Come trade with me...

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi fellow gardeners, Please come and visit my updated lists at
There's lots more, but I have to work for a living so seed input time is limited.

I'd like to trade for things on my "Want List" or anything unusual. Thanks for having a peek. Hope we can trade.

Ashland, OH(Zone 6a)

Lady...Could you tell me, is your Broccoli (Waltham) a hybrid or a heirloom? I'm looking for heirloom. Also...what kinda sqaush is an early white bush? Thanks! AuntyB

Franktown, CO(Zone 5a)

I invite you to view my list, I'm interested in your pink mandeville. Deanne


I am interested in your Mimosa and Clematis.

I have Phlomis Samia
Ligularia yellow flowers dark purple leaves
Rudbeckia bronze

Send me a message please

Plato, MO(Zone 5a)

I would be interested in your silk tree and the scarlet flax.I checked your list,I have some daylilys I can send.I
do have sweetwilliam,garden phlox,zinnias,shasty daisys.
Thank you! Let me know okay?

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