CLOSED: Moonflower Ipomoea Alba Come n' get it

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7b)

I have more moonflower seeds than I can trade off or plant. Send a small bubble envy with postage and I'll send you some seeds until I run out, which might be a while since I know I have over 300. Or if you have something on my want list, I would of course love to mark those off my list. :) I am trying to build up a sizable amount of Texas bluebonnet and milkweed seed, so those are very welcome. I am in the address exchange or d-mail me and I'll send you the address.

Thumbnail by aardvark7
Elizabeth City, NC(Zone 8a)

thanks joan, my puter's having "issues" again...what a team , my brain farts and it's issues.
take care
mary ann

Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

aardvark you have dmail

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I have milkweed I can trade.

Franklin, WI(Zone 5a)

Hi Aardvark...

Just wanted to mention that your photo is of Datura, not the vine related to the ipomoea family.


Lubbock, TX(Zone 7b)

Thanks Sandy. Yes that image is not correct, is it. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. However, the seeds I have are Ipomoea alba and the flower is different from that posted in the image. Sorry to those of you who know better and to anyone I might have confused. I am sure the seeds you will receive are Ipomoea alba because the plants I grew to get these were from commercial seed marked Ipomoea alba and the plant and flowers are consistent with that description.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

That is a crazy amount of seeds! May I ask for some for a friend of mine?

Seedsower, good catch. I wouldn't have notice if you haven't pointed it out. Here is a photo of the giant white moonflower. (edited to add) They bloom late summer here - August, but we had hard freeze before the seeds were mature to harvest

This message was edited Dec 16, 2008 9:32 AM

Thumbnail by LiliMerci
Lubbock, TX(Zone 7b)

Thank you for posting the correct flower LiliMerci. That is beautiful. :)

No problem on the seeds. Just send me a small bubble envelope with postage and I'll send the seeds. I'm in the exchange if you need my address or dmail me if you can't find it and I'll send it by dmail.

I was very impatient this Summer waiting for flowers and initially I thought I had gotten duds. The vines were huge, but no flowers. Then August hit and they just took off with nonstop blooms on 6 vines. We didn't get anything close to a freeze until late November (and I think even then it might have gotten to freezing for an hour or so before the sun came back up) so I was able to harvest a monster load of seed. Just sharing the wealth.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Yes. They took over my mailbox and I kept looking for buds and like you said, nothing and all of sudden in August, I would see these huge bud. They take a long time before opening (like 2-3 weeks). And they open at dusk, so if you're not spending your evening outside, you may miss the bloom(s). And it's hard to tell the bud from the unmature seed pod, they look very similar to me.

Have you tried the lavender moonvine?

My poor mailman...
attacked by the vines

Thumbnail by LiliMerci
Lubbock, TX(Zone 7b)

I haven't tried the lavender moonvine. I guess it has the same fragrance? I need to try some other varieties.

I'll bet your mailman was impressed with that monster vine. Too bad he didn't get to see the huge flowers when they opened at night. The only drawback - nobody gets to see the flowers when they are wide open unless you have visitors at dusk or in the evening.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

I don't remember if the lavender moonvine has a fragrance. It's a smaller flower though, not as impressive as the giant white moonflower.

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7b)

bump, bump. I still have alot of these to give away so don't be shy.

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