By now she should be doing pilates with a wheel barrow!!

Humansville, MO

hi all
i did enjoy yesterday
i love horse
we ship rabbit tonight
it supoes to be snowing
what fun we have on the fram

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

RABBIT???? Does that mean Easter is not far behind? Chickens and golden eggs!!, but alas and sigh, do not forget Valentines day....

Elle, where are you shipping rabbits???

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!
Hope you are having a good day, back in the routine after the holidays!
Happy New Year to all our 'gold friends' who couldn't make it, we still miss you and think fondly of you all.
You know who you are LOL!!

elle, Good to hear you enjoyed your day of rest!
Blossom, Howdy!! Do you have a farm? What with chickens,horses and Iguanas visiting the cafe we are running out of food Lol! We have new renovations planned for a paddock and stable at the cafe! What is her/his name . do you ride and how long have you had a horse???
It's ok about the football, Plantgeek just humours me .... no one really cares ...!!!! LOL

I'm looking forward to celebrating with our friends Dianne and Karma! I've heard rumours the next cafe will be decorated for Chinese New Year. Red is the lucky colour and it starts on 26th January.
Valentines next month..... woohh hoo we are busy around here!

Humansville, MO

we ship to ask.
every two week

Louisville, KY

Hey Blossom, you can park your horse right under me! lol That's a nice looking horse. I was thinking that I might sign up for riding lessons this spring if I don't get too swamped with work. I'm not too experienced, but Iv'e ridden a few extremely patient horses, even jumped a creek once. Whoohoo!
And so you don't feel left out, may I present you with a pair of your very own hot pink hot-pants. This makes you official. lol Enjoy.

Terri, spirulina is a nutritional blue-green algae, or more simply put- pond scum. Eeeeeuuu! But hey, it works. It's one of those things like bologna or hot dogs, you just don't think about what they are really made of.
Humor? I have absolutely no sense of humor. Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

Oh yes, Chinese NY- the year of the OX this go 'round. Let's hope it pulls us through the year without hitting too many bumps. And Blossom, this will be a perfect oportunity for you to wear your new short shorts. hehehehe

I'll get busy with decorations, new accomodations for all our critter pals and in the meantime, to tide us over, I brought sweet oats, peeled grapes and grubs for the animals, and a pizza as big as a truck tire loaded with mushrooms, onions, sausage on one half, mushrooms, onions and tofu on the other for all you vegitarians.
Oh, and here's some nettle tea to keep us from catching any nasty bugs.

Go Liverpool!!! hehehe

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi Terri, well, we used to farm bigger...120 acres but got out of that, moved and down sized. I ride when I am able which anymore is not too often. I rode much more when I was younger and in better physical shape. I have a disability gets the best of me most days so I am basically now just cheif care taker to 1 hubby, 11 equines, a dog and a pile of chickens. We have a handsome stallion and his wives and daughters, a donkey and a pony. The girl in the pic is Fiesta. She will be 29 this year in April. She has been our pride and joy for many many years and a fine great great grandmum.

I used to train, endurance ride, show, do parades, demonstrations and did some game racing and all that glorious rot, but for the past 30 some years, been a breeder and now heading to more serious retirement. I am down to the last of my breeding stock and have a goal to get down to having only 4 or 5 horses eventually to feed my pleasure and to mow the pasture and get back into cattle. I love bottle babying calves!!

We used to have rabbits and sheep. No more sheep, but plenty of wild rabbits here amongst the other wildlife we enjoy!

No iquanas. Maybe a chameleon or snake in the garden, but no iquanas, crocks or gators. The only crocks I got are pots and me gators are what I am riding in the picture! My pleasure horses do not trot!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Plantgeek, I wished we had moved further south....Ahhhh Louisville! I love it there! Greener pastures for sure over what is here in Illinois. I am a bit depressed over what our poor prairie state has come to and would love to get out! Seems the neighborhood statewide has gone daft! But then I have truly wanted to move out of this state for a really long time as I am not enjoying the winter like I did when I was a pup!

Excellent pizza I might add! Yumm!

Is that pink or pank HP's???!!! LOL!

And aaaah! the year of the ox, hmmmm is this an omen for me to get back into cattle? Well its a fleeting thought anyway! The thought has occured to me to find a nice rancher with some lovely calves to swap a few horses too....still looking though.

Cheers everyone!

Louisville, KY

That's Pank, Hot Pank Miss Moneypenny. lol
Well hey there neighbor. So when and where have you been to Looahvulle? ( to the rest of y'all, the mangling of the pronunciation of Louisville is a long-running joke. Just pretend you have a mouthful of oatmeal, or bourbon) I'm betting you have been to the Derby or another equine event. There are several stables and farms in the area, although not as many as in years past. Did you get to see Monty Roberts (the real horse whisperer) when he was touring a few years ago? Amazing! Animals don't lie, unless it's my cats pretending they haven't been fed. This guy was able to convince a terrified horse to do something it was afraid of- no trickery.
Wow Blossom, sounds like you are living your dream. Good For you! I would be a happy babbling idiot if I had 120 acres and lots od critters. lol I know what you mean about the winters. We are a little further south, but it's still a pain in the @#$
when a once youthful body ain't so youthful anymore. Next time you are down this way, D-mail me and I'll treat you to a cuppa and a slice of Derby Pie.
Awwww, baby moomoos. I'll bet they are fun. Have you read Temple Grandin's book titled Animals in Translation? You may find it interesting.

And my condolences for the present climate in your otherwiswe wonderful state. It may be a long bumpy ride, so in the meantime, have a taste of the tropics- a young coconut garnished with a slice of pineapple and a funky pink umbrella.

Zany, hope y'all are ok. I have fixin's for portabella burgers whenever you want to swing by and put your feet up. I'll even cook for you. No laughing you all. That charge of botulism was never proven. And I can do a mean half-cooked chicken. They just call it sushi elsewhere.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Awww Plantgeek, the a-ham present climat in the NOIS is gonna take more than a drink with an lil ole umbrella in it.. Try a horsetrough with a table topper....LOL! and being the tea totaller I am.. shuky dern, it is enuogh to make you want to drowned all your sours in more than just scoootch and burrrben!!! (See I can 2 mangle the engleeish language even better than GWB his self! LOL!) I am gonna miss that poe ole Texan fer his ever loving sense of humour...if anything, he dun got that part right, it was the humour!!

He-yar tell now there is talk herein this part of the country they is just gonna run bobwar around the parameter of the state and use that to keep all the good ole boys in.... UGH! and about that bumpy ride.. goodness me.. have you seen the potholes in this state? Takes weeks to get from one edge to the other!! And those poe folks in the desert state said they had the grand canyon... NOT!! LOL! I keep telling the DH we did not move fer enuff sou fer dat!!

But seriouly, yes, I have been to KY and TN and your neck of the woods and showed and sold a few of my sweet babies down there. My senile self cant recall zackly where but they was down there some place in Tennessee. And now present economy prevents my poe soul from leaving the farm much anymore... and Thats HORSE POUR to you!! not $pennies!! LOL! I 'll hav u no We got harses cuz we could nt afferd no lahn-moor!

I do employ a good amount of whispers, bells and whistles to my guys and it is amazing what animals do respect. I was not always training that way.. sometimes the military hollering kicks in when the critters are in the back forty! Be hollering
SU----EEEY at feeding time or just giving a whistle and they a come a running! Just depended on how much of a hurry I was in!
Drop me a D-mail I will post you my website on the critters.

Been awhile since we had cows, but had some babies years back that would lay on my lap and I would read a magazine and bottle feed two of them at a time and enjoy a sunny afternoon that way. The lil finger suckers!! They would follow me everywhere! Made me feel like MOMMA TIMBA in the movie HAITARI (Good Lordy is that putting age on me... ya got to love John Wayne and Red Buttons I just loved that flick!!!!) Ain't seen my yoothful body in .... wull less jes say been many years.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

ROTF!! Half cooked chicken.....sushi!!!


Humansville, MO

every thing sound so good
we made it thought shipping
we are lazy the day after

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!
Nice to see you all chatting away, any Derby pie left? whats in it?
Blossom you look fab in those Pank hot pants, especially on the horse LoL!
Thanks for the half and half pizza Plantgeek, next time please may I have my own one!

Start looking for your chinese stuff about the house, bowls, plates, lanterns, teapots, silks, paintings, chopsticks, bonsai, bamboo, etc etc . I'm the year of the TIGER Grrrrrrr.

Laters gaters!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Terri, drat, I am not good at any Chinese decor... afraid the cupboard is bare here for sure, so I am gonna have to be an innocent by stander on that thread!!

Quick costume change here.... looks like Valentines day is just around the corner....must get ready romancing and new dancing! Do I here a mariachi band playing???

It is the year of the bull right??? er er ox I mean.. dang, got bull fighters on my brain for some reason! Hmmmm ox .....well its cattle!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Blossom, I bet you have lots of trophies and Rosettes (sp?) from your horse riding shows?
Our trophy cabinet at the cafe has plenty of room for yours, if you please!
I've been on a horse once LoL!
Fascinating to hear how others live, the rural life sounds great to me, but in reality it must be very hard work.Here in the concrete jungle, life is hectic, lots of people with not that much free space!!

Does anyone know how to make those swans with napkins or anything like that? waterlilys? or origami?

Cuppa anyone?

Thumbnail by terriculture
Louisville, KY

Picky, picky. lol All right then, one veggie pizza all for your lonesome. I'll just sit here with my meat-pile of greasy goodness no matter the indigestion.
Then after, we can all indulge in Derby pie and a cuppa that lovely brew you made. Basically, Derby pie is pecan pie with chocolate chips and I think walnuts and a few secret ingedients- very rich and not for the meek.

Ok, I have tons of incense, YiXing clay teapots, several varieties of green tea and firecrackers. I'm a Rat baby incidently, a metal rat I think. There are five elements associated with each animal, the influence of which is determined by the year one is born.

Blossom, love your costume. Can we have pony rides? Pleeeeese?
I'll also see about getting Vday vittles, love potions and sultry decor.

Elle, kick your feet up dear and have a cuppa Terri's wonderful tea.

Oh Candee, where are you? And the rest of y'all too.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Derrrrrby Pie arghlaghahe (in Voice of Homer Simpson)....GIMME!

Plantgeek, line forms in the rear, just watch that wicked woman that is chasing me with the wheelbarrow and shovel...she is just doing collections and pilates!! (Go Red, go!!) Look out garden, her she comes!!!

Terri, SoOooo thats where my yeller tea pot went to! LOL I made one just almost like it back in...well lets just say many moons ago!! Me and the horse here, well, our days of collecting trophies and ribbons has long ended, but those were the days my friend!! Fun times until the change in climate occured, We are both retired! But you can know we garnered our fair share of blues and plates. Loverly daffs BTW!!

Plantgeek, its time to post that Pie got us all droooling!

london England, United Kingdom

Sorry to be picky darling! just don't want my food contaminated, Thankyou! your chicken dish sounds a bit iffy LoL! The Derby pie sounds good though.
Glad you are collecting stuff, hope Madame Zany turns up with some fortune cookies LoL!

Like the sound of sultry decor for valentines!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Blossom, I'm very slow at typing, you posting when I was typing!
I knew it !!!! bet you've got 100's of ribbons!
Thanks, glad you like the teapot and daffs.

It's my turn next Plantgeek, bit nervous so walk slowly please !!

Louisville, KY

You betcha Terri, slow and easy. But don't worry, she's a sweetie. Here, give her a piece of apple and she'll be your best friend.

No problem with the pizza. I was just being a pain. However, let me corrupt your sweet tooth with a Derby pie recipe
one pie crust
1/2 cup melted butter
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1 cup semi-sweet choc. chips
1/2 cup chopped pecans
2 tablespoons Kentucky bourbon

Beat eggs with cooled butter. Add flour and sugar. Beat till well mixed. Stir in pecans, choc., bourbon. Pour mix into pie shell. Bake at 350 for 30 min or till set. Top with vanilla ice cream, or whipped topping or both if you are a glutton.

Poor Blossom. Run Forrest, run!!!

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