Summer Solstice

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

I just realized today is our longest day....they will slowly start to get shorter(daylight hours that is)...Usually don't start to notice though for another 6 weeks or so..I love these long days of summer! No daylight savings here(QLD) in this part of the world either.

Thumbnail by brical1

That is a lovely shot Judy ...we have day light saving here and sometimes the days feel very long (though nothing is really different ...) it is such strange weather here we have had the odd stinker almost 40C ...horrid hot winds but in between ...cold! for this time of the year and sometimes all in the one day!
What sort of weather are you having? I haven't planted the garlic seeds because I am scared the cold might kill them ...I am waiting for stable weather is cold now only 15C where I am but it is early 6.30 am.

Merino, Australia

Hello brical and chrissy. I always think that once we get past the longest day, it's downhill to Easter and the shortest day. We look like we are going to start into summer her so I may have to move up under those lovely trees in your backyards
Have a nice day, Jean.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
melbourne, Australia

what are those purple flowers jean?

Merino, Australia

Heartsease , I think, or as we have always called them, johnny jump ups. a very small flowered viola type. they self seed and the flowers vary between combinations of blue, black, white and yellow . These self seeded elsewhere and I made a border of them. They seem to need little water. They are a lovely old fashioned cottage plant , been around for a very long time.

melbourne, Australia

great. thanks jean. i actually have a packet of those seeds to grow. will have to put them in the garden shortly. they look gorgeous. love dark purple plants.

Sydney, Australia

Heartsease it is. One of those great keep coming back plants.
Great foliage shot Brical.

Sydney, Australia

I've got to say that as a keeper of livestock and a full time worker I love daylight saving. With DLS time I have a couple of hours of light to look after the budgies when I get home. During nonDLS I have to do it under lights when the poor things are trying to sleep. So I am not overly happy to hear that it is downhill from here! Although, on the flip side, I love to hear when the winter solstice arrives.

Merino, Australia

I'm with you there Steve. I love daylight saving. I get much more done outside in the early mornings and evenings. I ,too, wait on the winter solstice as it's then downhill to spring and summer.
We are a weird lot aren't we ?

Sydney, Australia

I don't know if we are a weird lot or whether that is the way life should be. More time for the good things!

Brisbane, Australia

I agree..we trialled daylight saving and being an early riser by nature, I thought it was good as it meant we could pick the sprogs up from school and either have a picnic, bbq or go to the beach for a swim and play. Our curtains didn't fact, we don't have any! The "extra" sunlight didn't seem to do anuthing to anything!!! Cheers all. Kat

Barmera, Australia

I've never been a great fan of daylight saving. If people want more daylight hours just get up earlier in the morning instead of fooling with the clocks. We on the eastern edge of Sth Aust aren't affected too badly but the poor buggers on the west coast and further out suffer badly especially when you realise that true SA time should be an hour behind the eastern states not the half hour it is now. I must add now that I'm retired it doesn't matter I get up when I want and go to bed when I want but I still feel sorry for the people whose days are totally disrupted so some person in the city can go for a swim after work. When I was working I wanted someone to come up with a plan that took 2 hours from the summer day and tacked them onto the winter days, now that makes sense.
How's that for a grizzle.
Regards to All

Cockatoo, Victoria, Australia

I can take or leave daylight saving, being retired, it doesn't matter to me, but its meant for those who work, and still want to have some useable daylight time to spend with their familes doing stuff....
I'd just like a 30 hour day!!!!, then maybe I'd get a bit more done, as it is I'll have to live till I'm about 380 to get even part way there, and I know I'd accumulate new things to add to the list, on the way LOL
Brical, what are those lovely pink leaves? would they grow in Melbourne? or are they something I should know, and I'm going to look like a dodo when you tell me?

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