CLOSED: Offer: Red Cockscomb Celosia argentea var. childsii

Brewton, AL(Zone 8b)

Hello all...I am offering Red Cockscomb Celosia argentea var. childsii for trade or SASBE. I was given a large quantity of seed from a family member and I would love to share it with anyone who wants it. I can also provide the evelope and postage if you prefer to cover it through Paypal. Just Dmail me for my address. Thanks alot for looking.


Thumbnail by theplantguys
's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Hi Plantguys,

I'm certainly interested in those seeds. Could you miss at least a tablespoon of it?

In return you can choose whichever you want from my seed list:
If this doesn't open for you, you can also take a look at my haves list, here at Daves. It's a lot smaller, though.....

If you prefer, I can also cover the costs by paypal.

If you're interested, please send me d-mail!


Brewton, AL(Zone 8b)

Sure I would be happy to do that. I have a ton of seeds. Let me take a look and I will get back to you.

Orlando, FL

The plant guys.
I would love some of your seed also. would you trade for confederate rose and later mexican sunflower tree.
The seed are small enught to put in a regular envelope. Fran

Chesapeake, VA

Hi. Please save some of the seeds for me. I'll send a SASBE. Thank you.

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