What weird weather we're having #6

Eugene, OR

My Dh will feed most anything that eats!! We carry crackers in the car so he can feed the birds while he's waiting for me to finish shopping. He'll go buy a homeless person a sandwich instead of giving them money. Took a bit of convincing to not feed the raccoons, the babies are so cute.

You're right about them coming while you're asleep though, I can tell from my fountain (it's filthy) when they've been through.

Eugene, OR

Now that is one powerful looking dog. Too bad he hates cats. One of my neighbors has a Jack Russell like that, he has to put her on a leash (supposed to anyway) to come past my place. She's chased Fluffy under the house more than once. I finally had to talk to him about the leash thing.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

He, your DH, sounds like a great guy Sally! There should be more like him.

I do agree, the babies are cute. I don't throw rocks at them. But, then again they aren't usually standoff-ish at that age and will leave when the door opens.

another picture of Shadow about to spring for the "ball" He's funny. I'm the only one that throws snowballs for him, that way I don't have to find 15 tennis balls in this crap. Anyhow, he absolutely loves snowballs. when we go outside he paws at the snow to let me know it's play time. If he finds a chunk of Icy snow he tries to break it off so that we can play with that instead. If I happen to be up here visiting people when I'm not house sitting, he does everything he can to nudge me outside and lead me to the nearest snowball.

This message was edited Dec 17, 2008 1:50 AM

Thumbnail by redchic01
southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Jack Russels... Yep springy little things! to bad your neighbor is inconsiderate like that. If I didn't think that he would actually try to eat Itsa, I could give you him. Itsa will try to slash any dog coming after it. the Jack Russel would be something he just might be able to teach a lesson to. Unfortunately Shadow wouldn't be deterred by cat scratches.

Eugene, OR

I don't think this one would either. It's gotten a couple of nutria and I don't know how many squirrels. The neighbor was reasonable after I talked to him. He's really a nice guy, just doesn't think he should have to put his dog on a leash. But I told him he has absolutely no control of that dog if she sees something she wants. He takes her hunting with him (in camp, not actually hunting) and told me she has to 'kill' every deer they bring in. I no she nailed a squirrel that managed to get in their house one time when they were gone. They've been remodeling and had a wall exposed. Awful mess when they got home. Other times she's a sweet dog, just has this killer instinct.

I'm off to bed. Have a good day. Stay warm and safe.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Hmmm..... And I would have to say that neighbors like that I what makes living out in the country appealing! I have neighbors - as in the closest folks near me, but the are quite a ways away.

good night. I'm headed there as well.

Carnation, WA(Zone 7b)

Sally, I'll find the recipe and send it dmail - here they eat the left over walnut pesto on sandwiches as a spread in place of mayo or mustard. Any excuse to grab a spoonful.

(Judi)Portland, OR

I don't hate many living creatures but I HATE RACCOONS!!! When I lived in southern California out in the country on a lake they clawed big holes in my screen door on the deck, and made a home in my little boat - under the boat cover. rc I like the idea of putting food at the neighbor's house! LOL They are just pesty animals that have no manners! Not the neighbors - the raccoons.
Cancelled appointment today - will walk down to Hawthorne to do some christmas shopping. It is too aggravating to drive with cars sliding around. I could probably get there ok at noon but would have trouble getting home later. All the schools are closed in the Portland area so my daughter & her boyfriend, who are both teachers, will hop on the bus and come over for early dinner by the fireplace.
Everyone stay warm & safe -

Coos Bay, OR(Zone 8a)

geez red and sally... you guys stay up late!!! :-P dogs would definitly deter the raccoons.. but if you bring them becareful that the coons dont get cornered by the dogs... they are mean fighters and could do some damage. (seen it happen) so far we have only had one racoon come into our back yard and that was a mistake our dog took off after it and he was barking as loud as he could. havent seen the coon since then. see them around the neighborhood though.

as for xmas dinner... we kinda like the traditional... ham, maybe some scallopped taters, asparagus with cheese sauce etc.. and got to have the martinellis sparking cider at every holiday meal... thats a given!

well its 29* so far... says we could get some intermittent rain and snow showers later on today. but it is icky outside and lloks like rain. my oldest daughter is coming over to do some laundry and were going to take off and check out some gifts. she and my youngest daughter will be going into eugene on sunday to do their shopping so i hope the roads will be cooperative. suppossed to be raining so that should be ok and long as its not the freezing rain, but thats not forcasted.

red.. shadow is a beautiful dog! mine are cat eaters too... but unfortunatly the only lab brother i have left is getting full of lumps and bumps so dont know how much longer he's going to last. (be 14 next year) had to put his brother down in the spring.. that sucked. but not to sound morbid when he does go i have already told everyone that i will be looking for a husky mix of some sort. i had a husky/malamute growing up and she was wonderful.. she thought she just was a hairy person and went everywhere with us. thats the way we will train the puppy and to like cats and not eat them!

stay warm all!

Coos Bay, OR(Zone 8a)

here is a pic of my newest family memeber. weve had her for about 2 months shes about 5 months old now. her name is Dusty Rose (DH called her dusty cause she looked like a dustball when she was little) this was on my lap yesterday morning

Thumbnail by shokami2
Coos Bay, OR(Zone 8a)

and yes! i found my camera cord... so you get to see the pics so bear with me here! this was last week when we had hail/snow. not as much as the rest of you but was still kinda pretty.. its all gone now but we maybe in for some more. this is the back deck

Thumbnail by shokami2
Coos Bay, OR(Zone 8a)

up the front walkway

Thumbnail by shokami2
Coos Bay, OR(Zone 8a)

out my bedroom window....

Thumbnail by shokami2
Coos Bay, OR(Zone 8a)

the next few pics are of the house i had been laying the sod at... still need to work on the flower beds but that will have to wait until next week if i can get out there between rains and if the ground isnt frozen! :-P

DH's trailer with the sod i got up in cordoba by eugene

Thumbnail by shokami2
Coos Bay, OR(Zone 8a)

kinda did this out of order... this was befroe we cut the old sod (dirt) out and brought in the top soil

Thumbnail by shokami2
Coos Bay, OR(Zone 8a)

after the topsoil was spread and i laid (uuggg) 1,300 lbs. of flag stone to border the front flowerbed

Thumbnail by shokami2
Coos Bay, OR(Zone 8a)

and the last two are after the sod was down and i had planted some of the bedding plants... still need to put a top dressing of red fir mulch to make it pretty.. also planted about 120 bulbs int he bed too the day before.

Thumbnail by shokami2
Coos Bay, OR(Zone 8a)


Thumbnail by shokami2
Coos Bay, OR(Zone 8a)

in the last pick i have about 5 blue shore juniper that will eventually go over the wall and i have ordered 8 or so lithadora to trail too. the euonimus (spelling?) will trail too. i hate the wall.... so i cover it! in the spring when all the 'fluffy' bedding plants come out ill put a bunch of that stuff in too.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

WOW good job on that house. Really looks nice.

Redc-Yes we find golfballs all the time. We are on a par three so any stray shot off the tee lands in our yard. The heathers make the best ball catchers. We have been here 20 years so I would say hundreds of very nice balls. Shadow is great looking, my Shadow is a 14 yr old gray tabby cat.

Dusty Rose is a pretty cat. Love that face.

We have about four inches of snow today so far. Now the sun is out.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Ladybug, that recipe looks great. I think that I need a sandwich now!

Portland, I'm glad to know that there's more who feel the same way about those inconsiderate little ...... things! It sounds like they made a real mess of things for you. Did you ever find any way to deter or get rid of the creatures? Glad to hear that you canceled you appt. and that the kids are coming over for dinner. that's the way it should be!

Shokami, sorry to hear about your lab. That's never a fun realization. It always feels like your sort of just waiting it out. But, like you said, at least your looking forward to the positive and trying to make the best of it. Your new Dusty Rose is precious. She seems right at home there. How do you deal with the other dogs that are cat eaters and Dusty Rose? Sounds like a tricky situation. Your pictures are great. I really like the one of the walkway. Granted it might not be as much snow. But, it's a lot of snow for Coos Bay!! I think it gets snow there about 1 in every 3years? It's all relative. Your landscaping looks great! What a chore that must have been taking out the old sod. At least it would've been here because of all the clay in the soil. Hopefully that soil there is a little looser since you're close to the coast. I can never remember how to spell Euonymus either!! sometimes I get it right, sometimes wrong, I'm just happy that I know what it is and how to say it. Do they have deer there? My deer just love to eat my low growing euni's (my spelling of it). I have three that have only managed to grow about 2 inches due to them.

I'm so not looking forward to driving in to Eugene tomorrow morning. Sally you'll have to let me know what it's like there tonight!!!! But I have to go to bed earlier. I start a new job tomorrow (part time only- I would love one whole job instead of 4 parts) and I have to be there at 8am. In normal weather I would have to leave here at 6:40 am. to be there right on time. I'm thinking I'll have to leave at 5:45am and just hope that this freezing rain doesn't happen. I'm so glad for the job, and I am not sure that they could've picked a worse day to start!! Next week I have to be there at 4am. At my other job in Eugene I don't usually need to be there until 10 or 11 am, so it's much easier to deal with the bad roads that way. I'm thinking about stopping at les schwab and getting chains just in case we do get the freezing rain. I thought the ones from my previous car would fit, but nooo....... of course not!!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Willow, that's funny! Hopefully none have hit your windows. I bet that they would be interesting looking ornaments in your heathers!! What do you do with all the golf balls? Believe it or not, on occasion I find golf balls at a particular lookout that has a steep drop off. Apparently people like to see if they can hit them across the valley. They must not be very good if I'm finding them around the lookout! :-p Your Shadow sounds very cute!!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

I just talked to my sister, who is driving back to eastern Oregon from just little east of Portland. She said that the storm has made a mess of Cascade Locks and it's snowing in Hood River, but she said it's not really messy yet. She said that she had driven out of it shortly after Hood River as she was going east.

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

We woke up to several inches this morning and it has been snowing all day......light at times....and can barely see at others...........but the dog likes it!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Oooh, I can hardly wait to look at the pictures. No snow in Woodinville this morning and no snow in downtown Seattle yet. We are all ready to bolt at the first sign . . .

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

I am loving it...so many times we've watched everyone else get the snow....nothing here....WE Have Snow!!!!! DH hates it but I love it and so does the Dog...

Thumbnail by zhinusmom
(Judi)Portland, OR

Wow you really have a lot of snow! Why do dogs all love it so much?

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

I do not know why Dogs like it so much but she just loves it!!!!

Thumbnail by zhinusmom
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

I know one dog who could live without snow. She heads for the door the minute I take her out!

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Blossom does not seem to mind it even though she is knee deep in only an inch or so of snow!

Thumbnail by BeaHive
(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Porter loves the snow, wants nothing to do with rain or wind.....I guess that is understandable as they were dumped out in the forest in the fall when it was rainy and windy.....and they say dogs don't remember.....that was 11 years ago.

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

This is getting a bit long, especially with the pictures.

New Room!
New Room!
New Room!


Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Bea, those babies are such cuties!!

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Katie, New room http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/933326/

Greenacres, WA

Hi every one hows every one doing with all the snow I am snowed in at my place
here is a picture of the snow from my front door

Thumbnail by MarciaS
Greenacres, WA

another one

Thumbnail by MarciaS
Greenacres, WA

new one from the front porch they say we are to get even more.

Thumbnail by MarciaS
Greenacres, WA

here is one with my sons 18 wheeler

Thumbnail by MarciaS
southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Wow Marcia, You do have a lot of snow! How long have you been snowed in? and how much do you have? Does anyone nearby have a tractor or bobcat that they can come and clear your driveway out with?

We are in a new thread now! http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/935603/

Greenacres, WA

I don't have any one but it doesnt mater they keep saying it will warm up so I hope the snow goes away soon. I can't go any where any way. my vans transmission went out.
I just wish the snow would leave the older I get the more I like no snow even though I do enhoy looking at it and seeing the big flakes, I just don't want to go out in it.

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