Cottage Garden Seed Swap & Chat #20

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Mery Xmas Caren & ALL YOU PIGGY'S!!!!!!!!!!!

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Mine are different from the ones seen on your hyperlink. I am rushed for time right now, but if you look them up under their botanical name I'm sure you'll find them. I'll send another picture showing how tall the two I have are. I have them planted closer than was recommended, and another DG'er uses them for a hedge row. She has a two different kinds. One has a papery orange peel type bark. The other, which I have is a grayish brown colored bark. I will be trimming them in February after the fruiting/flowering is done. I'll get you a cutting. EB#1 will be good about helping me.
More soon if I can get everything else done before the family gathering today!

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

Merry Christmas to all. Today is my daughter's 50 th birthday. Now I am close to telling my age (would you believe I gave birth at 10) LOL

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah and Greetings of the Season to everyone :)))

Time to take time to enjoy family and friends and then sit down with a nice hot beverage and plan next years gardens with all the new seedlings we're going to have.

Thank you everyone for sharing your seeds in the swap. It was great fun and one of the joys of this year. I'm embarrassed to admit that we still have a few flats of unplanted seeds in the side yard from last seasons swap bonanza. Sheesh....

All these babies got planted...the ones that didn't were seedlings that I'm not sure where to put or about how invasive they may be.'m not sure about the rumex. Do you have yours directly in the ground and do you regret planting it?

Thumbnail by wind
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Hey, how come you all mention Christmas and Hanukka, but you forgot to mention Happy Winter's Soltice? Some of us heathens/pagans would rather celebrate the Soltice.
It is the start of the new year for Native American Indians (NAI). We do a winter count about this time of year. We count our family, and our critters and eat good foods, and best of all we tell stories!
I guess that is why we have the politically correct "Happy Holidays" now. It covers just about everyone! : )
Well then, I hope that all my Piggy friends have a Holiday Season full of Light, Love, and Laughter!
Walk In Beauty!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks for explainign what Winter Soltice means. Didn't know.

So wishing to you Singing Wolf a Happy Winter Soltice!!!!!!!!

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Happy Holidays! I hope everyone enjoys their celebrations!

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Happy Holidays everyone! ^_^

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Merry Christmas!

(and yes, I also say Happy Hanukkah, Happy Solstice, etc., on the appropriate days... but tonight is Christmas Eve!)

Wind, I've got the Rumex in my side bed... with all the seeds it dropped, I expected a ton of volunteers but only got scattered reseeding, so at least for me it's not invasive. And I love the color of the foliage.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Star, Thank You! Winter solstice is the shortest day of the year (it occured on Dec. 21st this year). Astronomically speaking. : )
It was marked by the NAI, who were pretty good astronomers, and that is when the new year was "timed" for them. It was just an observation about how silly people are about being politically correct, and no offense was intended.
Something really wonderful happened after my last post, and I couldn't wait to tell you about it. As most of you know, I've been having a Blue Christmas, missing my Dad, who passed away in September. As I was preparing to leave for a family gathering tonight, I discovered this orchid blooming. It never bloomed for me before. Why was I so excited and pleased? Well, it's called a "Blue Angel". Do you think my Dad is wishing me a Merry Christmas? I do! : )
Wonderful timing!
Merry Christmas! Happy Hanakkuh, Happy New Year, Happy Kwaanza! Happy Days!

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Columbia, SC(Zone 7b)

Oh, SW, you really made my evening. I am so happy that your father spoke to you. I am sitting here missing my dad like mad. He passed away suddenly at his home at age 85 on Dec. 19 one year ago. Our Christmas last year was full of grieving and pain, yet also laughter and bittersweet joy as our whole family was able to gather to lay him to his rest and to lean on each other.
My mom is visiting me now so as to not be home (Vancouver WA) during this time - she does not even remember last Christmas at all, so she is trying to be very upbeat but tomorrow will be very hard for her (and me, too). I am trying to breathe deeply and walk with my ears open so that I can hear him. I think of him daily and smile more often than cry.
It does get easier, SW, but it will always be hard.
And for my friends that still have their parents with them, cherish them, mend fences, and get beyond disagreements and petty things- I was lucky that I got to know my dad so well, but I regret that the last time that I got to see him that I did not spend every moment at his side, asking him the same old questions and listening to the same old stories. Seize those moments and always leave with love in your heart and your mouth. I was lucky that we had those moments. It could have easily been different.

As SW says, walk in beauty and may the best of this Holiday Season be yours in all ways.

Merry Christmas (and Merry Solstice, too)
Lorie in SC (where it was nearly 75 degrees today and we cannot wear our Christmas Sweaters! BAH! Glad I have a Christmas T-SHIRT! LOL )

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SingingWolf. That a beautiful present for you to receive. Your father was very much loved here on Dg and we miss his laughter and sharing as much as you do too.

Yes, I do believe he is speakign to you, showing you the simple beauty in life. For those of us who have followed Carol and the Eads story we know she with us too and around us. I have come to the conclusion that this little birdie that some times visits and comes in by me when the back door open is her stopping by to say hello as she continue son her journey.

Can't keep her cuz she belong sto the neighbors , but the left yesterday and their one dog managed to get out and came walkign into my housse yesterday afternoon. I slept on the big couch and snored , and listened to a 60 pound shepard snore on my love seat next to me all night. LOL

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Sw -- what a beautiful "gift" from your dad. How very appropriate.

my DH lost his dad, 9 yrs ago tonight.... still feels like yesterday.

Happy Holidays everyone.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Merry Christmas everyone!

I'm so sorry you are missing your parents today, I miss my mom and she passed in 2008, today my dad isn't doing very well he is down in his legs and can't hardly get up, this cold weather is really taking a toll on him, I'm afraid he will be in a nursing home before I know it, so pitiful to watch him at the kitchen table and not wanting to get up I may have to send for an ambulance today the way he is acting :( I've been here 8 years taking care of him and this may be the last day for him being home, I'm not sure what is going to happen today. He's been having trouble all week and today is the worse I've seen him. I just pray that everything works out today and he can get up.

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Oh Lea-I am so sorry to hear that-will be thinking about you today...((((((HUGS))))))))

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lea -- I too am so sorry to hear about your Dad.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

My heart goes out to you. I hope that you and your Dad can have at least this Christmas at home. What a blessing for both of you!
Pyromomma, thanks for you words. My heart goes out to you and your Mom. My Mom is loosing her grasp on the here and now too, it is rough. I will always miss my Dad, but I know that a part of him is still here too!
: )
Inasmuch as Dad left DG as his legacy to our "extended" family (he felt that his friends at DG were family, you know). I am his legacy to all of you too! : )
For all of those grieving loved ones, remember that love never dies, the more you love, the more you are able to love. Yes, sometimes it hurts, when we think we've lost that love, but we haven't really. Look at me. I have "lost" my Dad, but I have also gained new friends from all over the country, and all over the world. I am truly "Blessed" by your friendships.
So please take the Blue Angel as a sign from all of our loved ones who have passed on before us as a sign of their continuing love.
As Pyromomma says, enjoy your loved ones in the present, and in your memory. Remember the love, and the laughter. Mend your fences, because no one knows for sure what tomorrow will bring. Enjoy today, for it will not pass this way again!
Merry Christmas and I hope your smiles touch other's hearts, as your kind words have touched mine! : )
Walk In Beauty!

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Wishing all of my lovely fellow piggies the Happiest Holidays possible. It seems we all share the bittersweet aspects of the season - joy in sharing with our friends and families and missing those who aren't with us physically any longer. Lea, I hope you and your Dad are doing well today. You all have a special place in my heart, and make the sun shine a bit brighter for me, so I hope you are able to enjoy some sunshine today - and if not, then at least some of the Peace of the season. SW - I'm so glad your Dad was able to "stop by" and leave you such a wonderful gift!
Blessed Be little piggies!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

LeBug.... I sorry to hear that yoru Dad is doing poorly. Just hope that maybe he is remmebring other days of Christmases past and is just in a meloncoly mood too. I know it rough on ya. Have to call once a week to make sure my father still alive too.

If he gets cold so easily and with this weather is so easy. get him some flannel underwear to wear. it wil make a big differnce in his body temerature adn it doe skeep the cold from penetratign you so bad.

Hugs and luv being wrapped around ya today adn everyday.

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

LEa-how is your dad doing-please let us know...

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Mornign Piggies!!!!!!!

Ok, fess up who did it!!!!!!!!! Who wanted me to go crazier than I already am???????? Ya know who ya are!!!! So quit hiding behind your trough. ; ) LOL

I been goign crazy out of my midn for over two days now. I had turned the one kitchen light off in kitchen and then went to living room couch and I starte dhearign this nois e that sounds like the sound of the computr keys when ya hit them. Click ..Click.. Click.... I woudlgetup and try and hear the soudn again and all would be quiet. I bene up and down and all aroudn the kitchen checking stove, fridge and puter and electric plugs, wondering whatit could be and praying nothign else was going on the fritz.

Well went to heat me cup of coffee up and there I heard it again. Started to move away from microwave trying to walk sideways between the table sset up in kitchen , and then I heard it again.

I listened and got my eagle eye going liek crazy tryign to figure out where noise was coming from.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! Found it.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I not goign insane. Somebody must have packed seeds in pod sof some sort and they slowly openign up in the baggy they in and hittign the sides of the black plastic container to make the echo louder.

Whew!!!!!!! Now I can relax finally. : )

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

ROFL!!! THat is too funny Ella-I would think I was going crazy too!!LOL

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

LOL Ella - are they jumping beans?

Lea - how is your dad? Praying all is well.

SW - big hugs to you! Love the orchid and such a wonderful gift. ^_^

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Oh Ella:
Thanks for the story, it made me think about the time someone asked Dad when they would know it was time to harvest the Pride of Barbados seed pods. He said, "Just wait til you start hearing them PoP!" : )
I ROTFL when I read about the unintended practical joke someone played on you. You have to admit at least you weren't bored. Also, the timing is just so funny. On both Christmas Eve and Christmas you were being popped at by your Piggy Friends. : )
Had a lovely Christmas Day. It was full of pleasant surprises, and love and laughter, and of course Lights!
Lea hope both you and your Daddy are doing well. I'll be keeping you in my prayers!
Thanks for the hugs 'Chelle, I feel them all the way out here!
I'm going on a photo safari today! My boys went in together and bought me a camera tri-pod for Christmas! : 0
I can't wait to try it out! : )

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

LOL, that's funny Ella. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, I know I did.

Thumbnail by Robynznest
Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Happy Boxing Day everyone! (From the Canadian who wants to start a campaign to making Boxing Day a national holiday in the USA).

Lea - I hope things improve for you and your dad.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Haven't figure d out what they are yet, or exactly in whose bucket or maybe it's buckets, cuz been hearign the popping quite a bit today. Just glad they all in a baggy or I would be ducking. : )

Canngirl... Your seeds arrived today. : )

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I think it is already being celebrated in the USA, but we don't call it Boxing Day. We call it after Christmas Sales Shopping Day! LOL! : )
The way it was originally celebrated in England, it was a day to gift servants and the less fortunate. We tend to do that the day before Christmas in this country.
A friend on the California Forum and I were just discussing Boxing Day, and she sent me this link.
I sure hope that turns into a hyperlink.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Whoo hooo! I fingered it out! : }

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Great Singing Wolf!!!!!! Sounds like you get to have fun now!!!!! LOL

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Well, having Christmas Eve as a holiday works as well; in fact, let's lobby for Christmas Eve, Christmas, Boxing Day, Hannakah, Kwanza, etc. as paid holidays!

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I can always count on a quick read of my piggy friends comments for a good laugh! Too funny. Wasn't me... wonder what they are?

My light set up is already working away for an unintended benefactor. My bougainvillea is starting to 'bloom' under the lights, when it hadn't bloomed at all for the last half of the summer! I'm going to feel bad when all these seeds get planted and kick it back to the poor dark south facing windows :)

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Hi everyone I hope you all had a wonderful holiday, soon we can all wish eachother a happy new year : )

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Hi everyone, dad is doing alright, he's in the hospital and still very week can't even pull himself up in the bed, they are doing all kind of tests on him and wanting to come home, mad at me cause I called EMS said he was alright and doesn't need to be in the hospitsl, he is so stuborn lol He was practicly laying on the table when he ate breakfast and couldn't get up at all. doesn't look like he's gaining streangth any time soon not sure what is going to happen if they discarge him while he's so week he couldn't come home, I couldn't handle carrying him around and I hate that he really doesn't want to go into a nursing home, he begged me to take him home today.

I'll be back later tomorrow and try and catch up, gonna hit the bed :)

Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and a safe one!

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Lea I am so sorry to hear that. Hopefully he will get his strength back soon. Goodnight

Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

Glad you posted and gave us an update on you Dad's condition. Hope he gets to feeling better soon. I remember my Dad not wanting to go to the hospital. Once when he fell he didn't want me and my husband to know told the others not to tell us as we were the major caregivers and he knew we would want to take him to the hospital. My thoughts and prayers are coming your way. I have been there where you are except we, my siblings and I took turns taking care of him and Mom was already in the nursing home. They have been gone almost 10 years now and I still miss them.
Love to you

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Lea-I am sorry to hear about your dad, but you did the RIGHT THING calling EMS...

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Lea, you and your Dad have been in my thoughts over the holidays. Its so sad and tough when they get angry for something that's for the best. Mom has short spells of just enough clarity to know something is wrong and that she can't do things she used to (like drive!) and will get so angry. Funny she can't remember anything for more than a few seconds, but she can sure remember she's mad! Doesn't remember why she's angry, but knows she is. She doesn't recognize the house (that she's lived in the last 52 years) and often thinks she's being held somewhere against her will.

SW, such a heartwarming sign from your Dad with the orchid bloom, thanks for sharing. I've often felt a loved one was speaking to me from the other side through a plant or bloom. What was his user name here?

Ella, that was so funny! I've freaked myself out similarly too, lol.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Lea. Totally agree. You did the right thing. men are such funny creatures. They hate to admit they are sick and weak especially. it not manly to be showing it. So normal for him to be complaining away. You have to be strong though an ddo what you feel in yorui heart is right for him and stand by it and not be swayed by his remarks or feelings.

The idea of goign to home is probably very upsettign for him. Lot so ffolks don't want to because then they feel they gona los e that touch with their world wher ethey have reined king an dmaster.

if you are not able to carry and take care of him , and a nursing home is th ebest option, then I would check aroudn to some of the close by. I woudl also talk to some of the folks who have relatives an dlove done sthere and ask how they feel the care is and if their relatives have voice dcomplaints.

Then instea dof just pickign one, I would take him aroudn and let him pick one. That way he can meet with some of the folks living there and ask his own questions and maybe see if he coudl find friends who have same interests a s he does.

Facing the descions you have to is not easy. Your love for your Dad as a parent is strong and you want to keep that bond close always, but you have to be realistic too and think, what happens if you gone to store or even if you in another room and he falls and hurts himself, yopu have to think wil I be able to nt have any regrets then for not puttign him in a home. You have to do some soul searchign for sure.

You also might see abotu havign a care giver come and help you too. Just make sure ya do a backgroudn check on them.

If his legs are unable to keep him walkign then maybe a wheelchair would be a consideration.

You knwo the limits of yoru strength. You are only human and can only do so much. I knwo you want the best for yoru dad, but you cannot affor d it at risk to yoru own health. Who would take care of you.

I know it alot of pain and heaviness on yoru heart right now. I pray that the answers and descions wil come to you that wil make a good quality of life fo ryoru dad and you both. (((((((( Hugs)))))))) and we hear for you to lean on anytime ya need us.

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