Cafe New Year Celebration

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Well, now that I got the day right, I guess, I have started our New Year thread for the festivities. COme on in come one come all, come together, come alone, we don't care just show up and spread some holiday cheer at our wonderful cafe.
Madame Woodsy said she shall take the coats and the food is being prepared by the world's finest chefs, Steve is getting the Springsteen music together, so come in, sit down, put your dancin shoes on and enjoy the lead to the New Year!

Thumbnail by haighr
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee, Thanks for the New Year cafe'.
I'll be back in later to help with the decorations, you've done a great job with the bar already!
Looking good!

Humansville, MO

hi all
i will be there i am off

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Already had some fireworks today whew! I intended to shampoo carpets today so had gotten lots ready for that yesterday. Well this morn my hoover carpet shampooer didn't seem like it was quite doing the job so I headed all the way across town to Sears to get a new one (mine is 22 years old). Sure enough I had left too early, not minding the time and got there 1/2 hour before opening at 10am. So I sat around in the car for 1/2 hour then hit the door soon as it opened. I went in and got my new hoover in a box and headed back home by 10:30. I managed to get the big box inside myself and put the thing together and by 11:00 I was back in business. I noticed that it smelled funny, perhaps kinda hot, but didn't do anything about it. About 10 minutes into cleaning, while next to our bed clothes the dang thing burst into flames, and I do mean flames. I yanked it away from the bed and just stood there in shock watching the flames dance out of the bottom. They stopped and popped and I pulled the plug. The whole house was full of smoke and smelled like burning rubber. I tossed it outside and check on the house to make sure no wiring fires going on, had my neighbor come over whilst I returned to Sears. Can you believe it, they asked if I wanted to exchange it for another!!!

So glad to see you are off elle, take it from me and just relax, don't try to do anything as it may literally "blow up" in your face. LEt's just take it easy and ring in the new year in one piece!

london England, United Kingdom

Oh No! Thank goodness you are ok. They don't make things like they used to, bet your new new one wont last 22years! Chillax now.
Hi elle, Glad you will be here and not going out in the cold to work.

Humansville, MO

let just sit with are feet up and drink in the new year
with your farvor drink
my is hot tea

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

It was the new one Terri that caught fire, I finished cleaning the carpets with the 22 year old one LOL! You are so right they don't make em like they used to.
Hey elle, you are gonna have to spike that hot tea tomorrow!!!
I was up cleaning the carpet upstairs today and remembered that I had some crafty stuff from things I got for making our wood artwork, so I drug it out and thought maybe I could come up with somethin for tomorrow. Still a bit outta sort from the trauma today of the fire and all and the house is freezing as I had to open the windows to let out the smoke and so now am cold all over.
So elle have you always live in humansville? It is an interesting town name.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Will go find a link to the clock to count down.

This message was edited Dec 30, 2008 5:10 PM

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I think this one shall include everyone. From London to Aussie land and back again.

london England, United Kingdom

Ohhh Candee, you're so organised, our very own countdown clock in the cafe, good thinking!
Starting to get excited, looking forward to the crafty stuff.
Hope you get warmed up and smoke free soon, poor you. what a day of it you've had.

I'm sitting by the fire making leaf chains to decorate the cafe! If anyone would like to make a few we could join up our chains around the world. All you need is a stapler or floral tape and some leaves!
Join them together just like the paper ones. Add fancy stuff if you wish lol.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I am not smokin now Terri LOL, like I said quit many year ago except for the shampooer today LOL! I woul dlove to join in your leaf chain. I made this and wrote the poem for the cafe, hop you like! BTW carpet is clean enough LOL! and we are warm now by the fire friend.

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hey now that looks even better than I thought!!!

london England, United Kingdom

Oh now you made me cry !!! That's so lovely Candee, how thoughful and kind to write such beautiful words and wishes for us all. Thank you Sweetie pie! Have a cosy night by the fire with your loved one!

I know you gave up smoking years ago LoL! Oh good, you like the leaf chain idea .

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Candee - that is one lovely poem.

I better go out tomorrow and start gathering some leaves.

I will pop in the cafe for a bit tomorrow, and then head out to dance in the new year. My rugs certainly needs shampooing, but I figure that could wait until next year.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Well am so glad that you Dianne will ring in the new year dancin, I will but in my livin room and likely on a table LOL!
Steve is going to the cabin thurs until Fri to hyunt again for a deer meat, so keep fingers crossed fo r some food!
Did not want to make you cry friend, but it is a good job no??? LOL, I love to write poetry!
Now lets go out and get some leaves and flowers and some pinecombs and make this the best NY ever in the cafe!
Come on elle, Steven, Plantgeek and MIttsy and Karma, come on and join us!!!

Humansville, MO

i love that poem
we will be waching tv and dream of what use to be
it thetime to rember you love one that went on be for us
and to look ahead with a happy heart

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thank you elle, be sure you spend some time dreaming of what is to come. You have a very happy heart of that I have no doubt!
Let Madame Woodsy bring you your first cuppa tea for this evening celebration!

Thumbnail by haighr
Humansville, MO

i will enjoy it

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I am busy primping and prepping for this evenings celebraton. I hope the cafe is packed as Madame will graciously be hanging coats and Steve is ready to spin some of those oldies but goodies for us. So lets put on our dancin shoes and get ready.

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Now I know Sue has had her new year ring in already and she is beginning a new day in aussi land so hope she stops by while we ring in the new.
Terri, I hope you are getting a few winks after the cheesecake so you can join in as well. Now look out as I am coming through with the first and most important the DJ needs to get started setting up!

Thumbnail by haighr
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Everyone,
I'm here helping now Candee. Like your funky new trainers.
Our visitors have left and the Birthday girl has gone out to a night club with her mates!
We've had a nice day, went out for a late lunch, came home for cheesecake with 19 candles!

Better get back to my leaf chains! see ya soon.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Those are going to be real nice Terri, we can all take hold of a link and celebrate together. Sounds like the b-day girl is gonna have a smashing evening. Out to the clubbie with friends to celebrate the new year and her new year!
We were going out to dinner but it is so windy I can hardly keep my balance outside so Steve opted to make burgers tonight instead; he can fry them up between sets.

london England, United Kingdom

Yeah that sounds great Steve, sound check for the outside speakers next, crank it up a notch....
thats it! Looks lovely outside on the patio Candee, the lights in the trees and around the flower beds look brilliant!

Fancy a little drinkie you two? you deserve it bringing all that equipment in!

Have either of you seen the new waitress yet? she was supposed to be here at 9pm.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Okay everyone move over this is a biggggggg centerpiece for our main table. I have been driving around looking for a parkin space out front, but Steven has his van parked there behind his camper and I just couldn't walk that far with this so I am having to use the back door as usual. I will prop the door open so we may get a slight chill in here for a bit.

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Well she wasn't holding the door for me. I fixed you this one darling so you can have a sit whilst making the chains.

Thumbnail by haighr
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

lovely centerpiece, Candee. I still have lots of albums lying around my house that Steve can put on that turntable. Those are the niftiest shoes I have seen.

I am still at work at the moment, but hope to leave early today. Otherwise, I may have to take a "long" break and make my chain here in the building.

Terri - DON'T let the new years start before I get to the cafe. Use your magic and make time stand still. Too late to tell Sue that LoL.

london England, United Kingdom

Oh What a Fabulous grand centrepiece Candee! Gorgeous fresh flowers, so nice they way all link up with the pearls?
Oh Thanks for the drink, may I keep the jewels? LOL!

Here's a drink for you and Steve, gotta keep the DJ happy!

Hi Dianne..... Hurry up! LOL Don't you all be rushing around on my time, I'll be up for hours yet! Chillax babes!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Wow, that looks like a drink for me, had one of those in PV and almost knocked me on my butt! Hey Plantgeek got us some red hotpants, I'll see if we can get them over here.
Dianne, we'll be here partying whenever you can get off work, or better yet, from work.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oops and a drink for Steve, he was so busy getting the albums sorted I didn't see him for a minute and drank half of his as well. I am sure he will forgive me.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

BTW, thanks for the kind words on the centerpiece. I broke down and got a bunch at the grocery. I am not sure if they are a kinda dahlia, but think so - colors didn't show up well, some are white and some are greenish to go with our olive walls. Enjoy them.

london England, United Kingdom

Here you go Steve, drink it before you wife does this time! lol
So glad you went to the grocery ,the flowers look really nice and what a great way to start the new year with fresh blooms in the house/cafe! I'm not sure if they are the huge Chrysanths or Dahlia's either, but pretty all the same!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Steve got this one before I saw it. Thank you for quenching his thirst. He will be ready to start spinnin soon. If you are looking for me I'll be at the bar checkin out the shotglasses. We have so many that have been given from travelers here to the cafe. Sue a lot to wash before our celebration.

Thumbnail by haighr
london England, United Kingdom

Oakey dokey! I'll be doing somethin'.
Do you think maybe Zany and Plantgeek got stuck in cyber traffic? We did send the car for them didn't we?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh, was I supposed to get the car - I was busy in the cafe and now getting dolled up - How do you like my NY mask?

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

These are the hotpants that plantgeek provided for all of us, Terri is our model as you know I am too shy behind the mask.

Thumbnail by haighr
london England, United Kingdom

Great mask! dolled up eh? I've got nothing to wear! been trying different outfits on but I just can't make my mind up.
What do you think the red or the black?

I'll send the chocolate car for them, they can have a snack on the way!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Oh I've got hotpants! Yay!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I like the red hot hotpants, they look great! The candy cadbury car is a great ride, but will they be too big to get out when they arrive.
Don't forget elle, she is having tea!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I got elles chicks all dressed and ready to party when she gets here, they are so happy they are laying golden eggs!

Thumbnail by haighr
Louisville, KY

Ahhhhh! It's Elton John! Holy Crocodile Rock! Oh wait, it's Candee. You silly rabbit. Can I have your autograph anyway? tehehehehe

Wow, everything looks so wonderful- the centerpiece, the DJ booth, the drinks and of course you all with your festive faces. All righty then, let's have a party!

Terri, I would be happy to help with the leaf chains. And I brought vigorous amounts of bubbly, assorted imported teas from around the world and firecracker hot schnapps for those that dare. And you betcha your buns I have a pair of hot pink hot pants for everyone. Can you say chorus line boys and girls? Shaved or unshaved, start kicking those legs y'all.
Candee, wherever did you find that vintage pic of Terri? Oooweee, girl, but don't you look fetching!

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