What did you get for Christmas?

(Zone 7b)

I got a new Digital 12x optical zoom camera it has all the bells and whistle I LOVE IT!. Watch out i'm armed and dangerous lots of pics,pics,and more pics.
I got a nintendo DS with 3 games a "I" Dog a chicken lightup ink pen and a google eyed cat ink pen.
6 chocolate bars 1 bag of M&Ms a bag of chocolate peanut clusters and 10 scratch off lottery tickets (I won $10)

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

I got a coffee cup.
A decent sized gift certificate to a nice spa nearby with DH
And a shopping spree for a new piece of jewelery for the after Christmas sales -- had to improvise with the storm limiting real shopping time.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! We had some VERY good girls!
My DH got me a blender, a cheese knife set and three very pretty shirts (hmmm somehow familiar) Oh ya, I picked um out! hehehe! and some perfume.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I have a SURPRISE coming next week. I'm so excited I can't stand it. Harmony you will have to give me pointers as I have such trouble with my new camera. There is a HUGE book that I should read but I'm just not motivated because it's DULL as a doornob. Lazy_Ladies spa is a perfect gift. Smart girl Sewincircle. After I got a luvly sundress with a poofy skirt covered with giant red polkadots my DH has conceded that perhaps I should choose the clothing gifts. Where do you wear a poofy sundress with giant red polkadots anyhoo?

AHA perfect for a hatching dance!!!!!!

This message was edited Dec 25, 2008 6:33 PM

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Oh yes, It should be a uniform for the hatching dance!
The polkadots would stun and confuse the hatchlings long enough for us to take control of the situation before they hatch their crazy plans to take over our planet!

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

I'm clearly not cut out for this. Makes my eyes hurt just thinkin' about it. {:o)

I got sheepskin slippers and a new flannel shirt. And something is on its way...
and a treat tower from Harry and Davids.... YUMMY!

(Zone 7b)

My Camera at this point is way over my country head i need a few more hours to study my instruction manual.

Everyone got such nice gifts!!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I got a battery powered skill saw.. and $50. bucks. And um 9 darling chicks.. OH I mean 4.. yeah, that's right.. just 4 Fayoumi chicks.. LOL

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

um ZZ I was watching and um I think there was a more of a burble of babies but maybe I was just confused in all the excitement? Whoo hoo Harmony is reading the DULL as doornobs manual. I will just wait.... dum de dum de dum.... to benefit from her knowledge so I don't have to read the DULL as doornobs manual myself. Baby o Baby Harmony I'm all ears for pointers and tips ^_^

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

i got a new griddle, a new mp3 player, a santa wax air freshner(the one u heat with a blowdrier when u can't smell nomore) he smells like pine and cranberry's?, candy, an electric rose candle that is blueberry muffin scent, pair of porceimlain vaces one has a girl and one a boy on it, a gorgous collectable tinkerbell statue from the bradford exchange i think it is, can't think if there was anything else.

oh got 6 happy kid's who r loveing santa to no end for spoiling them, rotfl. they made out like bandits and i loved seeing their faces opening thing from everyone the last 2 days. it was worth every bit to see them smiles and laughter!!! my house is sssssoooooooo noisie with cars, horns, drums, guitar hero, new movies and more, i think i need a paitr of ear plugs soon, lol. alot of their fav things was stuff i sewed and handmade for everyone those went over awesome and everyone loved what they got!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I'm greeeeen about the kidlings silkiechicks with all their joyful noise. I luv tinkerbell so I'm jealous about that too. Isn't that so wonderful and special that everyone luved all the things you made for them! Wondefulness Christmas happin at Silkie's house for sure!!!

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

I made out like a bandit! Got multiple pieces of Wilton bake ware(now I can make 3 tiered cakes), new green ware pots and pans set, new pyrex baking stuff. A great antique quilt in a star pattern, a Blue laced red wyandotte rooster(live), beautiful big iron cross from oldest son(I collect crosses) and a rooster clock(kitchen is all roosters)

The best though was my middle son and I are back on the mend with our relationship. We had a lot of time to talk and say I love you to each other. That felt good. Life is way too short to have strained relation with your kids. Then the other best was I got my house all nice and clean and SO took us to the Chinese buffet for dinner! I was cooked out. They had prime rib and crab legs, so a great meal. Then came home to my nice clean home and crashed at 7pm. Just woke up.
Happy Holiday to all the poultry and livestock people on this forum. You all make my day reading your antics and learning from your individual knowledge.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Hubby cleaned the house and gave me the barn for my chickens.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

WOW Silkie, it sounds like a wonderful time (slipping ear plugs into envelope and addressing to silkiechick in PA) ((sure hope they find you)) hehehe!
Love it!!!
Daylilydaddy! What an awesome Christmas as well! Reconciliation! A rooster clock! AND Blue laced red Wyandotte rooster! Somebody was GOOD!
ZZ, that skill saw will be great to work on the brooder, (that is not needed because there are really no chicks) hehehe or your awesome coop that looks almost done!!!
I am thankful everyone had a great Christmas! {{{{HUGS}}}}

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Luvs, They were not in the barn before right?
How nice. A clean house and a chicken home!

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Nope I have a chicken coop that is open to the south. The barn is going to be for the chicks, incubator, feed and such.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

How wonderful! I bet that will be nice!

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Yep sure will chicks are NOT in my house anymore. I might turn the 28 by 14 barn into the new coop, have not made up my mind yet.

Clarksburg, MO

I got JOY-

in watching Christmas through my children's eyes!

i got PEACE-

in knowing my family and friends have warm homes and good health

i got LOVE-

from holding my husband's hand on Christmas eve and knowing he is always here for me.

I did not recieve any wrapped gifts since everyone is so tight on money (including us), but i know I have had the grestest christmas EVER!


Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I can feel the warm glow of love Knsl! I am glad you had such a great Christmas!

Ferndale, WA

KNSLWILLIAMS: I'm always moved by those who apparently have discovered the real Spirit of Christmas. May 2009 bring you a great year of prosperity. Haystack.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

daylilydaddy and knslwilliams had a true Christmas for sure. Luvs a barn for peppers is a wonderfully magnamanimous gift. (CPO Moxon is gonna be all over this for the spelling thing for sure :X)

edit: oops a barn for peppers would be luvly of course but I think Luvs got a barn for peeper not peppers.

This message was edited Dec 26, 2008 5:51 PM

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

ught oh...I better get editing! hehehe spellin is not my thang!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

knlswilliams: I just LOVED your presents! That is wonderful!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Sheila, you are an inspiration. You inspired me to count my blessings, not material gifts..
That was beautiful

Clarksburg, MO

I have to admit that I was a little down about things being so tight this year and then when my mom shared with me that she was not upset about not recieving a gift and that just being here is a gift (she has end-stage emphysemia) I realized that i should just stop and think of all the things I do have.

Sometimes it takes us stopping the pity party and just thinking to make the most joyous memories.


Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm typing on my gift from my son, dil and grandsons. A new HP computer.

From friends I got 5 packs of tomato seed and 1 pack of pepper seed, some socks, 2 books, perfume, bath oils and brushes, candy, a cookie jar (full of homebaked cookies), a leopard skin throw, a coffee mug and a picture frame.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Knsl, Nobody can steal your memories! They will be with you forever!

Antoinine, Are you wrapped in the leopard skin throw, drinking out of your new coffee mug, while typing on your new computer? That would be awesome. You must have been a very good person this year. (Please don’t use bath oils when on the computer) hehehe
There are warning labels about that! Have a wonderful day! PS I bet you can’t wait for spring to get those peppers and tomatoes in the ground! Do you can?

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

speaking of that sewing, I started 2 trays of maters and onions. Dont have any pepper seeds yet or they would have been started. What could be better, peppers and peepers in the barn.

Shelia I know how you felt and I for 1 know you are a very very blessed person with your 2 adorable kiddos and your loving husband. Give them all hugs and kisses from J and me.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

That is great Luvs! I dont have anything started yet. My DH is making me wait. He wants me to use the green house rather than my dinning room table. hehehe
Do you can? What do you make?

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Yes I can can. He he he. My way of thinking here is.............. IF I use the dinning room table long enough hubby just might build me that greenhouse I want. Sometimes there is a method to my madness. I make salsa, stewed maters, mater juice. I have a little bit of black eyed peas left from fall harvest that we are going to eat on New Years Day. I also have some okra and green beans left in the freezer. DH and I were talking last night about getting the garden ready soon, was going to till it up today but rain made its way here last night. Plus I have about 10 or so chickens that call the garden plot home right now.

I am getting excited about getting the garden going, I always do this.........get excited in the spring and then by august I am so sick of it.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

We dont have our own green house. My DH works for a landscaping company and they have a bunch of them. They said I could occupy a small area with my stuff til spring planting.
I make salsa as well, I also do pickles and hot pepper rings for sandwhiches. Jelly, jam...
All the fun stuff. I love to can. I can can can too. hehehe
How soon can you plant in OK?

Clarkson, KY

We can start seeds in greenhouses at the end of Jan here...

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Really? wow, I usually dont start til Feb (end).
What do you grow, grow. hehehe

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm reading a book right now by Barbara Kingsolver, about being more self sufficient, and buying what you can't grow locally to support your local farmers, etc... Anyway, you made me think about it, because they talk about starting plants in January. We are always too slow, but this year, I'm going to try to get more started!

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

I did a google for 2009 planting guides and most all said in my area to start planting some things as early as march 7th. I think the almanac even said that early. I plan on the maters to grow in a small green house type environment until then, The onions I started said to start indoors 10 weeks before last frost. I am trying to get a head start. I want maters early.

I do pickles also, just need to get some cuke seeds, or find the ones I got this fall on sale. I have seeds hiding from me.

I cheat when it comes to making pickles. My kids and grandkids LOVES pickles, so I buy them gallon jars of pickles from like sams club and then save the juice from them and the juice from jalepano slices and mix them up and add my home grown cukes to it. That same mixture is what I use for pickled eggs I sell to the local bars.

My hubby loves bread and butter pickles so I just make up some fridg pickles. Or freezer pickles. mmmmmmmmmmmm cant wait for them to grow now.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

there is a thread here on DG about winter sowing. You could check it out, some very good info there. I plan to start some flowers about Jan 15th or so for winter sowing. Veggies I am going to green house them probably about same time. Just need to get electric to the barn, I have a table in there dedicated to veggies. Gotta keep it heated for the chicks so might as well.

I am all about being self sufficient. I want to live off what I grow and what I raise.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Yah! I never thought I'd say this, but the snow is starting to melt and with you talking about plants, I want to throw on my galoshes and start digging up new beds! I'm so looking forward to Spring!

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Yep I can. Or should I say I freeze. Sauce, salsa and relish mostly. I envy you though, I never learned to sew.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I dont freeze because I just dont have the room. We have a whole pig, half cow, and other stuff in freezer. I can alot. More and more every year. I did sweet pickle relish for the first time this year. I did a lot of jam with the green tomatoes I had left over.

Luvs, I have a great Blue ribbon recipe for Bread and Butter if ya want it.

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