The Christmas Flowerpot Cafe ..... 17

Louisville, KY

Terri, we had a wonderful time, thanks. It was quiet, lots of good food, much smooching
and we went out to see the new movie Doubt, which was excellent. Y'all gotta see this one.
28 degrees- brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr be sure to wear your Everwarm suit. Last Saturday, it was 72 here and has been unusually warm, but then it's going to get cooler once more. The weather here flops around like a fish, and it's no big thing to have 70 one day and snow the next. However, over the last few years, the fluctuations have been more dramatic and have occured more often. There seems to be a definite trend. Hmmm...could it possibly be due to global warming? (insert raised eyebrow and befuddled expresion here)

Just you send that naughty child over here. We have ways of dealing with attitide- forced feeding of George Duhbyas' greatest moments in thought. bwahahahaha Oh, sorry, the tape is blank. bwhahahaha
Love those flowers BTW.

Elle, your spelling is fine. It's my twisted use of grammar that should be questioned. Ain't nuthin better than bending rools for the sake of bending rools.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hey elle, so you have three kids all grown up, any grandbabies???
I can tell you that mine were so many years ago, that I remember when you could smoke in the hospitals right alongside the doctors, now that was a long time ago, and BTW I haven't smoked in years.
Plantgeek, sounds liek you have been in a great indian summer as well least for a few days. His name is hewanna, but you just call him as you see him. Long as you dangle something to eat in front of him he answers to anything, no I am not talking about Steve!!!
If I had a cheesecake Terri I would surely send it Katie's way! The at-tude goes with the terri-tory, didn't we all have one at that age?

london England, United Kingdom

elle. good we understand each other now! Love you coming to the cafe and being a regular!!
So the secret for the eggs is to feed up the chickens well? LoL!

Hey Candee, speak for yourself! I was a good girl honest. (NOT) LOL!
I managed to buy a cheesecake, but it doesn't look as fancy as yours dear!

Plantgeek, I haven't heard of that film yet, will look out for it now, thanks for the tip!
Love my everwarm suit, everytime I'm feeling cold I just remind myself I've got it on and hey!! I feel warmer! Great invention.

Liek? is that one of those flower necklaces you get in Hawaii? LOL

Humansville, MO

hi all
i have 8 grand kids
the age go from 23 and down
and 4 great grend kids
thank terri
60 here today

london England, United Kingdom

Candee has the New Year's cafe ready, we need some help to decorate in there please!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

good for you elle, so you have a really busy familty, are they all near you or some far away. We had warm here at 50 today - was a welcome considering the day I had LOL!
Steve and I saw Mama Mia while on holiday that is another good one to see if interested plantgeek.

london England, United Kingdom

That's a big family elle! hope they dont want all your eggs.... lol!

Louisville, KY

I heard it was a hoot. Thanks Candee. I'm always on the lookout for a good flick.
Our respite from winter will end tonight, down into the 30's with high winds. Better zip your zippers and butt up your buttons. Now where's my microwaveable booties.
Wow, I remember smoking in hospitals, which I did too ( and which I quit also, over 10 years ago). Isn't it peculiar how what is acceptable changes so drasticaly? We can be so black or white about things. Silly rabbits.

Attitude? Me, as a teenager? Hahahaha I still walk with a limp from the chip I carried on my shoulder. I think it is hard-wired into us when we get our hormones to make it easier for parents to toss out their kids into their own homes, easier for kids to want to get them. lol

So, for decorations, how 'bout we all wear strands of LIEKS. hehehe Multi-colored and sprinkled with sparklies. I collected buckets of whirly-gigs from the maple tree that we can let fly at the stroke of midnight.
I brought some music- The B-52's, Robert Plant and Allison Krauss, R. L. Burnside, Hound Dog Taylor, early Rolling Stones, Flock of Seagul... oops, how'd that get in there? It's not mine, really.

Louisville, KY

LOL, yeah Elle, you better get more chickens.
Do you have an incubator or try to let any hatch out on their own? Chicks are sooo cute. They just peep their little selves all over the place.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

EArly stones, oh yeah!! Mic Jagger and the stones love it and Jimmi Hendrix.

london England, United Kingdom

Brown Sugar!!!!!!! you make me feel so goood.

I can't get NO da da da ...... SATISFACTION...... but I try ......

Louisville, KY

'Inagada da veda baby" you betcha. lol Well then, we may as well crank up The Zombies (remember Time of The Season?) and a whole lotta Led cause you need coolin', baby I'm not foolin". yeah

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

OMG inn a gadda da vida baby LOL! Now those were the dayys!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

The sixties - I love that music. I was near the Haight-Ashbury area a couple of weeks ago, but did not get the chance to walk through it. By the time I went to Berkeley in the early 70's, much of the action had died down, but there were still lots of signs of hippieness. Telegraph Avenue was always humming with people selling their wares. I have a picture of myself with a granny dress of patchwork quilt somewhere..

.those were the days, my friend.....
we thought would never end,
we sing and dance, forever and a day..

That was one of my favorite songs, full of hope and energy. But of course, I was a goodie-two-shoes back then and did not join in the sit-ins, love-ins, and whatever else was going on. The one advice I gave my kids as they went off to college was to have fun, and not just study...

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Candee - telepathy must have been in the air. I sent my post without knowing what you posted at the same time, but boy, what a coincidental tie-in. Now that is fate.

Speaking of fate and movies, I went to see Slumdog Millionaire and really enjoyed it.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

That is funny Dianne, the one thing we told our kids when they left for college is "if you go forth and multiply, don't come back", LOL they did not, but they did multiply and we have great grandbabies , but noto very close so be careful what you wish for LOL! No go find that pic in the dress LOL!

Louisville, KY

I remember granny dresses and maxi-skirts, hip-huggers and hot pants. Ssssssss
Although I was too young to wear those things, I liked the look and feel of that era. One distinct memory was watching young people dance on TV, not on sugary American Bandstand, but on a local show. Those kids were filled with cool, the way they moved, dressed, never hamming into the camera. I was only 7, (circa 1968) but I sensed they knew something that parents didn't about being right with themselves. It was like they were above the BS, too hip to it all. I decided then and there that I wanted to go live with the hippies. But since I could not, I kept my transistor radio pressed close to my wee head. "I know it's only rock and roll, but I like it"

That's excellent advice Dianne. Never, ever forget to have fun.

london England, United Kingdom

I had some red wet look hot pants in the 70's LoL!

Remember Joni?

Dont it always seem to go
you dont know what you've got till it's gone
they paved Paradise and put a parking lot ohhhhhhh bababa
they took all the trees and put 'em in a tree museum
they charged all the people a dollar and a half just to see 'em
ohh bababa
Dont it always seem to go
you dont know what you've got till it's gone!

Far out man! Freak brothers, Fat Freddies cat, cheech and chong Daves NOT HERE!

Louisville, KY

Oh yeah, I loved the album Miles of Ailes. Joni's music has hip intelligence and truthfulness about it. And I can understand the lyrics. lol I went for years thinking Elton John said, on Benny and the Jets, "she's got electric boobs, her Ma has too", instead of "she's got electric boots, a Mohair suit".

Cheech and Chong...hehehe "my mama talka to me, try to tell me how to live, but I don't listen to her cause my head is like a sieve". I had that 45 single.

Remember blue jeans with patches sewed onto every square inch? I had a pair that I was forbidden to wear, so I chucked them out my bedroom window behind a bush, strolled innocently out the door and snuck around to collect my pair of blue jean cool to change into at a friend's house.

Humansville, MO

that sound cool about the hidden blue jean
went i was young we use to go out with the boy to dance
then it was back thought the window
and into bed for an hour or 2
them was the good old day
we are going to raise our own chickern this spring

Louisville, KY

LOL Ah yes, the ritual of window sneaking. It's a rite of passage for sure.

Good luck with the chickens. If we lived closer to each other, I would definitely be you best customer for all of your farm goodies.

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Sigh........window sneaking was another thing that I have never done. Not sure what I was thinking as I was growing up - guess the old Chinese traditional traits are hard to overcome. Should have hung out with you guys - would have had a LOT more fun. LoL. But I am making up for lost time how that I am in my 50's. Terri - got any photos of those wet red hot pants???

am a little sad and happy at the same time today - happy in that the first kitten got adopted this past Saturday, and the other two got adopted yesterday, but sad to see them leave. Can get mighty attached to them in 6-7 weeks. Here's a photo when we first got them - scared and huddled up in a corner.

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

and weeks later and pounds heavier, happily at play on Christmas day.

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

So happy you found homes for the kittens, bet it was easy as they are cute as buttons. Window sneaking, guess you didn't live in a trailer like me with those jalousi windows hard to get out of LOL! I had to revert to just running away from home when I had something I really wanted to do. The troopers always found me though cause my dad was justice of the peace and he knew them all and they were always on the lookout for me and my trouble! Yep the good ole days.

So home you make it to some of the new year celebratons o the New Year thread. Guess Sue has had her bash and is waking up to the new day already in aussie land. As for Terri in London, perhaps we better get started as her new year will be in just a few more hours!
See ya over there.

This message was edited Dec 31, 2008 3:22 PM

Louisville, KY

Awwwwwwww how cute. You did a very good thing although a tough one. Hats off to you!
I fostered a cat once, she's still here 6 years later. lol
Wish I had the means to make a huge dent in the pet overpopulation problem, setting up snip clinics and such.

Candee, I packed my ditty bag a few times too. Didn't have much of a plan, mostly a determination to get the $#%@ out of Dodge. But I usuallly got ratted out, which was just as well for a kid with no money, no destination and a heaping pile of wishful thinking that a better life would fall magically into her scrawny lap. And it did after lots of work, loads of green tea. hehehe

Hey y'all, how about we start a tradition here at the cafe- we all sneak out the window into the new year wearing red hot pants, strands of lieks and whatever anyone else cares to throw into the mix. I think it would be a hoot!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

When you get outta the window, jump on over here to the celebraton. Terri only has 3 1/2 hrs. till midnight!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hey plantgeek, I found Terri trying on here new hotpants already LOL! Shall I take her to the new year cafe? Or do you want to bring her?

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Will try a bit bigger so you can see her lovely face.

Thumbnail by haighr
london England, United Kingdom

you people are crazy!!!!!!!! such fun .

LOLLY!! Laugh out loud love you!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

crazy like a fox friend!

london England, United Kingdom

I remember when I did have my hair blode like that Candee, and lots of other colours too lol!

hey everyone....... still got a great figure haven't I? it's cost me a fortune to look like this!!!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

You look fab, well I got the car outta the garage so come on everyone, Zany, plantgeek, mittsy, everyone Steven where are you and Sue, get up lets go!

You gotta get over to the cafe party for NY and see Terri in those hot pants!

This message was edited Dec 31, 2008 6:06 PM

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Elle, where are you, even your chickens are waiting to come to the party.

Thumbnail by haighr
london England, United Kingdom

and the ducks!

Nice car!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh I love your ducks!

Louisville, KY

Quite ducky.

And yes, the car is most ellegant. Your taste, superb.

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Wait - I want to ride in that spiffy car too!! or maybe I'll just take Terri's flying teapot.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

WEll which ever you take get over here!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Well, it is 10:58 here so I will be up for a while yet. I worked until 10:00 so no party for me. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! May it be a Year of happy news!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Zany - sorry you had to work so late. Are you still up? If so, a great big Happy New Year to you and definitely full of happy news.

Lots of goodies out at the New Year's cafe if you can get over there.

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