You showed me yours this is mine.

western sydney nsw, Australia

These are my little succulent cuttings

Thumbnail by sammut
western sydney nsw, Australia


Thumbnail by sammut
western sydney nsw, Australia

next table

Thumbnail by sammut
western sydney nsw, Australia

and more

Thumbnail by sammut
western sydney nsw, Australia

more again

Thumbnail by sammut
western sydney nsw, Australia

I am getting good at this heres more

Thumbnail by sammut
western sydney nsw, Australia

a little more

Thumbnail by sammut
western sydney nsw, Australia

this is the hoya I did this morning

Thumbnail by sammut
western sydney nsw, Australia

WOPPSSS no I did not plant the boat I did Hoya cuttings -------Sammut

Thumbnail by sammut
western sydney nsw, Australia

and the last is my beautiful pinapple

Thumbnail by sammut

Wow sammut ...that is quite a collection you have there big is your yard ...I love the pineapple ...I had the red one once but my brother loved it so much I gave it to him ...I have grown the pineapple broms from the tops like most people but never got a fruit yet because I planted them in shade ...I know better now and might try again.
Aren't you running out of space yet? will be saving up to buy the house next door soon, aren't we a bunch of plant addicts it!

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Hello Sammut and Chrissy, great photos of the succulents and I'm esp. impressed with the pineapple. Had one as a kid but it never produced fruit. Sammut send me some boat seeds. Lee

western sydney nsw, Australia

Morning all ,
I have been moving things in the yard again this morning waiting to see whate this silly weather is going to be to-day .
Chrissy you must have read my mind about next door only I have 4 already the insurance and rates are the killer before I get to the taxes and repaires , but a new year
starting I never say no to good investments .
Sorry Lee the silly boat has not seeded yet talk later the family have arrived for breakfast we are taking the Christmas trees down this morning .-----------Sammut.

morning everyone ...sammut yes so true about all the costs we have a duplex ( 2 villas) I know what you mean about all that stuff ...the worse thing is that I planted lovely gardens there ... palms 13 cycads (grew from seed and now 2ft tall.) oleanders ...mandavilla and boges everywhere ...they are not tended the way they should be, but the tenants are good and I have to wait until someone leaves to go in and pinch my prize babies, been waiting 8 years.
I saw a program about some gardeners who bought a house next door came with a generous back yard which they fenced off and made a gateway through to their now expanded garden ...the home was advertised as easy care (no yard) and everyone was happy.
I am moving stuff today, no fancy pretty stuff I am afraid just hundreds of seedlings in various sizes ...I see Jeans hand in your dear little succulents as I have the same ...isn't she wonderful? When I pot mine on and make babies I will share the love around too.
Happy gardening!
Have a great day everyone!

barmera, Australia

I have put this on the wrong page, but never mind I think we all go from one page to another looking around. This is my pink budliah. I will return to the tea room and put it there as well Cheerio Colleen.

Thumbnail by ctmorris
western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi Colleen ,
Thate is a beautiful plant dont worry about wrong page I always seem to do thate no one seems to notice have a great day ---------Sammut.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi to every one, wishing all a very very happy start to the New Year may it bring every thing you wish for and more .
No time to stop it was so hot today and I am a little sun burned I know but the wind took my hat and a cap does not keep the sun of the back above the collar .till later ----------Sammut.

terrible hot windy day sammut sorry about your sunburn ...aloe vera will sooth it or slices of tomato. A bit messy though, hope you will feel better soon.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Thanks Chrissy my fault it was one great hat very big flopy brim I think some big fish is swimming
around in it he will the envy of the other fish .
I used tomato and a lot of body lotion feels good this morning I seem to be in the wars this week every day some thing wrong at least only litte things to-day is going to be another hot one take care in the heat ----------Sammut.

A kinder day today I think ...make sure you stay in the shade.

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