Show you other bits!

Sydney, Australia

There is a lot of emphasis on flower here. What about those other bits in your garden where you find yourself saying 'wow' as you walk past?
Starting this with my Burrawang cones.

Thumbnail by Budgieman
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Lovely, Is that in your yard? lucky you if it is!I have a couple of cycads in my yard but not that one.

Sydney, Australia

Yes. In the MIDDLE of the lawn. Don't know what people are thinking when they do things like that. It's at Sussex Inlet. I have half a dozen of these grown from seed so I may plant a few more. Love the shape and contrast they give to the other plants. I suppose they would grow in Brissie ..

That is a wow for sure! ... love cycads too and grew out 13 from seed,I think I will have left this mortal coil before they fruit, like that ...lucky you.

Sydney, Australia

Must be an old one.
Still has the remains of last years two cones.
Can only guess that it was once part of a garden that has long since disappeared as it is right in the middle of the lawn. I'm sure I will have also shuffled off this mortal coil before it does!

We all love foliage plants too!

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Alstonville, Australia

Hi All great cycad, this is my Grass Tree (black boy) it has 5 heads on it. I hope I can dig it up when I move, have had it for 20 years.
Merry Xmas to you all and have a great 2009

Thumbnail by hel
Alstonville, Australia

Here is a bit from my garden (hope it doesn't offend) it was a gift to my hubby from his mate.

Thumbnail by hel

Lol I think you took the "your other bits" a bit too literally's cute.
More foliage

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My grass tree was bought home "dead' from the tip ...I was shocked when I was able to revive it!

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polka dot plants

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I will leave that for others now ^_^
Of coarse the Angels have both! Spectacular foliage and blooms

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Sydney, Australia

I want one of those hel (on both counts - 5 headed grass tree and dog)
This is my birds nest fern. Three metres across. We have moved it twice in the last 20 years.
It was a metre across when we moved in. I wish these things can tell you their age!

Thumbnail by Budgieman
Sydney, Australia

Yep. This is the stuff I wanted to see. The other bits!
Here is my grass tree. Had it since it was a baby. (15 years now) No flower spikes
yet but I do look everytime I go past it.
Chrissy - you were right when you said "we do like foliage plants here too!" You have some
nice ones there.

Thumbnail by Budgieman
Sydney, Australia

and here is the other jolly large gentleman we expect to see in the garden this week.
Can't remember why he might have a Fijian shell necklace. Maybe an offering?

Thumbnail by Budgieman
Golden, CO(Zone 5b)

I was (perhaps overly) impressed with my Brussels sprouts a few months back. Almost looked other-worldly when I got down in there.

Thumbnail by marwood0

Wow look at those !

Sydney, Australia

Now that is a good photo.
We have revisited Brussels Sprouts recently (as in eating them) cooked with garlic and a few herbs. Looks as though I might have to throw some in the garden again.
Merry Christmas

At Christmas time just lightly cook the brussel sprouts ...drain well and saute in a little olive oil ... with just a dab of butter for extra flavour(garlic too of course) with a scattering of stuffing mix crumbs tossed around until crunchy ...really yummy xmas tasting sprouts.

Sydney, Australia

OH YUM! How come I always wait 'til Christmas for these thing????
Thanks Chrissy

Because it's a christmas thing! ^_^

Barmera, Australia

Merry Christmas and a Happy Guy Fawkes to you all.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

I toss my Brussels Sprout, Potatoes & Sugar Peas in olive oil, a little bit of salt and pepper and bake in the oven at about 395 for about 15 to 20 minutes. You can use whatever vegetable you want. You have to watch to make sure they do not overcook. They caramelize and my DH will actually eat the brussels sprouts.. This last week I added them, after about one hour, with the pork baby back ribs and they were out of this world.

As Emeril say, "Pork Fat Rules".When they are done I sprinkle them with Parmesan cheese. Delicious. Enjoy, Merry Christmas.....

Sydney, Australia

Skwinter - I'm passing this on to the boss. (only because she can cook!) Sounds absolutely yum.
Pork is a favorite of mine but when one half of the business does not eat meat it becomes difficult at dinner time. At the moment we are baking veges but no Brussels. Will add next time. Have not had them baked before so will look forward to it.
Merry Christmas

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