Southern Cassowary, Double-wattled Cassowary, Two-wattled Cassowary (Casuariu

Churchill, Victoria, Australia(Zone 10a)

Thumbnail by kennedyh
PERTH, Australia

Was this taken in the wild, Ken?

Churchill, Victoria, Australia(Zone 10a)

Margaret, yes it was. We were driving to Cairns with our youngest son and had stayed overnight in a motel. Duncan and I drove to a nearby park for a walk before breakfast. While walking we spotted the Cassowary in the distance, walking down the track which led to the car park.
We retreated quickly to the car park, keeping well to one side having heard they can be aggressive and waited with camera all ready and it duly arrived and walked through the middle of the car park and then off back into the forest.
The only wild one I have ever seen and a very special moment,

PERTH, Australia

Lucky you to see one in the wild, but wise move to get back into the car, Ken. As a really young child I can remember hearing that Cassowary's were one bird that could be extremely aggressive without apparent reason or provocation and that that huge toe could be used to disembowel a person. I was reading that they are ?critically endangered in the wild.

Churchill, Victoria, Australia(Zone 10a)

I didn't get back in the car, I just stood still well off the most likely route for the Cassowary to take across the car park (I was living dangerously).

I watched a program recently about the cassowaries and the very same area, was very badly hit by a cyclone a couple of years ago, having a devistating effect on the Cassowary habitat. As a result there have been far more cassowary sightings that normal with cassowaries wandering down the main street and into gardens in their search for food.

I think this caused a lot of concern for the future of the cassowaries in that region.


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