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Howdy all. Any Florida folk here?

Thumbnail by Magialuna
Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Hey! Welcome from an ex-floridian, Magi!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha and welcome Magialuna, so nice to have you join us!
Do tell us a little about yourself and your garden.


Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

I want to add that "Aluna" in Romanian means hazelnut!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Welcome Magialuna!!!

Florida here :-)

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Hawaii here...what does your user name it your name? It is beautiful!

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I live on the gulf in NW Florida - WELCOME!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Smack dab in the middle of Texas but I am actually a misplaced "wantabe islander" so hang out here a lot. Glad to have you and you will truly enjoy it.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Southeast Texas here.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Western and Central Missouri here. lol

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I agree with Carol, your name is beautiful...are you still here? Welcome to the Tropical Zone Gardening forum...there are many Floridians here, and many more from all over the place. Come on in and sit a spell....


Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I wonder if she lives in Florida and where.


That's an amazing orchid!!!!

My brother lives in FLL.


Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Are you visiting now?

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Hey...where'd she go?

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Welcome! We used to live in Florida when I was a kid. It is beautiful there. We are now in Southeast Texas! I also am an "Island wannabe", so I hang out here also!

Hope you enjoy the thread! Can't wait to see your pictures! Please share!


Hi all, and I'm so sorry about not replying before now.

I'm a 5th generation Manatee County native (south end of the Sunshine Skyway if that helps?) that has moved to our getaway place in Ga. I am so homesick! If I miss some questions just kick me, lol.

Magialuna= magic of the moon. I love the luna.

I have several gardens, and I'll 'splain why. Hubby is a Ga. fella that followed me down to Fl. for 30 years. in 2006 he said "Ok, now it's MY turn!", so we sold my beloved 1896 Victorian Queen Anne two-story and moved to W. Ga. deep into the woods, with nobody for 10 miles in any direction. 911 couldn't find this place if they tried, lol.

I warned him: you can take the gal out of Florida honey, but by gawd part of Florida is coming with her! LOL! Sooo, I had him build me a 20x40 greenhouse in which I keep my tropical garden. (Dracenas, citrus, orchids, bananas, guavas, bromeliads, 3 huge staghorn ferns I took off my 200 yr old Live Oaks...that type of stuff.)

I have an herb garden off my front porch with Italian oregano, Greek oregano, Basil, Chives, Thyme, Rosemary, Sage, and I replant Cilantro and Dill yearly. And a Rudbeckia patch with some gerber daisys. I've tried growing tomatoes behind it, but they come out thick-skinned...eyew.

I have a lot of plants in big pots, so I can move them into the greenhouse come the freeze: Brugmansias, Coleus, Crotons, Agastaches, etc.

Then there's my sanity garden. (It's mainly hummingbird and butterfly plants) buddleias, salvias, bee balms, coral honeysuckle, orange trumpet vine, lobelia, gold milkweed, red mallow, echinaceas, coreopsis, and more. I also put in a peony patch with one tree peony then 4 regular peonies in front of it...they're all pink hybrids. (I joke I'll be planted before they bloom.)

I've got a big red-streaked one ton Flagstone boulder set in at one side with a weeping Japanese Maple I'm training to grow sideways like a big bonzai and santolinas planted by the boulder...then behind it the buddleias start and wrap around the backside down to the other end of the garden where the roses are. By the boulder there's a walkway made of those irregular shaped walk stones you can get at starts at the "front" of the garden by a little pond we put in and goes thru the garden up to the rise where the greenhouse sits. We put small rocks around the pond, and in the lil pond I have two miniture water lilies (yellow, pink), umbrella plant, duckweed, water lettuce, a miniture cattail, and a plant called fiber optic rush. (I plant the plants in soft sided containers so I can plop them into buckets and move them into the greenhouse come winter.) Oh yeah, and I planted purple Iris at one side of the pond and those pale pink rain lilies at the other side. There was already blue spiderwort in place there, so I left it be. And in that spot 25 years ago we planted a "False Almond", which is basically a peach tree that flowers pink but doesn't make peaches, so we left it too because it's a small tree.

I still have a lot of stuff in pots that need to go in the ground, but I can only dig so far in this red clay, so poor hubby is having to do the holes for me..slowly but surely. (Lilacs, dogwoods, etc.)

Ok, this was a major ramble! I know it sounds's hard to describe, but I'm going for an informal but grouped look.

I still own a lot on the Steinhatchee River in Florida, but we're trying to sell it. Letting go of home is mission impossible. (And the natives here call me damned yankee which I don't get? I've never been up north! LOL!)

It's so nice to meet you all. :)

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Magialuna, your yard sounds heavenly and you seem to be a magical designer! If you care to share pictures, we'd love to see them. Please come and visit us again soon!!!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I bet you miss Florida...but there must be lovely plants that grow in Georgia... I just know about snakes there.

I second the request for pictures... I agree it sounds beautiful.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Wow, sounds gorgeous! Pictures please!

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