Transplanting out in Spring.

Triad(for a few more, NC(Zone 7a)


I got three amaryllis bulbs last year in RR swaps and I planted them outside not knowing they were Christmas time plants. I got gorgeous flowers that lasted for weeks, so I left them in the ground mulched heavy. Now, since I am addicted to amaryllis I found some yesterday at Walmart for $5.00 and $7.00. I got Apple Blossom, Minerva, Red Lion and Flamingo Star. They seem to be really healthy and doing well. My question is in April or so can I also plant these in my garden and will they re-bloom in July like my other ones?

My hearts desire is to get a white one somewhere, they are so wonderful.

Susan in NC

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

For some reason the whites seem to be in really short supply this year; at least around here they are. The ones I have found locally (2 hours away, LOL) are very small and only putting up leaves, no buds. The whites I bought online are finally, after months, starting to show a bit of green.

I am not sure how hardy they bulbs will be for you as my personal experience is limited to zone 8 and higher.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

susan, sometimes they rebloom and sometimes they don't. if you plant inground, you will have to lift them at winter time. we have several threads for people that grow amaryllises in cooler climates about how to store and then replant for enjoyment the next holiday season. Others keep them potted in their patios and bring them in as necessary.

I don't read those threads too closely since I'm in a warm enough area but I think you will enjoy/learn from reading them. I have also been looking for plain White Christmas and haven't seen locally or online at a competitive price.

good on you for the WM deal. Mine has nothing. I think people at catching on about this wonderful bulb and they're selling out.

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