Show Us Your Bird Feeders Vol.10

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Just wanted to check in here and see what's going on in the feeder world (with my DG birdster friends, of course!).

I see Marilynbeth is still building up her feeder show case! Is there one she doesn't have?!?

We only have 5 feeders out this winter. (But we got 2 more as Xmas gifts).

The birds seem a little sparse around here so far. We lost 10 holly bushes and 2 of our blue spruces to the drought in the past couple summers and then we had to take down (or they fell down when we had our 'hurricane' in Ohio this summer) 12 ash and maple trees that were old and too close to the house this past summer. We still have a lot of trees left, but I guess these were the trees that were old and very buggy with good nesting holes. I can't believe the difference it's made in our bird population and feeder visitors.

Nevertheless, Saturday is the Christmas Bird Count around here and we will put up more feeders tomorrow to get our numbers up for our report. I wonder if that's cheating...? But I don't think so. LOL It will be like a party for the birds~~ and we'll put out our very best seeds/suet and seed cakes. Oh, and set up our blue heated bird baths from last year!

Wishing all the DG birdsters a happy new year! t.

Marlton, NJ

Hi t, When you have time can you post a pic or link about your new feeders?

Happy New Year!

Essex Junction, VT(Zone 4a)

FYI, is having an "After Holiday Sale" and there are a bunch of feeders and accessories included.,default,sc.html

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

anybody have any of the caged feeders from Tractor Supply? Looking at this one but will look around a bit. Are they hard to clean??

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

oo, that's pretty Nanny

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

It is very pretty Nanny! The caged one that I have is a pain to clean and I am thinking about getting one of the shorter ones and maybe it will be easier to clean.

The uncaged feeder above has been a hit with the finches, including the Purple and House and I just noticed the Cowbirds can't perch and get their heads in it so that is a plus. I may have to get another one as this one stayed nice and dry during our recent rain.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

SO where did you get that one rose?

On the caged feeders, I was wonder if shorter would be better since they look like a pain to clean. The one GP has is shorter.

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Nanny the above feeder I got at our local feed was marked down to $18 and the top and bottom is made from cast iron. It is nice and heavy and doesn't seem to swing around in the wind plus it is super easy to clean and fill. Gee...maybe I'll buy two more. LOL! I've already thrown away the box but I think it is made by Havarta or something like that.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

I can't remember who's "corncob dipped in peanut butter" idea was, but I made one up today. We'll see how long it takes them to find it.

Thumbnail by Mrs_Ed
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Very cool Mrs. Ed! I spread peanut butter on mine and the Starlings found it right away! LOL

BTW...the green feeder above is made by Havahart...not Havarta!

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

The starlings (knock wood) have been oddly absent from my feeders so far. They are in the area, I heard some really interesting whistling yesterday. I know they are roosting in a large wreath I have on the garage.

Nice feeders on that site, rose

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

And in the water category…

my blue bowl bit the dust. I didn't want to get a new one since I had this Bird pond island waiting in the wings until I get a pond next year. So, instead I tossed it into a 15-gallon rubber feed tub that will hold fish when the pond is being cleaned.

There's a piece of cactus wood in there because when we had the snow and cold temps, the deicer/birdbath sunk a little further than I wanted it to.

Thumbnail by Mrs_Ed
Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Here's the size of it in relation to my shepherd-mix dog.

Thumbnail by Mrs_Ed
Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

The first taker on the peanut butter and seed corn cob was the cheeky little white-breasted nuthatch!

Thumbnail by Mrs_Ed
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

I have got to try that. I bought some crunchy PB for it!

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

it reminded me of when you dip frozen bananas in chocolate and roll in peanuts!!

Marlton, NJ

How does it stay standing?

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

This platform feeder had a screw from the bottom in it for corn cobs.

Midlothian, VA

I'm new to Daves Garden and have a question about bird feeding. Sqiurrels seem to have there way with seed (black oil sunflower) those little devils are smart and there seems to be no good way to stop them. Ok, you can never stop them I know, and I don't want to pay 50 to 100 bucks for a feeder. I'm not a thistleseed person, I like the diversity black oil brings.

Any thoughts? Anything new a different out there?

Thanks in advance.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi Rich,

what works best for some is not what works best for others. I have about 8 squirrels all the time it seems. What works best for me is to simply baffle the feeders. I have three baffles now. Two are pole baffles and one is a hanging. the other thing is that I feed the squirrels some corn and sprinkle some seed on the ground for the squirrels and ground feeders. Then they aren't as likely to go for the feeders.

Essex Junction, VT(Zone 4a)

I agree baffles work, though you may have to adjust them to get the right height/angle/etc. You also need to keep the feeders about 6 feet (I think) away from anything the squirrels can launch from - deck, boulder, tree, etc. It has taken a while, but I've got my pole "just so" between the trees and deck, and the baffle on the pole just the right height for the squirrels to not make it. Sometimes you have to scout to see how exactly they're getting on the feeders - they are sneaky! :)

Good luck!

Midlothian, VA

I do the baffle thing, and it does seem to slow down the assaults, but is it the baffle or the sparrows and wrens that drop enoumous amounts of seed on the ground for the squirrels? case in point....I covered up the holes to stop the sparrows for a while and guess what I saw....squirrel eating at the feeder, tore away the cover and dinner time!

I would like to use a shepards hook with a hanging feeder....clean lines, and movable. Am I asking too much?

Midlothian, VA

Also, watched a squirrel rock a cage feeder back and forth until enough seed sloshed out to have his dinner. Back the next day to do same until the seed was mostly gone. Then got possessive of the cage, scaring even birds away. Crazy.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

My corn cob ...first customer was a Titmouse but the pics was bad....

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

The PB filled knot hole is popular too...

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Rich you either spend the money to get things that will keep them at bay or learn to live with them...

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Midlothian, VA


I was afraid of that....however, the quest must go on. Thank you.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, sad to say that my water dealy is either dead or can't keep things warm in 25º weather. I"m glad I only spent 10 bucks on it. It HAD been 109!

Essex Junction, VT(Zone 4a)

I only have experience with pole baffles, but I think it is safe to say if you don't want squirrels to eat from the feeders, you have to make it impossible for them to get to. They can climb up and down poles and hangers, jump, reach, etc. You can't just make it so you have a cage feeder that they can get on -- you have to make it so they can't get to the feeder AT ALL. I tried all sorts of setups before my current one which is working well for me. So patience, and the strength not to give up :)

And the birds will pick through the seed to find something it likes. (even with my sunflower chips!) or as they take one seed, a few fall out of the holes and end up on the ground. that's where my squirrels come to clean up!

Midlothian, VA

Went back through the treads and comments, noticed an entry for Gemini feeder, anyone ever seen one or used one?Looks pretty simple and I like the extra long perches, magnets seem like an interesting idea for keeping squirrels off. And I thought cardinals wouldn't take to a perch...looks like conventional wisdom is wrong. With only two perches, seems seed would last a good long time and offer minimal hold points for squirrels. Also looks like they use a thistle style slot instead of traditional feed hole. Hmmmm

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

I saw those too, but have no experience. I know that pelletory loves her Squirrel buster plus.

Marlton, NJ

Yes that's a great feeder. I've had mine a few years and have never seen a squirrel beat it. :-)

Hebron, KY


DH thinks I have way too many of the feeders. I took some of the feeders down this Winter. Birdseed is alot higher this year! The prices are getting to be outrageous, as if they aren't already!

Midlothian, VA


How much seed life do you usually get out of a tube style feeder? How often do you refill?

Marlton, NJ

Getting back to the squirrel buster plus feeder; I think I'm going to get a second one and just fill it with peanut halves. This will help with the starling problem since only 1 can use it at a time.
E bay stores have some great prices on them too.

Depending on where you buy your seed 6 months is the maximum that any seed will stay fresh.

Essex Junction, VT(Zone 4a)

Where/how do you guys clean your feeders? I don't have a good place for it, esp when it is cold out (which for here is many months of the year). I don't have a utility sink, and the kitchen sink isn't big enough for some, or don't want to accidentally get bird food gunk on anything (impossible not to make a mess!).

The best place is in the tub, which is upstairs. It also means bending over, which my back isn't very fond of. I use a 5 gallon paint bucket in the summer, and I guess I could use that in the tub.

Anyway, I wanted to hear what you guys do.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

i read somewhere to buy one of those deep rubbermaid containers and fill it. I have a sink in the basement, but it is shallow.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

KItchen sink. in the winter outside with the hose summer. None of mine are that big.

Marlton, NJ

First I spray mine down with a strong stream outside then I bring them inside for a soak in a deep sink.

Dover AFB, DE(Zone 7a)

I put mine into the 5 gal bucket for a soak, then spray them, then take them to my kitchen sink and make a mess with the scrub brushes anyway...

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