The Christmas Flowerpot Cafe ..... 17

london England, United Kingdom

Hello and Welcome to the Flowerpot cafe', come in take a seat and join the festive fun!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

LOL, great minds think purple LOL! Posted before I saw this one of yours, so since I am gonna be gone, lets use this link. I will paste it for all!

Louisville, KY

Thank you Candee. Oooweee, love that tree! Now that's my kinda decor.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

How beautiful!!!!!!!!

Thanks for th enew thread! : )

I sure hope they allow us to take pictures. I gona bring my camera and a whole package of extra batteries. May never get to see any thing liek it again.

I forgot to get batteries today. Had two littl scabiosa blooms and I picked them to bring for the cafe and no batteries. grrrrrrrrr

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

grrrrrrrrrrr wil get better Dianne, almost the holiday, so take some time to chillax and enjoy. Don't worry so much.
I love the purple too plantgeek , enjoy your day and days ahead and will see yo a bit Sat and then whip and me are headed to the tropics!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!
grrrrr Star! I think Candee got you mixxed up with Dianne LOL!!
Just love those blonde moments, what are we going to do without you over Christmas Candee?
Glad you like the purple tree Plantgeek, Thanks for the vitamins! we need Sue's purple Boa here too!
Do we have any Snow Sundaes left?

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Can you believe it? One week from now Christmas will be over and a new year will begin one day short of two weeks from now? What a remarkable thing time is. It is rushing us into 2009 faster than lightning can strike!

Purple seems to be the best color for the season to me. Isn't it supposed to be the color of royalty? Very fitting for celebrating the birth of a King.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Zany, your throne awaits you! Have a seat and get your jingle boots on lol!
How is Bob? Hope he's getting a liitle better every day.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

On the menu today ........

Snow boat with raspberry filin' enjoy!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

small portions available !

Snapdragons wrapped in Aspidistra leaves and Carnations.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Ah! I finally get the throne instead of the naughty chair! LOL Well, her magesty is pleased and will be pleased to partake of a Snow Boat... no need to curtsey... I wouldn't want yo risk you dropping the boat!

london England, United Kingdom

Welcome Mam, Thank you for partaking in our humble cafe'.!
We also have Snow Glory on the menu to tempt you today ..

Quick everyone . tidy up in the back, The Queen is here .
Take that ring out of your nose Plantgeek!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Our Snowballs are only £1.00 during Happy Hour!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

tsk tsk tsk, I fear my royal bulges will crumble the throne beneath me if I partake further in your magnificently delectable offerings...but who could possibly resist them?

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Now I am envious of you and your royal throne, Zany. I'll just have to sit on my ordinary chair and eat up all the snow balls LoL. Thanks for all the treats, Terri.

By the way, where is it that Candee is heading off to? I hope it is someplace nice and warm. Have a wonderful vacation Candee!!!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

The saying is "Heavy is the head that wears the crown" But I fear they were being polite because it is a much lower portion of me that is heavy from all the cafe goodies.

Soilsandup, I fear I have gotten so heavy that I crushed the throne and will need to rejoin the common folks in the more sensible common chairs. May I be so presumptuous as to join you?

Louisville, KY

Fear not Highness, I have cleared a table and brought your royal jingle boots so that you may commence The Excersicing of The Excess. A one anna two anna three... shake that heine, firm and finey, buns of steel if you stop whining...
Come on now, there are too many goodies to sample and we will not be able to crawl to the table if our phyiques are overly ample. Lookie here, I took out my nose ring and and looped it thru a hook in the door jamb so we can do pull ups. Of course, I cleaned it first.

Terri, I think I'll have a snowball. I'm happy, so I reckon that makes it happy hour. hehehe
Lovely treats BTW. Snapdragons are one of my favorite garden plants. I usually put some around the roses to fill in space.
Ok, since we are on a bit of a healthy kick and a purple phase as well, I made juice- beets, purple carrots, acai berries, pomegranete and a little ginger to give it zip.

Star, good luck with pics and I hope you have a wonderful experience.

london England, United Kingdom

Season's Greetings Everyone!

Dianne, Candee is going to PV? but I can't remember what that stands for lol!
Glad you enjoyed the treats! Btw There's no ordinary, sensible common chairs at the cafe!!

Zany, come and chillax with us your highness!

Plantgeek, Thanks for the delicious juice, just what I needed with all the zipping about I'm doing.
Thanks for the work out anna two anna three ..... Great!!

Coffee anyone?

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

or tea?

Help yourselves, gotta go shopping again!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Thank you mi Lady. Your efforts on my behalf are to be commended. The healthy fare you have provided do us honor and the removal of the nose ring for our excercise shows you to be a true friend of the court

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Terri, a cup of coffee would be most appreciated this morning to remove the cobwebs from my head and warm the chill from my royal bones. Might you also be able to tell me what these lovely acai berries are? I fear I have never had the good fortune hitherto of encountering them.

Humansville, MO

hi all
i sure will need that tea
it going to be cold here
and i got to go to work in it
need to come home earily to help ship rabbit tonight
brr brr
we are hoping to keep all the little one warm
down to 13
tonight and 7 tommor

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh Elle, I can't imagine being that cold. Bundle up and keep the heat on. We don't want you frozen until the spring thaw! I found a local little homestead farm that sells rabbit all cleaned and dressed. $6.50 a pound. It seems a bit pricey but I am going to pick up a couple of fryers for our Christmas dinner since neither of us has had any in many years but reading about yours has my mouth watering for them.

Louisville, KY

Mmmmm...I'm on my way. lol And I'll bring a jug of acai berry juice. It is quite yummy.
To answere your question about it, this fruit comes from Central America, grows on a type of palm tree and is usually mixed with other friut juices such as blueberry of pomegranete.
Unfortunately, it has fallen under the spell of being a new fad that some claim will do all sorts or bull&#!%, weightloss, cure cancer, ect. It does have some health benefits and tastes really good, so check it out at any health food store.

Oooo Terri, I'd love a cuppa. Thank you. Just the thing in the afternoon slump. It's one of those grey days when all you want to do is snug into a warm place with a book and a kitty, lots of candles, chocolate to nibble, DW to nibble later. hehehe

Elle, stay warm. It doesn't take long to get too frosty in those temps. But I guess you know that.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi elle, glad you popped in. I have your Christmas present here quacking away!
Hope the weather isn't too bad and you manage to get home tonight.

Have a cosy night in or a wild night out all!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Merry christmas Elle and Dave!

Fresh pears for the healthy option on the menu tonight!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Louisville, KY

Yum! Thanks Terri. Are those cinammon sticks? Beautiful arrangement and I love the top piece.

Not much going on today, cold as a popcicle, quiet outside like Sunday mornings are, yay. In spring, the windows are open and we can hear squirrels fussing at everyone at the seed tray on the porch, hear wrens and cardinals declairing rutt, woodpeckers tapping out their hunger into trees. My sweetie and I will sit and listen for quite some time. It is a wonderful thing to share stillness and the talk of wild things.
I like the convenience of city living, but find it interesting that in doing so, the drive to be among green things becomes unbearable. I think this says a lot about us, that we should remember that we are made of dirt and stone and water, indulge ourselves in a creekwalk once in awhile. OK, I've gone on enough here. lol Cabin fever.

Going to see my Dad today. his b-day is very soon, so while I have a chance, I'll give him his goodie bag full of books and sweets. Luckily, he's easy to buy for, I pick out things I like. Two peas in a pod.

Have a good one y'all

Louisville, KY

Yoohoo, oh Woman of Weeds... I just came across a plant from your neck of the woods, ptilotus exaltatus "joey", and am wondering if you have any experience with it. It's a new one here, very pretty and interesting. Seems hardy enough for drought conditions , but I have no clue how it would do here in the hot and humid South. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Y'all might want to check this one out too. It looks like it would be cool in arrangements. Park Seed has seeds and I did see 2 UK sites that carried it as well.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Plantgeek, sounds like you had a lovely relaxing day! The only wild things we see are squirrels,birds and foxes sometimes! I have a tiny garden in London, also an allotment to grow veggies and flowers. I'm so lucky to have some soil to play in, there's nothing quite like getting dirt from the garden under your fingernails!!
Wish your Dad a Happy Birthday from all your mates at the cafe in cyber space lol
Thanks, glad you like the cinnamon sticks. They are 1 metre long, never seen them so huge!
I thought we could keep them at the cafe, they might come in handy for switches if anyone gets out of order. lol

Have a good day everyone!

Louisville, KY

Thanks for the B-day wishes to my Dad. He had a good day, books, chocolates, two football games to watch...

Hey, if I didn't dig around in the dirt and have some under my nails to show for it, something would be terribly wrong. lol Playing in dirt has such a calming effect, but I don't have to tell y'all that.

Oooo, cinnamon sticks whoopin's... me first, me first. lol

london England, United Kingdom

LoL! but you have been so good Plantgeek!!!
Are you all organised for Christmas yet? Done all the presents? food shopping?Cleaned house?
Decorations? .......

gotta run! Snow Tuti Fruti for the cafe' . Have a good day everyone!

This message was edited Dec 23, 2008 2:14 PM

Thumbnail by terriculture
Louisville, KY

Yummers once again Terri. Thanks buckets.

We are as ready as we are going to be, swept up a few hairballs, stocked up groceries, movies, time-off and we are now ready to hunker down away from all the frantic madness.
I've got my sweetie, my books, my critters and plants, paper to scibble on and a too-often wicked imagination, so I don't really need anything else. Except maybe chocolate...and tea...and warm booties.. and... lol

And Terri, how do you know that I haven't been bad. hehehe It just hasn't made the papers yet.

Here are some praline covered pecans. Warning: these are highly addictive.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Plantgeek! It all sounds pretty chillaxed at your place. G' d onya mate!!
Got any more of those pecans? I seem to have gobbled the lot. lol! Thanks.

Hi everyone, busy busy I know, but try to call in for a drinkie on Christmas eve!
We still have some tables in here that need decorating . hint hint Lol.

Louisville, KY

Chillin' is strictly enforced here. lol
I knew how quickly the pecans would go, so I brought a whole case. Indulge away. And as a bonus, here is a fresh batch of hazlenut truffles and some big ol' bourbon balls. Goodness gracious!

Spider wove a huge doily for a table and I spray painted it purple to keep with our color theme. That was so sweet of her. I'll have to put a nice politician in her stocking.

I have a rabbit story that Elle will especially find interesting. My brother went to a local rabbitry to get dinner, When the owner, whom he knew, brought out a huge albino bunny, he placed it in my brother's arms and it nuzzled into his neck, then peeped up at him with its pink little eyes. Well, my bro didn't have the heart to do anything to it except find it a home. Incidently, the bunny had numbers tattooed inside an ear- obviously someones pet.
Can you say set up boys and girls? I knew that you could.

Hope everyone is well and warm and full of chocolate.

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

PG - truffles are my absolute favorite chocolates. I will try to leave some for the rest of the group. That is a heart warming rabbit story. My daughter took the three feral kittens (now very much lap kitttens) to be neutered today and found that one of them that she thought was a boy is actually a girl.....and is now, considering adopting that one. I tell you, the longer we keep them, the harder it is to let them go.

Terri - I think PV may stand for Puerto Vallarta - in which case Candee should be nice and warm down there. Christmas eve dinner is at my house - I got some garlands on the stairway. Made my Christmas tree - but still have to decorate it. But, I figure I have until 4 PM tomorrow. The tree is about 4 ft tall, a little big for the cafe tables, but it could be placed by the door.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)


Wishign you all beautiful gardens and lot sof love and joy into yoru lives!!!

london England, United Kingdom

Have a wonderful day!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Louisville, KY

Happy Holly Day y'all! Have fun, eat well, be well.

Humansville, MO

hi all
merry xmas to all
elle and dave

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

The mountains around us have a fresh dusting of snow and the sun is shining for the first time in a week or more. I woke to the sound of the neighbors little one laughing merrily as he discovered how to peddle his shiny new tricycle and was peddling after his big sister with all his might. Stepping out onto the front porch I could see two little boys running along with a new soccer ball traveling back and forth between them and their father. The excited yips of a new puppy chasing after them and nipping at the ball created more laughter.

I breathed it all in and thought of my own children when they were young and of my grandchildren, far off in other areas when the phone rang. I answered it to discover that my kids had gotten together on a conference call so they could sing Merry Christmas to me all together from 2 different states.... They were all off key, but it was just what I needed to make the morning right.

To any others out there that may be alone this holiday, take the time to enjoy the day in whatever manner that presents itself, you can feel the peace and joy around you if you are open to it. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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